8 years |
jgipsl |
pmagic can now be set in lmdz.card. The default value (always 0.0) is used …
8 years |
jgipsl |
- Removed ok_strato and ok_hines from physiq.def. These flags are set in …
8 years |
lfairhead |
Changing physics version used in LMDZ for IPSLCM6.0.4 reference
8 years |
omamce |
O.M : rajout TS riverflow et coastalflow
8 years |
omamce |
O.M. : passage a la geometrie eORCA1.2 : Caspienne corrigee
8 years |
aclsce |
IPSLCM6.0.4 : Fixed bugs
8 years |
lfairhead |
Definition of the physics package to use for LMDZ in the IPSLCM6.0.4 …
8 years |
cetlod |
Update namelist parameters file, sources files & xml files according to …
8 years |
aclsce |
Set up of IPSLCM6.0.4 (see details …
8 years |
omamce |
O.M.: add damping in closed seas for PISCES tracers
8 years |
omamce |
O.M. : coorect line to save bioscalar
8 years |
sdipsl |
- Add a present day control setup for IPSLCM6
- Update config.card …
8 years |
lfairhead |
Parameters that were in convection.def file are now in physiq.def file
No …
8 years |
omamce |
O.M. : ajout de wfo dans les series temporelles
8 years |
omamce |
O.M. : corrections 2 coquilles (pas de sorties OPA et PISCES)
8 years |
omamce |
O.M. : correction to file_def_nemo to match iodef.xml of Shaconemo
8 years |
omamce |
O.M. : les namelist*_* sont prises dans les sources NEMO
8 years |
aclsce |
LMDZ NPv5.5 for IPSLCM6.0.3-LR configuration.
8 years |
aclsce |
Cleaning in IPSLCM6 configuration
8 years |
jgipsl |
Bug: Corrected vegetation map used for piControl experiment if no restart …
8 years |
lfairhead |
Subfixed convection.def file with LMDZ physics version
8 years |
lfairhead |
Added copy of convection.def file for new physics LMDZ
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : takes now namelist _ref in NEMO sources
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : restauration de l'ordre d'appel des composantes
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : correct number of cores for NEMO
introduce ORCA_version
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : takes sstoc in igcmg
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : correction du commit precedent.
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. ORCA_version in config.card
Use orchidee xml file from source dir
9 years |
jgipsl |
Update with modifications done on LMDZOR_v6:
* pmagic changed to 0.0 in …
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : change orca number of cores to fill full Curie nodes
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : LMDZ initial states taken from IGCMG
Use of vert.def
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : ajout wfo dans time series, pour suivi bilan en eau
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. :
First commit for IPSCLM6.0.0
Ocean physics : reduced penetration of …
9 years |
lfairhead |
Fixing typos
9 years |
aclsce |
- Adapted xml files and cards to new NEMO revision
- Fixed small bugs in …
9 years |
omamce |
- opa9.card et pisces.card contiennent en commentaire ce qu'il faut …
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : homogeneisation des noms, suite.
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : petit bug
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : homogeneisation des noms de fichiers d'entree ORCA pour VLR et LR …
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : ORCA1.1 devient eORCA1.0
9 years |
omamce |
O.M : mise a jour de la version rc1, apres quelques tests
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : change to eORCA extende grid
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : correct bug on ORCA version
9 years |
omamce |
OM. : handling runoffs.nc files (saved once per run, like mesh_mask.nc)
9 years |
omamce |
OM : adapt to NEMO v3.6 stable
9 years |
jgipsl |
Simplified file path du to reorganization of IGCM shared library. Now only …
9 years |
jgipsl |
Correction : these files are not available in the specific revision of …
9 years |
jgipsl |
Update with changes done on v6_rc0 (sdipsl) :
- remove IOIPSL
- clean
9 years |
omamce |
9 years |
aclsce |
- IPSLCM6_rc1 : modified to dispatch field_def and file_def NEMO xml …
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : Save a working configuration with 128 CPU
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. some cleaning
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : ajout des fichiers parametres LMDZ pour la nouvelle physique
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. :
- ORCA2.3 -> ORCA1
- Switch to new variables names
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : Change time step
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : Set IPSCLM6 config.card for ORCA1 LIM3 (NOPISCES)
9 years |
aclsce |
Not needed to remove deptht in opa9.card for rc1 IPSLCM6 config.
9 years |
aclsce |
- Small bugfixes related to NEMO card and param files :
- beware with …
9 years |
sdipsl |
homogenize post processing options within v6 configurations. …
9 years |
aclsce |
- IPSLCM6 configuration :
- Update of lim3 namelist related to NEMO …
9 years |
jgipsl |
Added new initial state file needed for CWRR hydrology in ORCHIDEE.
10 years |
aclsce |
Modifications to use new NEMO revision in IPSLCM6_rc1 configuration.
- …
10 years |
aclsce |
Added depth[tuvw] variable in TS for NEMO.
10 years |
aclsce |
Added deptht in diaptr TS to make monitoring work.
Desactivate SE for …
10 years |
aclsce |
- Use of piControl2 restarts files year 2499-12-31 to start IPSLCM6_rc0 …
10 years |
aclsce |
Modified in order to :
- use writing of diaptr file by using XIOS library …
10 years |
aclsce |
IPSLCM6_rc0 :
- removed soils_param.nc as Boundary file by default (to be …
10 years |
aclsce |
CM6_rc0 default configuration is now :
- 1Y as period lenght
- Use of 1 …
10 years |
aclsce |
Cleaning in experiments maintained in IPSLCM6 configuration.
Remains only …
10 years |
aclsce |
Modifed to have same handling of XIOS xml files as in LMDZOR …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : activate XIOS output in LMDZ and ORCHIDEE.
10 years |
sdipsl |
dbio_T not produced. Disable post-processin for now.
10 years |
sdipsl |
can't produce seasonal average from yearly output
10 years |
sdipsl |
Correct a typo
10 years |
aclsce |
- Removed time_counter_bnds from TS treatment (waiting for next XIOS …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : change patch to handle monthly means.
10 years |
sdipsl |
Addon for 3D perturbation feature
10 years |
aclsce |
- Use of ORCA2 by default (instead of ORCA1)
- Modified cpl_oasis3 NEMO …
10 years |
aclsce |
- Added possibility to use XIOS as output library for LMDZ and ORCHIDEE as …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Changed to use version v5 for aerosols_ input files instead of v3 for all …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : change for time series, monitoring and atlas
10 years |
omamce |
OM : modify path for start.nc and startphy.nc
10 years |
aclsce |
- Treatment of new oasis-MCT output files
- Ouput of oasis-MCT output …
10 years |
omamce |
Add management of coupling frequency. Default is 86400s.
LMDZ is not …
10 years |
aclsce |
Syntax error
10 years |
sdipsl |
handle a new ensemble type
enhanced comments and vocabs
10 years |
aclsce |
- Some cleaning and renaming in opa9 and pisces boundary files
- …
11 years |
aclsce |
Removed the use of input files not needed anymore for NEMO
11 years |
aclsce |
Added driver and card files for XIOS component (used in server mode).
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : correct a small typo.
11 years |
omamce |
OM : update lim3.card for NEMO 3.6 : namelist_ref and namelist_cfg
11 years |
sdipsl |
Add decadal experiment in IPSLCM6 as well
11 years |
aclsce |
Modified to use Oasis-MCT coupler
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : update NEMO cards for use with NEMO 3.6
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : historical with IPSLCM6
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : adaptation to IPSLCM6
11 years |
aclsce |
Removed patch step to mask ocean output files : not needed anymore thanks …
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : version lim3 enregistre par erreur
11 years |
omamce |
Add number of MPI processes
11 years |
omamce |
Small correction to allow time series (compatibility with XIOS)