15 years |
mafoipsl |
More CMIP5 and IPSL output variables (daily and monthly) for NEMO OPA9 and …
15 years |
cetlod |
CE : Update IPSLCM5A config for AR5 version of PISCES model
15 years |
sdipsl |
- Some more atmospheric variables
- Some homogenization between card
15 years |
sdipsl |
- Update atmospheric variables
- Some more update to come
15 years |
sdipsl |
- Small update
15 years |
mmaipsl |
Activate standard production of second history file for SECHIBA (HF = …
15 years |
mmaipsl |
MM : adapt IPSLCM5A for AR5 version of ORCHIDEE.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
add missing comma and change histmthNMC into histdayNMC once.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Bug in ok_histNMC updates in all COMP/lmdz.driver.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use ok_histNMC input parameter to set monthly, daily and HF frequencies …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Add Daily and HF NMC output files processing in EXP00 and piControl …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Add COSP files processing in historical and piControl.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Add COSP compilation and files processing in EXP00.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
-q save option deleted on aix6 system to reduce memory usage.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
JobName simplification to keep working Restart operations.
15 years |
aclsce |
Titane added for NEMO compilation
15 years |
sdipsl |
- Some homogenization between directory regarding :
- SmoothFiles? …
15 years |
sdipsl |
Correct a typo
15 years |
sdipsl |
Update historical directory hosting simulation having historical setup.
15 years |
sdipsl |
First copy for the historical directory
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Updated piControl directory hosting simulation having preindustrial setup.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Add PiControl? directory hosting simulation having preindustrial setup.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Adapted config.card to IPSLCM5A.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
IPSLCM5A : copied from IPSLCM5_v3
copied from CONFIG/IPSLCM/IPSLCM5/branches/IPSLCM5_v3:
15 years |
sdipsl |
- Update cmip5 pisces variables lists according to Christian's work