Changeset 992 for CONFIG/IPSLCM/IPSLCM5A
- Timestamp:
- 04/21/10 17:05:57 (15 years ago)
- Location:
- Files:
- 16 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r939 r992 10 10 List= () 11 11 ListNonDel= () 12 13 [SmoothFiles] 14 List= () 12 15 13 16 [ParametersFiles] -
r982 r992 33 33 # With AR5 ozone(tropo + strato from LMDZOR-INCA-REPROBUS simulations) 34 34 ListNonDel= (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/HISTORIQUE/,,\ 35 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/HISTORIQUE/aerosols_11YearsClim_18,,\35 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/HISTORIQUE/,,\ 36 36 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/HISTORIQUE/, 37 38 [SmoothFiles] 39 List= () 37 40 38 41 [ParametersFiles] … … 51 54 [OutputFiles] 52 55 List= (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_histmth), \ 53 (hist, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_histNMC), \56 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_histmthNMC), \ 54 57 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 55 58 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_D}/${PREFIX}, Post_1D_histday), \ … … 65 68 Seasonal=ON 66 69 67 [Post_1M_hist NMC]70 [Post_1M_histmthNMC] 68 71 Patches = () 69 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, p resnivs, time_counter, aire)72 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter) 70 73 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 71 74 ChunckJob2D = NONE 72 TimeSeriesVars3D = (t emp, phi, q, u, v, rh)73 ChunckJob3D = NONE74 Seasonal=O FF75 TimeSeriesVars3D = (ta, zg, hus, hur, ua, va, wap, psbg, uv, vq, vT, wq, vphi, wT, uxu, vxv, TxT) 76 ChunckJob3D = OFF 77 Seasonal=ON 75 78 76 79 [Post_1M_dynzon] … … 86 89 Patches= (Patch_20091030_histcom_time_axis) 87 90 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter) 88 TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, iwp, lwp, phi500, precip, pluc, plul, prw, psol, rh2m, q2m, sens, sicf, slp, soll, sols, SWdnSFC, t aux, tauy, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, topl, tops, tsol, u10m, v10m, wind10m, wind10max, u850, v850, w850, phi850, q850, t850, u700, v700, w700, phi700, q700, t700, u500, v500, w500, phi500, q500, t500, u200, v200, w200, phi200, q200, t200)91 TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, iwp, lwp, phi500, precip, pluc, plul, prw, psol, rh2m, q2m, sens, sicf, slp, soll, sols, SWdnSFC, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, topl, tops, tsol, u10m, v10m, wind10m, wind10max, u850, v850, w850, phi850, q850, t850, u700, v700, w700, phi700, q700, t700, u500, v500, w500, phi500, q500, t500, u200, v200, w200, phi200, q200, t200) 89 92 ChunckJob2D = NONE 90 93 TimeSeriesVars3D = (temp, theta, ovap, ovapinit, geop, vitu, vitv, vitw, pres) … … 95 98 Patches= (Patch_20091030_histcom_time_axis) 96 99 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter) 97 TimeSeriesVars2D = (cldt, psol, q2m, slp, SWnetOR, SWdownOR, LWdownOR, precip, pluc, plul, prw, t2m, tsol, u10m, v10m, t1000, t925, t850, t700, t500, t300, t250, t200, t150, t100, t50, t30, t10, u1000, u925, u850, u700, u500, u300, u250, u200, u150, u100, u50, u30, u10, v1000, v925, v850, v700, v500, v300, v250, v200, v150, v100, v50, v30, v10, phi1000, phi925, phi850, phi700, phi500, phi300, phi250, phi200, phi150, phi100, phi50, phi30, phi10, w1000, w925, w850, w700, w500, w300, w250, w200, w150, w100, w50, w30, w10, q1000, q925, q850, q700, q500, q300, q250, q200, q150, q100, q50, q30, q10)100 TimeSeriesVars2D = (cldt, psol, q2m, slp, SWnetOR, SWdownOR, LWdownOR, precip, pluc, plul, t2m, tsol, u10m, v10m, t850, t700, t500, t200, t50, t10, u850, u700, u500, u200, u50, u10, v850, v700, v500, v200, v50, v10, phi850, phi700, phi200, phi50, phi10, w850, w700, w500, w200, w50, w10, q850, q700, q500, q200, q50, q10) 98 101 ChunckJob2D = OFF 99 102 TimeSeriesVars3D = (temp, theta, ovap, ovapinit, vitu, vitv) -
r939 r992 18 18 (${R_BC}/CPL/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/mozaic.wa2o.runoff,,\ 19 19 (${R_BC}/CPL/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/mozaic.wa2o.calvin, 20 21 [SmoothFiles] 22 List= () 20 23 21 24 [ParametersFiles] -
r971 r992 29 29 (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/,,\ 30 30 (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/kRGB61.txt, .) 31 32 [SmoothFiles] 33 List= () 31 34 32 35 [ParametersFiles] -
r939 r992 14 14 List= () 15 15 ListNonDel= () 16 17 [SmoothFiles] 18 List=() 16 19 17 20 [ParametersFiles] -
r974 r992 21 21 (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, .), \ 22 22 (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, .) 23 24 [SmoothFiles] 25 List= () 23 26 24 27 [ParametersFiles] -
r939 r992 11 11 List= () 12 12 ListNonDel= (${R_BC}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/, .) 13 14 [SmoothFiles] 15 List= () 13 16 14 17 [ParametersFiles] -
r907 r992 63 63 # - lev_histmth=4 => champs tendances 3d 64 64 lev_histmth=2 65 ### parametres pour hist* 66 #lev_histdayNMC: nombre de niveaux sur la verticale dans le fichier 67 # histdayNMC: 8 ou 17 68 lev_histdayNMC=8 69 ### ecrit_ins = frequence ecriture fichier en jours 70 ecrit_ins=0.125 65 71 ### ecrit_hf = frequence ecriture fichier en jours 66 72 ecrit_hf=0.250 -
r939 r992 10 10 List= () 11 11 ListNonDel= () 12 13 [SmoothFiles] 14 List= () 12 15 13 16 [ParametersFiles] -
r984 r992 35 35 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/HISTORIQUE/, 36 36 37 [SmoothFiles] 38 List= () 39 37 40 [ParametersFiles] 38 41 List= (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/physiq.def_L${RESOL_ATM_Z}, physiq.def), \ … … 50 53 [OutputFiles] 51 54 List= (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_histmth), \ 52 (hist, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_histNMC), \55 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_histmthNMC), \ 53 56 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 54 57 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_D}/${PREFIX}, Post_1D_histday), \ … … 64 67 Seasonal=ON 65 68 66 [Post_1M_hist NMC]69 [Post_1M_histmthNMC] 67 70 Patches = () 68 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, p resnivs, time_counter, aire)71 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter) 69 72 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 70 73 ChunckJob2D = NONE 71 TimeSeriesVars3D = (t emp, phi, q, u, v, rh)72 ChunckJob3D = NONE73 Seasonal=O FF74 TimeSeriesVars3D = (ta, zg, hus, hur, ua, va, wap, psbg, uv, vq, vT, wq, vphi, wT, uxu, vxv, TxT) 75 ChunckJob3D = OFF 76 Seasonal=ON 74 77 75 78 [Post_1M_dynzon] … … 85 88 Patches= (Patch_20091030_histcom_time_axis) 86 89 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter) 87 TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, iwp, lwp, phi500, precip, pluc, plul, prw, psol, rh2m, q2m, sens, sicf, slp, soll, sols, SWdnSFC, t aux, tauy, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, topl, tops, tsol, u10m, v10m, wind10m, wind10max, u850, v850, w850, phi850, q850, t850, u700, v700, w700, phi700, q700, t700, u500, v500, w500, phi500, q500, t500, u200, v200, w200, phi200, q200, t200)90 TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, iwp, lwp, phi500, precip, pluc, plul, prw, psol, rh2m, q2m, sens, sicf, slp, soll, sols, SWdnSFC, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, topl, tops, tsol, u10m, v10m, wind10m, wind10max, u850, v850, w850, phi850, q850, t850, u700, v700, w700, phi700, q700, t700, u500, v500, w500, phi500, q500, t500, u200, v200, w200, phi200, q200, t200) 88 91 ChunckJob2D = NONE 89 92 TimeSeriesVars3D = (temp, theta, ovap, ovapinit, geop, vitu, vitv, vitw, pres) … … 94 97 Patches= (Patch_20091030_histcom_time_axis) 95 98 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter) 96 TimeSeriesVars2D = (cldt, psol, q2m, slp, SWnetOR, SWdownOR, LWdownOR, precip, pluc, plul, prw, t2m, tsol, u10m, v10m, t1000, t925, t850, t700, t500, t300, t250, t200, t150, t100, t50, t30, t10, u1000, u925, u850, u700, u500, u300, u250, u200, u150, u100, u50, u30, u10, v1000, v925, v850, v700, v500, v300, v250, v200, v150, v100, v50, v30, v10, phi1000, phi925, phi850, phi700, phi500, phi300, phi250, phi200, phi150, phi100, phi50, phi30, phi10, w1000, w925, w850, w700, w500, w300, w250, w200, w150, w100, w50, w30, w10, q1000, q925, q850, q700, q500, q300, q250, q200, q150, q100, q50, q30, q10)99 TimeSeriesVars2D = (cldt, psol, q2m, slp, SWnetOR, SWdownOR, LWdownOR, precip, pluc, plul, t2m, tsol, u10m, v10m, t850, t700, t500, t200, t50, t10, u850, u700, u500, u200, u50, u10, v850, v700, v500, v200, v50, v10, phi850, phi700, phi200, phi50, phi10, w850, w700, w500, w200, w50, w10, q850, q700, q500, q200, q50, q10) 97 100 ChunckJob2D = OFF 98 101 TimeSeriesVars3D = (temp, theta, ovap, ovapinit, vitu, vitv) -
r939 r992 18 18 (${R_BC}/CPL/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/mozaic.wa2o.runoff,,\ 19 19 (${R_BC}/CPL/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/mozaic.wa2o.calvin, 20 21 [SmoothFiles] 22 List= () 20 23 21 24 [ParametersFiles] -
r971 r992 29 29 (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/,,\ 30 30 (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/kRGB61.txt, .) 31 32 [SmoothFiles] 33 List= () 31 34 32 35 [ParametersFiles] -
r984 r992 14 14 List= () 15 15 ListNonDel= () 16 17 [SmoothFiles] 18 List=() 16 19 17 20 [ParametersFiles] -
r974 r992 21 21 (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, .), \ 22 22 (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, .) 23 24 [SmoothFiles] 25 List= () 23 26 24 27 [ParametersFiles] -
r939 r992 11 11 List= () 12 12 ListNonDel= (${R_BC}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/, .) 13 14 [SmoothFiles] 15 List= () 13 16 14 17 [ParametersFiles] -
r984 r992 63 63 # - lev_histmth=4 => champs tendances 3d 64 64 lev_histmth=2 65 ### parametres pour hist* 66 #lev_histdayNMC: nombre de niveaux sur la verticale dans le fichier 67 # histdayNMC: 8 ou 17 68 lev_histdayNMC=8 69 ### ecrit_ins = frequence ecriture fichier en jours 70 ecrit_ins=0.125 65 71 ### ecrit_hf = frequence ecriture fichier en jours 66 72 ecrit_hf=0.250
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