13 years |
acosce |
Bugfix on compilation for CREATE_ETAT0 with new config of LMDZ5INCA4
13 years |
acosce |
Add Bands_file by default for AER version with 39 levels
13 years |
acosce |
Add inca output text
13 years |
acosce |
Change the version of phototable file for INCA4
13 years |
acosce |
Add levels number in resolution during the compilation of inca
13 years |
acosce |
Create new config for last version of INCA (INCA4 - 19 or 39 levels - AP …
13 years |
acosce |
bugfix in compilation of LMDZORINCA
13 years |
acosce |
1- add Bands Files by default for NMHC_AER_39levels
2- …
13 years |
acosce |
Correction of bug in lmdzorinca config
13 years |
acosce |
correction of little bug in AA_make of LMDZORINCA
13 years |
acosce |
Correction of bug in lmdz.driver for CREATE (LMDZORINCA)
13 years |
acosce |
correction for create grid and E0L with LMDZORINCA
13 years |
acosce |
change path of files in LMDZORINCA card
13 years |
acosce |
add type_trac parameter in physiq.def in order to run with …
13 years |
acosce |
Correct a bug in LMDZORINCA config
(forget to read LMDZ_Physiq variable …
13 years |
acosce |
Correct some bug in LMDZORINCA script
13 years |
acosce |
Add file txt output for inca model (version 4)
13 years |
acosce |
Change INCA by INCA3 for correct bug of compilation (lmdz loof for INCA3 …
13 years |
acosce |
remove ID number of model --> like this we can change more easily between …
13 years |
acosce |
Add possibility to use new physiq of LMDZ in LMDZORINCA config
13 years |
acosce |
Change some LMDZ by INCA (in inca.driver)
13 years |
acosce |
Now value of config_inca (physiq.def) is write by inca.driver (change copy …
13 years |
acosce |
In LMDZORINCA PARAM/physiq.def --> value of config_inca is now write by …
13 years |
acosce |
Add new resolution with 39 levels in INCA config
13 years |
acosce |
Add new resolution with 39 levels in INCA config
13 years |
acosce |
Add new resolution with 39 levels in INCA config
13 years |
acosce |
Correct a parameter in guide.def for LMDZORINCA
13 years |
acosce |
Add example of LMDZ_Bands_file_name for config AER and NMHC_AER
13 years |
acosce |
* Add JobRunOption? for Vargas
* Add …
13 years |
acosce |
1) Changed to use PFTmap from annual files (instead of a big file with all …
13 years |
acosce |
Add stomate in configuration LMDZORINCA - 39 levels - GES
13 years |
acosce |
Forget ce0l in this configuration of LMDZORINCA
13 years |
acosce |
Create file .chimie
13 years |
acosce |
New experiment directory for INCA - use .chimie to new the chemistry
13 years |
acosce |
Change experiment directory name in LMDZORINCA config
13 years |
acosce |
Remove experiments directories in LMDZORINCA --> we want one directory for …
13 years |
acosce |
Add Stomate to LMDZORINCA config
13 years |
acosce |
Change INCA4 by INCA3 in AA_make for LMDZORINCA HER version
13 years |
acosce |
New config for INCA4_HET model
13 years |
acosce |
Mistake on name
13 years |
acosce |
New branche for INCA4_HET model
13 years |
acosce |
Change phototable file in INCA4 version
13 years |
acosce |
* Modify run.def physiq.def gcm.def by merging with LMDZOR config - …
13 years |
acosce |
New tag for merging with card of LMDZOR config
13 years |
acosce |
Correction for BandsResol? in driver for LMDZORINCA
13 years |
acosce |
change /dmnfs11/cont003/p86cozic by path
13 years |
acosce |
Change card of LMDZORINCA for 39 levels dev
13 years |
acosce |
Create new branche for dev of 39 levels in INCA3
14 years |
acosce |
clean one more directory with gmake clean in LMDZORINCA config
14 years |
acosce |
Add Script directory for CREATE in LMDZORINCA
14 years |
acosce |
new option in CREATE directory to add creation of grid
14 years |
acosce |
Change AA_make to compile LMDZ5/ce0l (in CREATE_E0 directory)
14 years |
acosce |
ACo : change create_etat0_limit by ce0l for LMDZORINCA
14 years |
acosce |
ACo : update ce0l for LMDZORINCA
14 years |
acosce |
ACo : change chmod on BandsResol? for titane
14 years |
acosce |
ACo : change chmod on BandsResol? for titane
14 years |
acosce |
ACo : correction to compile INCA4 instead of INCA3
14 years |
acosce |
ACo : create new config LMDZORINCA to use INCA4
14 years |
acosce |
ACo : add a new resolution (144x142x19) for LMDZORINCA_AER
14 years |
acosce |
ACo delete directory EXP_IPCC form LMDZORINCA config
14 years |
acosce |
mistake in my last commit ... new bandResol files
14 years |
acosce |
Option adjust cause bug on aerosols in LMDZORINCA config. So we remove …
14 years |
acosce |
Correction of path for Orchidee file in LMDZORINCA config
14 years |
acosce |
New version of LMDZORINCA ---> same configuration than IPSLCM5A/EXP00 for …
15 years |
acosce |
15 years |
acosce |
Create new branche to LMDZORINCA
15 years |
acosce |
Create a tag to save LMDZORINCA first config
15 years |
acosce |
Modification on lmdz.driver to run on titane (LMDZORINCA)
15 years |
acosce |
Change cards for configuration LMDZORINCA/CH4 - NMHC - GES
* specify the …
15 years |
acosce |
Change cards for configuration LMDZORINCA/CH4_AER
* new resolution by …
15 years |
acosce |
Add line in makefile (LMDZORINCA) for compilation on platine
15 years |
acosce |
Change cards for configuration LMDZORINCA/NMHC_AER
* new resolution by …
15 years |
acosce |
forget a parameter for nudging
15 years |
acosce |
Change cards for configuration LMDZORINCA/AER
* new resolution by …
15 years |
acosce |
- Change RebuildFromArchive? to none
- modification to run on titane
15 years |
acosce |
Add clean target in AA_Make for LMDZORINCA config
15 years |
acosce |
Clean input files in inca.card (LMDZORINCA config)
15 years |
acosce |
change path for boundaries files in LMDZORINCA config
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: add repertory POST in LMDZORINCA config
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: update LMDZORINCA config
1- add TS in inca.card
2- add …
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: add resolution 9695 for Bands Files
15 years |
acosce |
ACo : add change for files Bands
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: update
- LMDZ calendar
- rebuild on archive
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: new parameter files for orchidee in LMDZORINCA
15 years |
acosce |
ACo : mise a jour des fichiers d'input pour cette config
15 years |
aclsce |
Use patch for time counter in double
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: correct an error on inca.card for LMDZORINCA/EXP_IPCC
16 years |
acosce |
ACo : update LMDZORINCA config + add a directory EXP_IPCC
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: add resolution 96x95x19 for compilation in LMDZORINCA config
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: change histmth -> daily by defaut now in LMDZORINCA config
16 years |
acosce |
ACo : correct an error in EXP_AER for LMDZORINCA config
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: one resolution was missing in LMDZORINCA config
16 years |
acosce |
ACo : correction in LMDZORINCA config
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: change -m option by -arch for INCA compilation
16 years |
acosce |
ACo : update LMDZORINCA config
16 years |
acosce |
ACo : Remove directory EXP00 in LMDZORINCA config
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: LMDZORINCA trunk moved
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: LMDZORINCA trunk moved
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: LMDZORINCA trunk moved
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: LMDZORINCA trunk moved