8 years |
cetlod |
Update namelist parameters file, sources files & xml files according to …
8 years |
aclsce |
Set up of IPSLCM6.0.4 (see details …
8 years |
cetlod |
Bugfix on passive tracers restoring in closed seas, before new NEMO …
8 years |
cetlod |
Minor bug correction of pisces.driver and remove passive tracers restoring …
8 years |
omamce |
O.M.: add damping in closed seas for PISCES tracers
8 years |
omamce |
O.M. : coorect line to save bioscalar
8 years |
jgipsl |
Removed specific treatment of Bands_ file and option adjust in lmdz. See …
8 years |
cetlod |
Add modified diaar5.F90 routine & update trcdmp.F90 routine
8 years |
omamce |
O.M. : correct some indices in closea for ORCA1
water budget on …
8 years |
jgipsl |
Correction of name of new output file out_"execname".
8 years |
sdipsl |
- Add a present day control setup for IPSLCM6
- Update config.card …
8 years |
lfairhead |
Follow-up to convection.def file cleanup
8 years |
lfairhead |
Spurrious character
8 years |
lfairhead |
Parameters that were in convection.def file are now in physiq.def file
No …
8 years |
cetlod |
Take an ocean point -ORCA2/ORCA1/eORCA1- for NEMO scalar
8 years |
jgipsl |
Ticket #92 Correction on option lmdz_UserChoices_CARBON_CYCLE. Note this …
8 years |
cetlod |
Use the IGCM_comp_modifyNamelist function for PISCES parameters
8 years |
jgipsl |
Correction : ok_hines and ok_strato are set in vert.def
8 years |
cetlod |
update monitoring for PISCES
8 years |
cetlod |
activate passive tracers restoring on closed seas
8 years |
aclsce |
- Added config.card LongName? as global attribute of output files of v6 …
8 years |
omamce |
O.M. : correction sur la definition du lac Victoria
8 years |
omamce |
O.M. : ajout de wfo dans les series temporelles
8 years |
cetlod |
Add new file to update the closea restoring for PISCES
8 years |
omamce |
O.M. : corrections 2 coquilles (pas de sorties OPA et PISCES)
8 years |
omamce |
O.M. : correction to file_def_nemo to match iodef.xml of Shaconemo
8 years |
omamce |
O.M. : Adaptation pour coller a Shaconemo/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES revision 48
8 years |
omamce |
O.M. : les namelist*_* sont prises dans les sources NEMO
8 years |
aclsce |
LMDZ NPv5.5 for IPSLCM6.0.3-LR configuration.
8 years |
aclsce |
Cleaning in IPSLCM6 configuration
8 years |
aclsce |
Added convection.def for NPv5.4 needed for IPSLCM6.0.2.
8 years |
acosce |
Add new output file for xios in xios.card
8 years |
lfairhead |
Compatibility with config.card used by default
8 years |
acosce |
Add the save of out_gcm.e.err and out_gcm.e.out in [OutputText?] part of …
9 years |
lfairhead |
Compile LMDZ with new RRTM radiation module by default
9 years |
jgipsl |
Bug: Corrected vegetation map used for piControl experiment if no restart …
9 years |
lfairhead |
Subfixed convection.def file with LMDZ physics version
9 years |
lfairhead |
Added copy of convection.def file for new physics LMDZ
9 years |
lfairhead |
Added def files for LMDZ NPv5.5
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : adaptation to NEMO rev 6353, and new files in NEMO inputs
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : takes now namelist _ref in NEMO sources
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : corrections for diaznl
9 years |
omamce |
OM.M : adaptations for last version of NEMO (rev 6353)
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : add new diagnostics
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : suppress definition of iiceconc. Use iceconc.
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : switch to eORCA1.1 grid
Temporary fix because siconc is not OK in …
9 years |
aclsce |
- Added "prw_global" as variable monitored in order to replace old …
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : restauration de l'ordre d'appel des composantes
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : correct number of cores for NEMO
introduce ORCA_version
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : suppress one instance of ALB_BG_MODIS
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : takes sstoc in igcmg
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : with Great Lakes and Victoria Lake
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : correction du commit precedent.
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. ORCA_version in config.card
Use orchidee xml file from source dir
9 years |
jgipsl |
Update as done in LMDZOR_v6
9 years |
jgipsl |
Changed to use option nonblocker instead of force for opa9 xml file.
9 years |
omamce |
OM.M : add diahth to orca1lim3
9 years |
jgipsl |
Some more cleaning and comments.
9 years |
jgipsl |
Update with modifications done on LMDZOR_v6:
* pmagic changed to 0.0 in …
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : add consistency check of NEMO decomposition
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : change orca number of cores to fill full Curie nodes
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : gestion des sorties PISCES, gestion du CO2
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : changement TKE
9 years |
omamce |
O.M.: add .def files
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : LMDZ initial states taken from IGCMG
Use of vert.def
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : ajout wfo dans time series, pour suivi bilan en eau
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : changement frequence d'appel du rayonnement pour pdControl
( = 16 …
9 years |
aclsce |
Added directories from/in which to read/write nemo ocean restart files.
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : add NPv5.30
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. :
First commit for IPSCLM6.0.0
Ocean physics : reduced penetration of …
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : Change target IPSLCM6-LR : remove NOPISCES
9 years |
aclsce |
- Removed ln_mskland = .false. in order to have NEMO output fields which …
9 years |
lfairhead |
Variable name change in ORCHIDEE: Sinang -> coszang
9 years |
lfairhead |
Fixing typos
9 years |
aclsce |
- Adapted xml files and cards to new NEMO revision
- Fixed small bugs in …
9 years |
aclsce |
- Modified to compile LR by default.
9 years |
omamce |
- opa9.card et pisces.card contiennent en commentaire ce qu'il faut …
9 years |
cetlod |
Change PISCES namelist parameters to activate inputs deposition for ORCA1 …
9 years |
omamce |
OM. : ajustements pour tourner VLR en rc1
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : homogeneisation des noms, suite.
9 years |
omamce |
OM: correction pour compilation ORCA2 : suppression de key_couple et …
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : ajout de physiq.def_L79_NPv5.17h
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : petit bug
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : homogeneisation des noms de fichiers d'entree ORCA pour VLR et LR …
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : ORCA1.1 devient eORCA1.0
9 years |
omamce |
O.M : mise a jour de la version rc1, apres quelques tests
9 years |
aclsce |
Corrected a typo.
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : change to eORCA extende grid
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : adapt ORCA files names.
9 years |
lfairhead |
Inclusion of more up-to-date physical parameters for LMDZ
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : correct bug on ORCA version
9 years |
omamce |
OM. : handling runoffs.nc files (saved once per run, like mesh_mask.nc)
9 years |
omamce |
OM : petite correction : XIOS en mode prod
9 years |
omamce |
OM : adapt to NEMO v3.6 stable
9 years |
omamce |
OM : change for NEMO v3.6 stable
9 years |
omamce |
O.M.: remove key_diar5 and key_diahth (buuged up to now in NEMO 3.6 …
9 years |
jgipsl |
Removed modifications from xios.driver and set correct behaviour in …
9 years |
jgipsl |
Bug correction for option CalendarType?=leap :
Modification due to …
9 years |
jgipsl |
Simplified file path du to reorganization of IGCM shared library. Now only …
9 years |
jgipsl |
ORAC2 : correct error : add AUTOBLOCKER and AUTO
ORCA1 : changed AUTO en …