9 years |
jgipsl |
Updated all config.card to be used with libIGCM v2.7 in IPSLCM5_v5 and …
10 years |
acosce |
Add a new configuration LMDZORINCA_v5.2
- use last version of orchidee
10 years |
jgipsl |
Add error check if the year is not in forcing file for solar activity and …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Removed option to automatically launch create_etat0_limit in a simulation …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Corrected time steps for NPv3.2 physics.
10 years |
jgipsl |
Propagate modifications done in [2262] to other coupled configurations.
10 years |
jgipsl |
Changed to use version v5 for aerosols_ input files instead of v3 for all …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Updated iphysiq and nsplit_phys for NPv3.1 and NPv3.2 physics in LMDZ. …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Add version NPv3.2 : stable version of NPv3.1 LMDZ physics.
11 years |
jgipsl |
Deactivate seasonal average for histmthNMC file in lmdz.card forced …
11 years |
sdipsl |
Fix call stack tree
11 years |
acosce |
Remove TimeSeries3D (variables weren't in output files)
11 years |
acosce |
Fixe a bug in inca.card (IPSLCM5CHT_v5 config)
11 years |
acosce |
change restart date
11 years |
acosce |
Add short explanation to how rerun the simulation 1989.6 with IPSLCM5CHT
11 years |
acosce |
Update IPSLCM5CHT configuration
11 years |
acosce |
Modifications in IPSLCM5CHT configuration :
- remove piControl …
11 years |
acosce |
Add in section Output_Text all files useful for debugging (with pack there …
11 years |
acosce |
Add historical simulation for IPSLCM5CHT config
11 years |
jgipsl |
Removed INCLUDEDEF=orchidee.def, inca.def, reprobus.def and guide.def from …
11 years |
acosce |
Add external parameter in inca for IPSLCM5CHT
11 years |
acosce |
Add new external parameter (aerosol feedback) in differents inca config
11 years |
acosce |
Change INCA3 by INCA in compilation of IPSLCM5CHT
12 years |
jgipsl |
OldName? was missing in LMDZ/clim/config.card. OldName? is a mandatory …
12 years |
jgipsl |
Only change in comment for flag_aerosol (add =0 no aerosol).
12 years |
acosce |
Add inca.def copy in RUN_DIR
12 years |
acosce |
Add a parameter file for INCA model : inca.def
12 years |
jgipsl |
Corrected one parmeter for case CWRR (new hydrol).
12 years |
jgipsl |
- Ajoute variable DefSuffix? dans orchidee.card. DefSuffix?=Choi par defaut. …
12 years |
acosce |
Modify lmdz.card/lmdz.driver/config.def to fit with last LMDZ revision …
12 years |
sdipsl |
- For homogoneity between configuration
12 years |
acosce |
Change path for input file on inca.card (use cccwork instead of dmnfs)
12 years |
sdipsl |
Correct syntax error so as to be portable (ada)
12 years |
jgipsl |
Added modifications for REPROBUS in coupled mode.
12 years |
jgipsl |
Corrected bug affecting create_etat0_limit for leap calendar.
12 years |
jgipsl |
Changed ${R_OUT} into ${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT when it concerns a input …
12 years |
jgipsl |
Corrected bug while using experience CREATE :
Added test if file Bands_ …
12 years |
jgipsl |
Type error in last commit.
12 years |
jgipsl |
Corrected bug in lmdz.driver introduced by myself in rev 1892 :
Before …
12 years |
jgipsl |
Changed to copy Bands file into PARAM directory in submit dir. An extra …
12 years |
jgipsl |
Added in InitialStateFiles? start.nc and startphy.nc for LMDZ, only in …
12 years |
jgipsl |
Changed to RESOL_ATM instead of LMD9695.
12 years |
acosce |
Add README "How to create a job and run directory" in each config
12 years |
jgipsl |
- Corrected DateEnd? to end with 30 when CalendarType?=360d.
- Changed …
12 years |
acosce |
Bug fixed in IPSLCM5CHT_v5
12 years |
acosce |
Add coupled configuration with aerosol online