14 years |
acosce |
ACo : change LMDZINCA_v3 card to modifie the resolution by default
14 years |
acosce |
ACo: add a new branche for LMDZINCA config in resolution 96x95
14 years |
acosce |
ACo : save branches LMDZINCA_v3_1 (config LMDZINCA in 96x72)
14 years |
acosce |
New phototable file
14 years |
acosce |
Update to be able to compil INCA4
14 years |
acosce |
Config LMDZINCA for new INCA version
15 years |
acosce |
change create_etat0_limit by ce0l
15 years |
acosce |
Modification to run LMDZINCA on titane : Replaced compname variable by …
15 years |
acosce |
Add clean target in AA_Make for LMDZINCA_v3 config
15 years |
acosce |
Clean input file in inca.card (LMDZINCA config)
15 years |
acosce |
Change path for boundaries files in LMDZINCA config
15 years |
acosce |
ACo : update LMDZINCA_v3 config
1- add TS in inca.card
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: add resolution 9695 for Bands Files
15 years |
acosce |
ACo : add change for Bands Files
15 years |
acosce |
ACo : update LMDZ calendar
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: Update config LMDZINCA (Rebuild on Archive - LMDZ calendar
16 years |
jgipsl |
Keep rebuild working for histmth.
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: add resolution 96x95x19 for compilation in LMDZINCA config
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: change write time step for histmth in LMDZINCA config
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: change -m option by -arch for INCA compilation
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: update LMDZINCA_v3 config with new makelmdz_fcm, and new flags for …
16 years |
acosce |
In LMDZINCA_v3 config : add files BandsResol? in PARAM directories
16 years |
acosce |
In LMDZINCA_v3 config : add copy of the BandsResol? file in lmdz.card
16 years |
acosce |
change the name of the script inca_fcm by makeinca_fcm for inca …
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: change compilation in AA_make LMDZINCA_v3, by default : mpi
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: add new flags in physiq.def
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: new AA_make for openmp config, and new flags in physiq.def
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: new config for LMDZINCA with openmp
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: LMDZINCA trunk moved
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: LMDZINCA trunk moved
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: LMDZINCA trunk moved
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: LMDZINCA trunk moved
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: LMDZINCA trunk moved
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: LMDZINCA trunk moved
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: LMDZINCA trunk moved
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: LMDZINCA trunk moved
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: LMDZINCA trunk moved
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: LMDZINCA_v3_0 moved in LMDZINCA/branches
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: LMDZINCA_v2_2 moved in LMDZINCA/tags
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: LMDZINCA_v2_1 moved in LMDZINCA/tags
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: complete LMDZINCA, IPSL_ESM, LMDZORINCA tree with trunk, branches and …
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: LMDZINCA level added in config SVN tree