10 years |
jgipsl |
Add error check if the year is not in forcing file for solar activity and …
10 years |
jgipsl |
As [2319] now for _v6 : Removed option to automatically launch …
10 years |
sdipsl |
dbio_T not produced. Disable post-processin for now.
10 years |
sdipsl |
can't produce seasonal average from yearly output
10 years |
sdipsl |
Correct a typo
10 years |
sdipsl |
Stack was corrupted. Fix needed for bigbrother
10 years |
aclsce |
- Removed time_counter_bnds from TS treatment (waiting for next XIOS …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : change patch to handle monthly means.
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : interpolation of run-off (COLIQRUN to O_RunOff) now done on dst …
10 years |
sdipsl |
Addon for 3D perturbation feature
10 years |
aclsce |
- Use of ORCA2 by default (instead of ORCA1)
- Modified cpl_oasis3 NEMO …
10 years |
aclsce |
- Compilation of ORCHIDEE driver not needed in IPSLCM coupled …
10 years |
aclsce |
- Added possibility to use XIOS as output library for LMDZ and ORCHIDEE as …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : add ORCA2 and ORCA1 resolution for monitoring cfg files.
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : Masks land points in NetCDF outputs
10 years |
jgipsl |
Changed to use version v5 for aerosols_ input files instead of v3 for all …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : big bug on the last commit :-(
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : suppress computation and output of diaptr for ORCA1. Not available …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : add key_vvl to ORCA1 compilation
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : change for time series, monitoring and atlas
10 years |
omamce |
OM : correct pomputation of LagAtm?
10 years |
omamce |
OM : modify path for start.nc and startphy.nc
10 years |
omamce |
OM : add namcouple_ORCA1xLMD144142
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : add ORCALIM[2,3]xLMDZ144x142x[3,5,7]9 resolutions in AA_make
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : Temporaire : met PISCES_LRIVER a flase dans tous les cas.
En …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : managing coupling frequency
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : managing coupling frequency
10 years |
aclsce |
- Treatment of new oasis-MCT output files
- Ouput of oasis-MCT output …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : temp correction of a bu in p4zopt. Ticket 1355 on NEMO Trac
10 years |
omamce |
Add management of coupling frequency. Default is 86400s.
LMDZ is not …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : add compilation for orca1lim2, and ORCA1LIM2xLMDZ9695-L39
10 years |
omamce |
Add namelists for ORCA1 LIM2. No diurnal cycle presently.
Add …
10 years |
aclsce |
Modified to use "LMDZ" (instead of lmdz.x, to fit with the use of XIOS) as …
11 years |
lfairhead |
Parameter files needed for the ORCA2/LIM2/LMDZ144x142x59/ORCHIDEE coupled …
11 years |
lfairhead |
- switch to using dyn3dmem for LMDZ
- include 144x142x59 configuration …
11 years |
jgipsl |
Removed experiences not adapted to use with XIOS.
11 years |
aclsce |
Modifed IPSLCM6 NEMO sources to fit with NEMO revision 4624
11 years |
aclsce |
Syntax error
11 years |
sdipsl |
handle a new ensemble type
enhanced comments and vocabs
11 years |
aclsce |
- Some cleaning and renaming in opa9 and pisces boundary files
- …
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : switch wind stress interpolation from BICUBIC to BILINEAR
11 years |
jgipsl |
Changed to use dyn3dmem in LMDZ.
11 years |
jgipsl |
Correct type error.
11 years |
jgipsl |
Deactivate compiling with cosp : cosp not yet adapted to XIOS.
11 years |
jgipsl |
- Add iodef.xml adapted for forced mode in PARAM
- Add automatic inclusion …
11 years |
aclsce |
Removed the use of input files not needed anymore for NEMO
11 years |
jgipsl |
Added 2 new resolutions for compiling LMDZOR.
11 years |
jgipsl |
Adapted script for special case IPSLCM6 without suffix _v6.
11 years |
jgipsl |
Removed xml files specific for nemo and not LMDZOR.
11 years |
jgipsl |
Deactivate seasonal average for histmthNMC file in lmdz.card forced …
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : to run with LIM3
11 years |
aclsce |
Added driver and card files for XIOS component (used in server mode).
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : bug inserted in previous commit corrected
11 years |
omamce |
O.M.: add some missing keys
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : correct a small typo.
11 years |
omamce |
OM : update lim3.card for NEMO 3.6 : namelist_ref and namelist_cfg
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : correct lim3 config. Add ORCA1.
11 years |
omamce |
O.M.: different pattern for global water conservation.
Great Lakes …
11 years |
aclsce |
IPSLCM6_rc0 : modified to fit with new NEMO version (trunk rev 4565 …
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : suppress T/S damping
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : add conservation to run-off
11 years |
aclsce |
- Removed key_nosignedzero cpp key for NEMO : bad performances obtained …
11 years |
jgipsl |
Changed to compile in hybrid Mpi OpenMP mode for LMDZ and ORCHIDEE.
11 years |
mafoipsl |
For IPSLCM6 update arch-X64_ADA for NEMO compilation on ada to be linked …
11 years |
mafoipsl |
For IPSLCM6 add arch-X64_ADA for NEMO compilation on ada.
11 years |
mafoipsl |
For IPSLCM6 add make_X64_ADA for OASIS3-MCT compilation on ada.
11 years |
jgipsl |
Better cleaning. Still clean of XIOS is missing.
11 years |
jgipsl |
Apdated for config family v6
11 years |
sdipsl |
Fix call stack tree
11 years |
aclsce |
Modifed to launch IPSLCM6 with :
- restart from IPSLCM5* simulation for …
11 years |
sdipsl |
Add decadal experiment in IPSLCM6 as well
11 years |
jgipsl |
- Add compiling of XIOS and compile all models with option for XIOS
- Use …
11 years |
aclsce |
Added the use of parallel compilation for LMDZ
Added a subroutine of NEMO …
11 years |
aclsce |
Modified to
- use OASIS-MCT as coupler
- use XIOS in one-file mode for …
11 years |
aclsce |
Modifications to use Oasis-MCT coupler.
Modifications to use namelist*cfg …
11 years |
jgipsl |
Take makefiles from LMDZOR_v5.2 configuration.
11 years |
jgipsl |
Start builing the LMDZOR_v6 configuration.
11 years |
aclsce |
Added specific compilation file to compile oasis3-mct in IPSLCM6 …
11 years |
aclsce |
Modified NEMO/SOURCES specific to IPSLCM6 configuration ( compilation …
11 years |
aclsce |
Modified to use and compile Oasis3-MCT.
11 years |
aclsce |
Modified to use Oasis-MCT coupler
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : add monitoring for lim3
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : change variable name to fit NEMO 3.6
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : small changes to fit IPSLCM5A / NEMO 3.2
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : small changes to fit IPSLCM5A
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : update NEMO cards for use with NEMO 3.6
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : add NEMO 3.6 namelists
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : last change to match IPSLCM5 …
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : change nn_chldta to mathc IPSLCM5A set up
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : historical with IPSLCM6
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : change a few parameter to exactly match IPSLCM5A/piControl …
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : adaptation to IPSLCM6
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : adapt namcoupl tou IPSLCM6
11 years |
aclsce |
Removed patch step to mask ocean output files : not needed anymore thanks …
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. :
Bug fix. TRAC ticket on NEMO #1142
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : add separate cleaning of each component
11 years |
omamce |
Quick and dirty (very dirty ...) patch to overcome the non …
11 years |
omamce |
Correct an out of bounds problem in clo_rnf.
Ticket submitted to …
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : version lim3 enregistre par erreur
11 years |
aclsce |
To fix bug in case of "mixed oce-ice" stress from atmosphere