Changeset 6506
- Timestamp:
- 06/12/23 16:08:16 (20 months ago)
- Location:
- Files:
- 10 added
- 6 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r4041 r6506 7 7 8 8 MYSRC_DIR = $(shell /bin/pwd) 9 10 arch_path=${MYSRC_DIR}/ARCH 11 sources_RH8_path=${MYSRC_DIR}/SOURCES/REDHAT8 9 12 10 13 all : … … 28 31 29 32 libioipsl : ../../modeles/IOIPSL/src 30 ( cd ../../modeles/IOIPSL/src ; $(M_K) -f Makefile)33 (ln -s ${arch_path}/arch-${FCM_ARCH}.env ${arch_path}/arch.env; . ${arch_path}/arch-${FCM_ARCH}.env; cd ../../modeles/IOIPSL/src ; $(M_K) -f Makefile) 31 34 32 35 oasis3-mct: 33 ( cd $(OASIS_DIR)/util/make_dir ; cp $(MYSRC_DIR)/SOURCES/OASIS3-MCT/make_${FCM_ARCH} ; make -f TopMakefileOasis3 ; )36 (. ${arch_path}/arch-${FCM_ARCH}.env; cd $(OASIS_DIR)/util/make_dir ; cp $(MYSRC_DIR)/SOURCES/OASIS3-MCT/make_${FCM_ARCH} ; make -f TopMakefileOasis3 ; ) 34 37 35 38 liborchidee : ../../modeles/ORCHIDEE/ 36 ( cd ../../modeles/ORCHIDEE/ ; ./makeorchidee_fcm -parallel mpi_omp -arch $(FCM_ARCH) -j 8 -xios2)39 (. ${arch_path}/arch-${FCM_ARCH}.env; cd ../../modeles/ORCHIDEE/ ; ./makeorchidee_fcm -parallel mpi_omp -arch $(FCM_ARCH) -j 8 -xios2) 37 40 38 41 lmdz96x95x39: … … 43 46 44 47 lmdz: ../../modeles/LMDZ 45 # ( cd ../../modeles/LMDZ; ./makelmdz_fcm -d $(RESOL_LMDZ) -arch $(FCM_ARCH) -j 8 ce0l ; cp bin/ce0l_$(RESOL_LMDZ)_phylmd_seq.e ../../bin/create_etat0_limit.e ; )46 ( cd ../../modeles/LMDZ; ./makelmdz_fcm -d $(RESOL_LMDZ) -mem -cosp false -v true -parallel mpi_omp -io xios -c OMCT -job 8 -arch $(FCM_ARCH) gcm ; mv bin/gcm_$(RESOL_LMDZ)_phylmd_para_mem_orch_couple.e ../../bin/gcm.e ; )48 # (. ${arch_path}/arch-${FCM_ARCH}.env; cd ../../modeles/LMDZ; cp ${sources_RH8_path}/LMDZ/arch-${FCM_ARCH}.fcm arch/. ; ./makelmdz_fcm -d $(RESOL_LMDZ) -arch $(FCM_ARCH) -j 8 ce0l ; cp bin/ce0l_$(RESOL_LMDZ)_phylmd_seq.e ../../bin/create_etat0_limit.e ; ) 49 (. ${arch_path}/arch-${FCM_ARCH}.env; cd ../../modeles/LMDZ; cp ${sources_RH8_path}/LMDZ/arch-${FCM_ARCH}.fcm arch/. ; ./makelmdz_fcm -d $(RESOL_LMDZ) -mem -cosp false -v true -parallel mpi_omp -io xios -c OMCT -job 8 -arch $(FCM_ARCH) gcm ; mv bin/gcm_$(RESOL_LMDZ)_phylmd_para_mem_orch_couple.e ../../bin/gcm.e ; ) 47 50 48 51 xios: ../../modeles/XIOS 49 (cd ../../modeles/XIOS; ./make_xios --arch $(FCM_ARCH)--prod --use_oasis oasis3_mct --job 8 ; cp bin/xios_server.exe ../../bin/. ; )52 (cd ../../modeles/XIOS; cp ${sources_RH8_path}/XIOS/arch-${FCM_ARCH}.fcm arch/. ; ./make_xios --arch $(FCM_ARCH) --arch_path ${arch_path} --prod --use_oasis oasis3_mct --job 8 ; cp bin/xios_server.exe ../../bin/. ; ) 50 53 51 54 orca2lim2: ../../modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG 52 ( cd ../../modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG; cp ../../../config/IPSLCM5A2/SOURCES/NEMO/arch-${FCM_ARCH}.fcm ../ARCH/. ; cp ../../../config/IPSLCM5A2/SOURCES/NEMO/*.cfg ../TOOLS/COMPILE/. ; ./makenemo -m ${FCM_ARCH} -n ORCA2_LIM_PISCES -e "$(MYSRC_DIR)/SOURCES/NEMO" -j16 add_key "key_lim2_vp key_oasis3 key_diahth key_diaar5 key_xios2" del_key "key_nosignedzero " ; cp ORCA2_LIM_PISCES/BLD/bin/nemo.exe ../../../bin/opa ; )55 (. ${arch_path}/arch-${FCM_ARCH}.env; cd ../../modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG; cp ../../../config/IPSLCM5A2/SOURCES/NEMO/arch-${FCM_ARCH}.fcm ../ARCH/. ; cp ../../../config/IPSLCM5A2/SOURCES/NEMO/*.cfg ../TOOLS/COMPILE/. ; ./makenemo -m ${FCM_ARCH} -n ORCA2_LIM_PISCES -e "$(MYSRC_DIR)/SOURCES/NEMO" -j16 add_key "key_lim2_vp key_oasis3 key_diahth key_diaar5 key_xios2" del_key "key_nosignedzero " ; cp ORCA2_LIM_PISCES/BLD/bin/nemo.exe ../../../bin/opa ; ) 53 56 54 57 verif: ../../bin -
r3266 r6506 18 18 #D- Choice of experiment in EXPERIMENTS directory 19 19 ExpType=IPSLCM/pdControl 20 #============================ 21 #-- Source following file with module settings, only if it exists 22 EnvFile=${SUBMIT_DIR}/../ARCH/arch.env 20 23 #============================ 21 24 #-- leap, noleap, 360d -
r3266 r6506 18 18 #D- Choice of experiment in EXPERIMENTS directory 19 19 ExpType=IPSLCM/piControl 20 #============================ #-- Source following file with module settings, only if it exists 21 EnvFile=${SUBMIT_DIR}/../ARCH/arch.env 20 22 #============================ 21 23 #-- leap, noleap, 360d -
r2758 r6506 14 14 #D- Choice of experiment in EXPERIEMENTS directory 15 15 ExpType=LMDZ/CREATE_amip 16 #============================ #-- Source following file with module settings, only if it exists 17 EnvFile=${SUBMIT_DIR}/../ARCH/arch.env 16 18 #============================ 17 19 #D-- leap, noleap, 360d -
r2758 r6506 14 14 #D- Choice of experiment in EXPERIEMENTS directory 15 15 ExpType=LMDZ/CREATE_clim 16 #============================ #-- Source following file with module settings, only if it exists 17 EnvFile=${SUBMIT_DIR}/../ARCH/arch.env 16 18 #============================ 17 19 #D-- leap, noleap, 360d -
r2966 r6506 16 16 #D- Choice of experiment in EXPERIEMENTS directory 17 17 ExpType=LMDZOR/clim_pdControl 18 #============================ #-- Source following file with module settings, only if it exists 19 EnvFile=${SUBMIT_DIR}/../ARCH/arch.env 18 20 #============================ 19 21 #-- leap, noleap, 360d
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