Changeset 861 for CONFIG/LMDZORINCA
- Timestamp:
- 12/18/09 16:26:38 (15 years ago)
- Location:
- Files:
- 14 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r629 r861 4 4 5 5 [UserChoices] 6 LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=3 7 # LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 8 # To force usage of this Bands file, put LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 and replace XXXXXXX by Restart Job Name 9 # LMDZ_Bands_file_name=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5/XXXXXXX/ATM/Debug/XXXXXXX_Bands_96x95x19_3prc.dat_3 6 10 7 11 [InitialStateFiles] … … 21 25 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def, gcm.def), \ 22 26 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/run.def, .), \ 23 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/traceur.def, .), \ 24 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat, .) 27 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/traceur.def, .) 25 28 26 29 -
r858 r861 63 63 PAT_ecritphy=$( grep 'ecritphy' ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def ) 64 64 65 66 ## Read LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust option in ${compname}.card 67 IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust 68 eval LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=\${${compname}_UserChoices_LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} > /dev/null 2>&1 69 70 if [ ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} -eq 0 ] ; then 71 IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices LMDZ_Bands_file_name 72 eval LMDZ_Bands_file_name=\${${compname}_UserChoices_LMDZ_Bands_file_name} > /dev/null 2>&1 73 fi 74 75 65 76 ##-- This could be define in lmdz.card, inside section [UserChoices] 66 77 ##-- Otherwise we get the value in *.def … … 87 98 fi 88 99 100 if [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] ; then 101 if [ ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} -eq 0 ] ; then 102 IGCM_sys_Get ${LMDZ_Bands_file_name} Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat 103 IGCM_sys_Put_Out Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_0 104 IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Bands file forced to ${LMDZ_Bands_file_name} and stored in ${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_0" 105 fi 106 fi 107 108 LMDZ_adjust=n 109 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && LMDZ_adjust=y 110 111 RefPeriod=${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} #0 to use a Bands file from Restart 112 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && (( RefPeriod = ${CumulPeriod} - 1 )) 113 114 [ ${CumulPeriod} -gt 1 ] && IGCM_sys_Get ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${RefPeriod} Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat 115 89 116 ## Mise en forme du fichier physiq.def 90 sed -e "s/OK_instan=.*/OK_instan=${OK_instan}/" \91 -e "s/OK_journe=.*/OK_journe=${OK_journe}/" \92 -e "s/OK_mensuel=.*/OK_mensuel=${OK_mensuel}/" \117 sed -e "s/OK_instan=.*/OK_instan=${OK_instan}/" \ 118 -e "s/OK_journe=.*/OK_journe=${OK_journe}/" \ 119 -e "s/OK_mensuel=.*/OK_mensuel=${OK_mensuel}/" \ 93 120 physiq.def > physiq.def.tmp 94 121 IGCM_sys_Mv physiq.def.tmp physiq.def 95 122 96 123 ## Mise en forme du fichier gcm.def 97 sed -e "s/${PAT_ecritphy}/ecritphy=${ecritphy}/" \98 -e "s/${PAT_day_step}/day_step=${day_step}/" \99 -e "s/${PAT_iperiod}/iperiod=${iperiod}/" \100 -e "s/${PAT_iphysiq}/iphysiq=${iphysiq}/" \124 sed -e "s/${PAT_ecritphy}/ecritphy=${ecritphy}/" \ 125 -e "s/${PAT_day_step}/day_step=${day_step}/" \ 126 -e "s/${PAT_iperiod}/iperiod=${iperiod}/" \ 127 -e "s/${PAT_iphysiq}/iphysiq=${iphysiq}/" \ 101 128 gcm.def > gcm.def.tmp 102 129 IGCM_sys_Mv gcm.def.tmp gcm.def … … 109 136 110 137 ## Mise en forme du fichier run.def 111 sed -e "s/_dayref_/${nbjour}/" \112 -e "s/_anneeref_/${yractu}/" \138 sed -e "s/_dayref_/${nbjour}/" \ 139 -e "s/_anneeref_/${yractu}/" \ 113 140 -e "s/_calend_/${CalendarTypeForLmdz}/" \ 114 -e "s/_nday_/${PeriodLengthInDays}/" \ 115 -e "s/_raz_date_/${RAZ_DATE}/" \ 141 -e "s/_nday_/${PeriodLengthInDays}/" \ 142 -e "s/_raz_date_/${RAZ_DATE}/" \ 143 -e "s/_adjust_/${LMDZ_adjust}/" \ 116 144 run.def > run.def.tmp 117 145 IGCM_sys_Mv run.def.tmp run.def … … 125 153 IGCM_debug_PushStack "ATM_Finalize" 126 154 155 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && IGCM_sys_Put_Out Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${CumulPeriod} 127 156 echo FINALIZE ATM ! 128 157 -
r615 r861 4 4 5 5 [UserChoices] 6 LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=3 7 # LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 8 # To force usage of this Bands file, put LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 and replace XXXXXXX by Restart Job Name 9 # LMDZ_Bands_file_name=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5/XXXXXXX/ATM/Debug/XXXXXXX_Bands_96x95x19_3prc.dat_3 6 10 7 11 [InitialStateFiles] … … 19 23 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def, gcm.def), \ 20 24 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/run.def, .), \ 21 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/traceur.def, .), \ 22 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat, .) 25 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/traceur.def, .) 23 26 24 27 -
r858 r861 63 63 PAT_ecritphy=$( grep 'ecritphy' ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def ) 64 64 65 66 ## Read LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust option in ${compname}.card 67 IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust 68 eval LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=\${${compname}_UserChoices_LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} > /dev/null 2>&1 69 70 if [ ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} -eq 0 ] ; then 71 IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices LMDZ_Bands_file_name 72 eval LMDZ_Bands_file_name=\${${compname}_UserChoices_LMDZ_Bands_file_name} > /dev/null 2>&1 73 fi 74 75 65 76 ##-- This could be define in lmdz.card, inside section [UserChoices] 66 77 ##-- Otherwise we get the value in *.def … … 87 98 fi 88 99 100 if [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] ; then 101 if [ ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} -eq 0 ] ; then 102 IGCM_sys_Get ${LMDZ_Bands_file_name} Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat 103 IGCM_sys_Put_Out Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_0 104 IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Bands file forced to ${LMDZ_Bands_file_name} and stored in ${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_0" 105 fi 106 fi 107 108 LMDZ_adjust=n 109 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && LMDZ_adjust=y 110 111 RefPeriod=${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} #0 to use a Bands file from Restart 112 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && (( RefPeriod = ${CumulPeriod} - 1 )) 113 114 [ ${CumulPeriod} -gt 1 ] && IGCM_sys_Get ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${RefPeriod} Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat 115 89 116 ## Mise en forme du fichier physiq.def 90 sed -e "s/OK_instan=.*/OK_instan=${OK_instan}/" \91 -e "s/OK_journe=.*/OK_journe=${OK_journe}/" \92 -e "s/OK_mensuel=.*/OK_mensuel=${OK_mensuel}/" \117 sed -e "s/OK_instan=.*/OK_instan=${OK_instan}/" \ 118 -e "s/OK_journe=.*/OK_journe=${OK_journe}/" \ 119 -e "s/OK_mensuel=.*/OK_mensuel=${OK_mensuel}/" \ 93 120 physiq.def > physiq.def.tmp 94 121 IGCM_sys_Mv physiq.def.tmp physiq.def 95 122 96 123 ## Mise en forme du fichier gcm.def 97 sed -e "s/${PAT_ecritphy}/ecritphy=${ecritphy}/" \98 -e "s/${PAT_day_step}/day_step=${day_step}/" \99 -e "s/${PAT_iperiod}/iperiod=${iperiod}/" \100 -e "s/${PAT_iphysiq}/iphysiq=${iphysiq}/" \124 sed -e "s/${PAT_ecritphy}/ecritphy=${ecritphy}/" \ 125 -e "s/${PAT_day_step}/day_step=${day_step}/" \ 126 -e "s/${PAT_iperiod}/iperiod=${iperiod}/" \ 127 -e "s/${PAT_iphysiq}/iphysiq=${iphysiq}/" \ 101 128 gcm.def > gcm.def.tmp 102 129 IGCM_sys_Mv gcm.def.tmp gcm.def … … 109 136 110 137 ## Mise en forme du fichier run.def 111 sed -e "s/_dayref_/${nbjour}/" \112 -e "s/_anneeref_/${yractu}/" \138 sed -e "s/_dayref_/${nbjour}/" \ 139 -e "s/_anneeref_/${yractu}/" \ 113 140 -e "s/_calend_/${CalendarTypeForLmdz}/" \ 114 -e "s/_nday_/${PeriodLengthInDays}/" \ 115 -e "s/_raz_date_/${RAZ_DATE}/" \ 141 -e "s/_nday_/${PeriodLengthInDays}/" \ 142 -e "s/_raz_date_/${RAZ_DATE}/" \ 143 -e "s/_adjust_/${LMDZ_adjust}/" \ 116 144 run.def > run.def.tmp 117 145 IGCM_sys_Mv run.def.tmp run.def … … 125 153 IGCM_debug_PushStack "ATM_Finalize" 126 154 155 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && IGCM_sys_Put_Out Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${CumulPeriod} 127 156 echo FINALIZE ATM ! 128 157 -
r615 r861 4 4 5 5 [UserChoices] 6 LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=3 7 # LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 8 # To force usage of this Bands file, put LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 and replace XXXXXXX by Restart Job Name 9 # LMDZ_Bands_file_name=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5/XXXXXXX/ATM/Debug/XXXXXXX_Bands_96x95x19_3prc.dat_3 6 10 7 11 [InitialStateFiles] … … 20 24 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def, gcm.def), \ 21 25 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/run.def, .), \ 22 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/traceur.def, .), \ 23 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat, .) 26 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/traceur.def, .) 24 27 25 28 -
r858 r861 63 63 PAT_ecritphy=$( grep 'ecritphy' ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def ) 64 64 65 66 ## Read LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust option in ${compname}.card 67 IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust 68 eval LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=\${${compname}_UserChoices_LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} > /dev/null 2>&1 69 70 if [ ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} -eq 0 ] ; then 71 IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices LMDZ_Bands_file_name 72 eval LMDZ_Bands_file_name=\${${compname}_UserChoices_LMDZ_Bands_file_name} > /dev/null 2>&1 73 fi 74 75 65 76 ##-- This could be define in lmdz.card, inside section [UserChoices] 66 77 ##-- Otherwise we get the value in *.def … … 87 98 fi 88 99 100 if [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] ; then 101 if [ ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} -eq 0 ] ; then 102 IGCM_sys_Get ${LMDZ_Bands_file_name} Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat 103 IGCM_sys_Put_Out Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_0 104 IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Bands file forced to ${LMDZ_Bands_file_name} and stored in ${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_0" 105 fi 106 fi 107 108 LMDZ_adjust=n 109 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && LMDZ_adjust=y 110 111 RefPeriod=${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} #0 to use a Bands file from Restart 112 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && (( RefPeriod = ${CumulPeriod} - 1 )) 113 114 [ ${CumulPeriod} -gt 1 ] && IGCM_sys_Get ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${RefPeriod} Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat 115 89 116 ## Mise en forme du fichier physiq.def 90 sed -e "s/OK_instan=.*/OK_instan=${OK_instan}/" \91 -e "s/OK_journe=.*/OK_journe=${OK_journe}/" \92 -e "s/OK_mensuel=.*/OK_mensuel=${OK_mensuel}/" \117 sed -e "s/OK_instan=.*/OK_instan=${OK_instan}/" \ 118 -e "s/OK_journe=.*/OK_journe=${OK_journe}/" \ 119 -e "s/OK_mensuel=.*/OK_mensuel=${OK_mensuel}/" \ 93 120 physiq.def > physiq.def.tmp 94 121 IGCM_sys_Mv physiq.def.tmp physiq.def 95 122 96 123 ## Mise en forme du fichier gcm.def 97 sed -e "s/${PAT_ecritphy}/ecritphy=${ecritphy}/" \98 -e "s/${PAT_day_step}/day_step=${day_step}/" \99 -e "s/${PAT_iperiod}/iperiod=${iperiod}/" \100 -e "s/${PAT_iphysiq}/iphysiq=${iphysiq}/" \124 sed -e "s/${PAT_ecritphy}/ecritphy=${ecritphy}/" \ 125 -e "s/${PAT_day_step}/day_step=${day_step}/" \ 126 -e "s/${PAT_iperiod}/iperiod=${iperiod}/" \ 127 -e "s/${PAT_iphysiq}/iphysiq=${iphysiq}/" \ 101 128 gcm.def > gcm.def.tmp 102 129 IGCM_sys_Mv gcm.def.tmp gcm.def … … 109 136 110 137 ## Mise en forme du fichier run.def 111 sed -e "s/_dayref_/${nbjour}/" \112 -e "s/_anneeref_/${yractu}/" \138 sed -e "s/_dayref_/${nbjour}/" \ 139 -e "s/_anneeref_/${yractu}/" \ 113 140 -e "s/_calend_/${CalendarTypeForLmdz}/" \ 114 -e "s/_nday_/${PeriodLengthInDays}/" \ 115 -e "s/_raz_date_/${RAZ_DATE}/" \ 141 -e "s/_nday_/${PeriodLengthInDays}/" \ 142 -e "s/_raz_date_/${RAZ_DATE}/" \ 143 -e "s/_adjust_/${LMDZ_adjust}/" \ 116 144 run.def > run.def.tmp 117 145 IGCM_sys_Mv run.def.tmp run.def … … 125 153 IGCM_debug_PushStack "ATM_Finalize" 126 154 155 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && IGCM_sys_Put_Out Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${CumulPeriod} 127 156 echo FINALIZE ATM ! 128 157 -
r615 r861 4 4 5 5 [UserChoices] 6 LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=3 7 # LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 8 # To force usage of this Bands file, put LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 and replace XXXXXXX by Restart Job Name 9 # LMDZ_Bands_file_name=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5/XXXXXXX/ATM/Debug/XXXXXXX_Bands_96x95x19_3prc.dat_3 10 6 11 7 12 [InitialStateFiles] … … 20 25 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def, gcm.def), \ 21 26 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/run.def, .), \ 22 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/traceur.def, .), \ 23 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat, .) 27 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/traceur.def, .) 24 28 25 29 [RestartFiles] -
r858 r861 63 63 PAT_ecritphy=$( grep 'ecritphy' ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def ) 64 64 65 66 ## Read LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust option in ${compname}.card 67 IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust 68 eval LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=\${${compname}_UserChoices_LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} > /dev/null 2>&1 69 70 if [ ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} -eq 0 ] ; then 71 IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices LMDZ_Bands_file_name 72 eval LMDZ_Bands_file_name=\${${compname}_UserChoices_LMDZ_Bands_file_name} > /dev/null 2>&1 73 fi 74 75 65 76 ##-- This could be define in lmdz.card, inside section [UserChoices] 66 77 ##-- Otherwise we get the value in *.def … … 87 98 fi 88 99 100 if [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] ; then 101 if [ ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} -eq 0 ] ; then 102 IGCM_sys_Get ${LMDZ_Bands_file_name} Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat 103 IGCM_sys_Put_Out Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_0 104 IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Bands file forced to ${LMDZ_Bands_file_name} and stored in ${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_0" 105 fi 106 fi 107 108 LMDZ_adjust=n 109 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && LMDZ_adjust=y 110 111 RefPeriod=${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} #0 to use a Bands file from Restart 112 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && (( RefPeriod = ${CumulPeriod} - 1 )) 113 114 [ ${CumulPeriod} -gt 1 ] && IGCM_sys_Get ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${RefPeriod} Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat 115 89 116 ## Mise en forme du fichier physiq.def 90 sed -e "s/OK_instan=.*/OK_instan=${OK_instan}/" \91 -e "s/OK_journe=.*/OK_journe=${OK_journe}/" \92 -e "s/OK_mensuel=.*/OK_mensuel=${OK_mensuel}/" \117 sed -e "s/OK_instan=.*/OK_instan=${OK_instan}/" \ 118 -e "s/OK_journe=.*/OK_journe=${OK_journe}/" \ 119 -e "s/OK_mensuel=.*/OK_mensuel=${OK_mensuel}/" \ 93 120 physiq.def > physiq.def.tmp 94 121 IGCM_sys_Mv physiq.def.tmp physiq.def 95 122 96 123 ## Mise en forme du fichier gcm.def 97 sed -e "s/${PAT_ecritphy}/ecritphy=${ecritphy}/" \98 -e "s/${PAT_day_step}/day_step=${day_step}/" \99 -e "s/${PAT_iperiod}/iperiod=${iperiod}/" \100 -e "s/${PAT_iphysiq}/iphysiq=${iphysiq}/" \124 sed -e "s/${PAT_ecritphy}/ecritphy=${ecritphy}/" \ 125 -e "s/${PAT_day_step}/day_step=${day_step}/" \ 126 -e "s/${PAT_iperiod}/iperiod=${iperiod}/" \ 127 -e "s/${PAT_iphysiq}/iphysiq=${iphysiq}/" \ 101 128 gcm.def > gcm.def.tmp 102 129 IGCM_sys_Mv gcm.def.tmp gcm.def … … 109 136 110 137 ## Mise en forme du fichier run.def 111 sed -e "s/_dayref_/${nbjour}/" \112 -e "s/_anneeref_/${yractu}/" \138 sed -e "s/_dayref_/${nbjour}/" \ 139 -e "s/_anneeref_/${yractu}/" \ 113 140 -e "s/_calend_/${CalendarTypeForLmdz}/" \ 114 -e "s/_nday_/${PeriodLengthInDays}/" \ 115 -e "s/_raz_date_/${RAZ_DATE}/" \ 141 -e "s/_nday_/${PeriodLengthInDays}/" \ 142 -e "s/_raz_date_/${RAZ_DATE}/" \ 143 -e "s/_adjust_/${LMDZ_adjust}/" \ 116 144 run.def > run.def.tmp 117 145 IGCM_sys_Mv run.def.tmp run.def … … 125 153 IGCM_debug_PushStack "ATM_Finalize" 126 154 155 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && IGCM_sys_Put_Out Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${CumulPeriod} 127 156 echo FINALIZE ATM ! 128 157 -
r828 r861 4 4 5 5 [UserChoices] 6 LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=3 7 # LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 8 # To force usage of this Bands file, put LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 and replace XXXXXXX by Restart Job Name 9 # LMDZ_Bands_file_name=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5/XXXXXXX/ATM/Debug/XXXXXXX_Bands_96x95x19_3prc.dat_3 10 6 11 7 12 [InitialStateFiles] -
r858 r861 63 63 PAT_ecritphy=$( grep 'ecritphy' ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def ) 64 64 65 66 ## Read LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust option in ${compname}.card 67 IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust 68 eval LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=\${${compname}_UserChoices_LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} > /dev/null 2>&1 69 70 if [ ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} -eq 0 ] ; then 71 IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices LMDZ_Bands_file_name 72 eval LMDZ_Bands_file_name=\${${compname}_UserChoices_LMDZ_Bands_file_name} > /dev/null 2>&1 73 fi 74 75 65 76 ##-- This could be define in lmdz.card, inside section [UserChoices] 66 77 ##-- Otherwise we get the value in *.def … … 87 98 fi 88 99 100 if [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] ; then 101 if [ ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} -eq 0 ] ; then 102 IGCM_sys_Get ${LMDZ_Bands_file_name} Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat 103 IGCM_sys_Put_Out Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_0 104 IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Bands file forced to ${LMDZ_Bands_file_name} and stored in ${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_0" 105 fi 106 fi 107 108 LMDZ_adjust=n 109 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && LMDZ_adjust=y 110 111 RefPeriod=${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} #0 to use a Bands file from Restart 112 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && (( RefPeriod = ${CumulPeriod} - 1 )) 113 114 [ ${CumulPeriod} -gt 1 ] && IGCM_sys_Get ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${RefPeriod} Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat 115 89 116 ## Mise en forme du fichier physiq.def 90 sed -e "s/OK_instan=.*/OK_instan=${OK_instan}/" \91 -e "s/OK_journe=.*/OK_journe=${OK_journe}/" \92 -e "s/OK_mensuel=.*/OK_mensuel=${OK_mensuel}/" \117 sed -e "s/OK_instan=.*/OK_instan=${OK_instan}/" \ 118 -e "s/OK_journe=.*/OK_journe=${OK_journe}/" \ 119 -e "s/OK_mensuel=.*/OK_mensuel=${OK_mensuel}/" \ 93 120 physiq.def > physiq.def.tmp 94 121 IGCM_sys_Mv physiq.def.tmp physiq.def 95 122 96 123 ## Mise en forme du fichier gcm.def 97 sed -e "s/${PAT_ecritphy}/ecritphy=${ecritphy}/" \98 -e "s/${PAT_day_step}/day_step=${day_step}/" \99 -e "s/${PAT_iperiod}/iperiod=${iperiod}/" \100 -e "s/${PAT_iphysiq}/iphysiq=${iphysiq}/" \124 sed -e "s/${PAT_ecritphy}/ecritphy=${ecritphy}/" \ 125 -e "s/${PAT_day_step}/day_step=${day_step}/" \ 126 -e "s/${PAT_iperiod}/iperiod=${iperiod}/" \ 127 -e "s/${PAT_iphysiq}/iphysiq=${iphysiq}/" \ 101 128 gcm.def > gcm.def.tmp 102 129 IGCM_sys_Mv gcm.def.tmp gcm.def … … 109 136 110 137 ## Mise en forme du fichier run.def 111 sed -e "s/_dayref_/${nbjour}/" \112 -e "s/_anneeref_/${yractu}/" \138 sed -e "s/_dayref_/${nbjour}/" \ 139 -e "s/_anneeref_/${yractu}/" \ 113 140 -e "s/_calend_/${CalendarTypeForLmdz}/" \ 114 -e "s/_nday_/${PeriodLengthInDays}/" \ 115 -e "s/_raz_date_/${RAZ_DATE}/" \ 141 -e "s/_nday_/${PeriodLengthInDays}/" \ 142 -e "s/_raz_date_/${RAZ_DATE}/" \ 143 -e "s/_adjust_/${LMDZ_adjust}/" \ 116 144 run.def > run.def.tmp 117 145 IGCM_sys_Mv run.def.tmp run.def … … 125 153 IGCM_debug_PushStack "ATM_Finalize" 126 154 155 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && IGCM_sys_Put_Out Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${CumulPeriod} 127 156 echo FINALIZE ATM ! 128 157 -
r615 r861 4 4 5 5 [UserChoices] 6 LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=3 7 # LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 8 # To force usage of this Bands file, put LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 and replace XXXXXXX by Restart Job Name 9 # LMDZ_Bands_file_name=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5/XXXXXXX/ATM/Debug/XXXXXXX_Bands_96x95x19_3prc.dat_3 6 10 7 11 [InitialStateFiles] … … 20 24 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def, gcm.def), \ 21 25 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/run.def, .), \ 22 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/traceur.def, .), \ 23 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat, .) 26 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/traceur.def, .) 24 27 25 28 [RestartFiles] -
r858 r861 63 63 PAT_ecritphy=$( grep 'ecritphy' ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def ) 64 64 65 66 ## Read LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust option in ${compname}.card 67 IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust 68 eval LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=\${${compname}_UserChoices_LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} > /dev/null 2>&1 69 70 if [ ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} -eq 0 ] ; then 71 IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices LMDZ_Bands_file_name 72 eval LMDZ_Bands_file_name=\${${compname}_UserChoices_LMDZ_Bands_file_name} > /dev/null 2>&1 73 fi 74 75 65 76 ##-- This could be define in lmdz.card, inside section [UserChoices] 66 77 ##-- Otherwise we get the value in *.def … … 87 98 fi 88 99 100 if [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] ; then 101 if [ ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} -eq 0 ] ; then 102 IGCM_sys_Get ${LMDZ_Bands_file_name} Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat 103 IGCM_sys_Put_Out Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_0 104 IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Bands file forced to ${LMDZ_Bands_file_name} and stored in ${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_0" 105 fi 106 fi 107 108 LMDZ_adjust=n 109 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && LMDZ_adjust=y 110 111 RefPeriod=${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} #0 to use a Bands file from Restart 112 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && (( RefPeriod = ${CumulPeriod} - 1 )) 113 114 [ ${CumulPeriod} -gt 1 ] && IGCM_sys_Get ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${RefPeriod} Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat 115 89 116 ## Mise en forme du fichier physiq.def 90 sed -e "s/OK_instan=.*/OK_instan=${OK_instan}/" \91 -e "s/OK_journe=.*/OK_journe=${OK_journe}/" \92 -e "s/OK_mensuel=.*/OK_mensuel=${OK_mensuel}/" \117 sed -e "s/OK_instan=.*/OK_instan=${OK_instan}/" \ 118 -e "s/OK_journe=.*/OK_journe=${OK_journe}/" \ 119 -e "s/OK_mensuel=.*/OK_mensuel=${OK_mensuel}/" \ 93 120 physiq.def > physiq.def.tmp 94 121 IGCM_sys_Mv physiq.def.tmp physiq.def 95 122 96 123 ## Mise en forme du fichier gcm.def 97 sed -e "s/${PAT_ecritphy}/ecritphy=${ecritphy}/" \98 -e "s/${PAT_day_step}/day_step=${day_step}/" \99 -e "s/${PAT_iperiod}/iperiod=${iperiod}/" \100 -e "s/${PAT_iphysiq}/iphysiq=${iphysiq}/" \124 sed -e "s/${PAT_ecritphy}/ecritphy=${ecritphy}/" \ 125 -e "s/${PAT_day_step}/day_step=${day_step}/" \ 126 -e "s/${PAT_iperiod}/iperiod=${iperiod}/" \ 127 -e "s/${PAT_iphysiq}/iphysiq=${iphysiq}/" \ 101 128 gcm.def > gcm.def.tmp 102 129 IGCM_sys_Mv gcm.def.tmp gcm.def … … 109 136 110 137 ## Mise en forme du fichier run.def 111 sed -e "s/_dayref_/${nbjour}/" \112 -e "s/_anneeref_/${yractu}/" \138 sed -e "s/_dayref_/${nbjour}/" \ 139 -e "s/_anneeref_/${yractu}/" \ 113 140 -e "s/_calend_/${CalendarTypeForLmdz}/" \ 114 -e "s/_nday_/${PeriodLengthInDays}/" \ 115 -e "s/_raz_date_/${RAZ_DATE}/" \ 141 -e "s/_nday_/${PeriodLengthInDays}/" \ 142 -e "s/_raz_date_/${RAZ_DATE}/" \ 143 -e "s/_adjust_/${LMDZ_adjust}/" \ 116 144 run.def > run.def.tmp 117 145 IGCM_sys_Mv run.def.tmp run.def … … 125 153 IGCM_debug_PushStack "ATM_Finalize" 126 154 155 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && IGCM_sys_Put_Out Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${CumulPeriod} 127 156 echo FINALIZE ATM ! 128 157 -
r615 r861 4 4 5 5 [UserChoices] 6 LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=3 7 # LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 8 # To force usage of this Bands file, put LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 and replace XXXXXXX by Restart Job Name 9 # LMDZ_Bands_file_name=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5/XXXXXXX/ATM/Debug/XXXXXXX_Bands_96x95x19_3prc.dat_3 10 6 11 7 12 [InitialStateFiles] … … 20 25 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def, gcm.def), \ 21 26 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/run.def, .), \ 22 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/traceur.def, .), \ 23 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat, .) 27 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/traceur.def, .) 24 28 25 29 -
r858 r861 63 63 PAT_ecritphy=$( grep 'ecritphy' ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def ) 64 64 65 66 ## Read LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust option in ${compname}.card 67 IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust 68 eval LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=\${${compname}_UserChoices_LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} > /dev/null 2>&1 69 70 if [ ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} -eq 0 ] ; then 71 IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices LMDZ_Bands_file_name 72 eval LMDZ_Bands_file_name=\${${compname}_UserChoices_LMDZ_Bands_file_name} > /dev/null 2>&1 73 fi 74 75 65 76 ##-- This could be define in lmdz.card, inside section [UserChoices] 66 77 ##-- Otherwise we get the value in *.def … … 87 98 fi 88 99 100 if [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] ; then 101 if [ ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} -eq 0 ] ; then 102 IGCM_sys_Get ${LMDZ_Bands_file_name} Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat 103 IGCM_sys_Put_Out Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_0 104 IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Bands file forced to ${LMDZ_Bands_file_name} and stored in ${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_0" 105 fi 106 fi 107 108 LMDZ_adjust=n 109 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && LMDZ_adjust=y 110 111 RefPeriod=${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} #0 to use a Bands file from Restart 112 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && (( RefPeriod = ${CumulPeriod} - 1 )) 113 114 [ ${CumulPeriod} -gt 1 ] && IGCM_sys_Get ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${RefPeriod} Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat 115 89 116 ## Mise en forme du fichier physiq.def 90 sed -e "s/OK_instan=.*/OK_instan=${OK_instan}/" \91 -e "s/OK_journe=.*/OK_journe=${OK_journe}/" \92 -e "s/OK_mensuel=.*/OK_mensuel=${OK_mensuel}/" \117 sed -e "s/OK_instan=.*/OK_instan=${OK_instan}/" \ 118 -e "s/OK_journe=.*/OK_journe=${OK_journe}/" \ 119 -e "s/OK_mensuel=.*/OK_mensuel=${OK_mensuel}/" \ 93 120 physiq.def > physiq.def.tmp 94 121 IGCM_sys_Mv physiq.def.tmp physiq.def 95 122 96 123 ## Mise en forme du fichier gcm.def 97 sed -e "s/${PAT_ecritphy}/ecritphy=${ecritphy}/" \98 -e "s/${PAT_day_step}/day_step=${day_step}/" \99 -e "s/${PAT_iperiod}/iperiod=${iperiod}/" \100 -e "s/${PAT_iphysiq}/iphysiq=${iphysiq}/" \124 sed -e "s/${PAT_ecritphy}/ecritphy=${ecritphy}/" \ 125 -e "s/${PAT_day_step}/day_step=${day_step}/" \ 126 -e "s/${PAT_iperiod}/iperiod=${iperiod}/" \ 127 -e "s/${PAT_iphysiq}/iphysiq=${iphysiq}/" \ 101 128 gcm.def > gcm.def.tmp 102 129 IGCM_sys_Mv gcm.def.tmp gcm.def … … 109 136 110 137 ## Mise en forme du fichier run.def 111 sed -e "s/_dayref_/${nbjour}/" \112 -e "s/_anneeref_/${yractu}/" \138 sed -e "s/_dayref_/${nbjour}/" \ 139 -e "s/_anneeref_/${yractu}/" \ 113 140 -e "s/_calend_/${CalendarTypeForLmdz}/" \ 114 -e "s/_nday_/${PeriodLengthInDays}/" \ 115 -e "s/_raz_date_/${RAZ_DATE}/" \ 141 -e "s/_nday_/${PeriodLengthInDays}/" \ 142 -e "s/_raz_date_/${RAZ_DATE}/" \ 143 -e "s/_adjust_/${LMDZ_adjust}/" \ 116 144 run.def > run.def.tmp 117 145 IGCM_sys_Mv run.def.tmp run.def … … 125 153 IGCM_debug_PushStack "ATM_Finalize" 126 154 155 [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust} ] && IGCM_sys_Put_Out Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${R_OUT_ATM_D}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat_${CumulPeriod} 127 156 echo FINALIZE ATM ! 128 157
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.