#- $Id: inca.card 70 2007-06-21 14:20:42Z acosce $ [Compatibility] libIGCM=1.0 [UserChoices] # Set climatological to choose if the simulation will use online 10m wind (=y) or offline (=n) climatological=n # Set climatological to choose the write_frequency for inca output (inca_avgr, forcage, inca_inst) # 86400 = daily output freq_write_chem=86400 # heat fluxes computed with feedback corresponding to 0 --> no aerosol effects, 1--> aerosol effects selected by ok_ade, ok_aie feedb=0 [InitialStateFiles] List= () [BoundaryFiles] List= () ListNonDel= (${R_INIT}/CHM/LMDZORINCA/INCA${RESOL_CHM}/npp.nc , npp.nc )\ (${R_INIT}/CHM/LMDZORINCA/INCA${RESOL_CHM}/oxydants.nc , oxydants.nc )\ (/ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p24cozic/WORK/INCA_HELIUM/HELIUM/sflx_lmdz_phyHELIUM.nc , sflx.nc )\ (/ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p24cozic/WORK/INCA_HELIUM/HELIUM/Helium_volcanic_lmdz_phy.nc , aircraft.nc )\ (${R_INIT}/CHM/LMDZORINCA/INCA${RESOL_CHM}/landuse.nc , landuse.nc ),\ (${R_INIT}/CHM/LMDZORINCA/INCA${RESOL_CHM}/phototable_glo.dat , phototable.dat ) [ParametersFiles] List= (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/inca.def, .) [RestartFiles] # List restart that have to be saved/restored each loop (file out, saved, and in) : List= (NONE) [OutputText] List=(inca.out,inca.def) [OutputFiles] List= (inca_avgr.nc, ${R_OUT_CHM_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_inca_avgr.nc, Post_1M_inca_avgr ),\ (forcage.nc, ${R_OUT_CHM_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_forcage.nc, NONE) [Post_1M_inca_avgr] Patches= () GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter) TimeSeriesVars2D = () ChunckJob2D = NONE TimeSeriesVars3D = () ChunckJob3D = NONE