7 years |
acosce |
modify path for reprobus files to read them on commun spaces (rpsl035 / …
7 years |
acosce |
add reprobus variable for the monitoring
7 years |
acosce |
fixed a bug on the attribution of type_trac for the case inca_repr
7 years |
acosce |
Add a new configuration - lmdz + orchidee + inca + reprobus
7 years |
jgipsl |
Enhencement on monitoring as done in LMDZOR_v6 rev [3557]
7 years |
jgipsl |
* delta_water_stock, water_budget_closure and …
7 years |
jgipsl |
Allow vegetation to start grow again after it has died out by activating …
7 years |
acosce |
fixed an error on this config.card - calendar is 360d so last day is 30-12 …
7 years |
acosce |
add new traceur.def for inca and NPv6.0.14
7 years |
acosce |
Add new parameters files for NPv6.0.14 (LMDZORINCA config)
7 years |
jgipsl |
Corrected comment as done in IPSLCM6
7 years |
cetlod |
Update PISCES offline configuration
7 years |
acosce |
update path for strat inca version
7 years |
aclsce |
- IPSLCM5A2 : modified bathy.orca.nc PISCES input file : the previous one …
7 years |
acosce |
put input data for inca strat on igcmg
7 years |
acosce |
modify limit.nc and start / startphy.nc for all config of LMDZORINCA to …
7 years |
acosce |
update LMDZORINCA config to version 6.0.14
7 years |
mafoipsl |
Correction of 2 comments in GENERAL/PARAM/config.def_preind
7 years |
jgipsl |
- Changed name for monitoring maxveget_forcing into maxvegetagri_forcing …
7 years |
jgipsl |
Propagate modification done in IPSLCM6 config.
7 years |
tlurton |
In monitoring01_lmdz.cfg:
1/ Removed diags for tro3_strato_forcing and …
7 years |
jgipsl |
Added option VEGET_UPDATE_at_start in orchidee.card and driver. This …
7 years |
aclsce |
- Modified start state for piControl_CMIP6 experiment : no start for IOS …
7 years |
jgipsl |
Added files
7 years |
jgipsl |
* Update version LMDZ_Physics in LMDZOR experiments
* Update limit and …
7 years |
jgipsl |
Update as done in [3527]
7 years |
jgipsl |
Moved parameter to a better place in the file.
7 years |
lfairhead |
Final (?) LMDZ physiq.def and config.def files for IPSLCM6.0.14 …
7 years |
cetlod |
Update NEMO configuration for OMIP6
7 years |
cetlod |
Minor correction in opa.driver
7 years |
mafoipsl |
Last step for IPSLCM6.0.14-LR : specification of restart files.
7 years |
mafoipsl |
Add IPSLCM6.0.14 as LongName in config.card. Set revision number for …
7 years |
cetlod |
CM6.0.14 : Add patches to control runoff heat content & to be able to …
7 years |
jgipsl |
Remove file_def_orchidee.xml from PARAM directory and now copy it again …
7 years |
cetlod |
Put the correct path for PISCES forcings fields
7 years |
lfairhead |
Forgot to commit gcm.def for IPSLCM6.0.14 configuration
7 years |
lfairhead |
Use physiq.def_NPv6.0.14ttop by default for IPSLCM6.0.14 configuration
7 years |
cetlod |
update again and again
7 years |
cetlod |
Update NEMO_v6 configuration
7 years |
cetlod |
Back ton rn_hmin equal 20m rather than 50m
7 years |
jgipsl |
Updated aersols version in LMDZOR_v6 as done in IPSLCM6 [3507]
7 years |
tlurton |
Th.L 13/12/2017
Mise a jour des lmdz.card en vue de la 6.0.14.
Pointages …
7 years |
jgipsl |
Update ORCHIDEE component for IPSLCM6.0.14.
* new PFT map files, still …
7 years |
jgipsl |
Updated LMDZOR_v6 for modifications related to CMIP6 workflow as done in …
7 years |
tlurton |
Th.L. 12/12/2017
Mise a jour des lmdz.card en vue de la 6.0.14 :
Sur …
7 years |
lfairhead |
LMDZ physiq.def files for IPSLCM6.0.14 configuration
7 years |
cetlod |
Rename BGC ping file (from ping_ocnBgchem.xml to ping_ocnBgChem.xml)
7 years |
cetlod |
IPSLCM6 : Outputs of tracer trends diagnostics
7 years |
cetlod |
Activation of the trends transport computation ===> leap-frog integration …
7 years |
cetlod |
Must change only the deposition file in PISCES namelist. Oups
7 years |
cetlod |
IPSLCM6 : Use new atmospheric deposition input files for PISCES
7 years |
cetlod |
Give the correct name for sea-ice concentration diagnostic
7 years |
aclsce |
- Changed start date for piControl experiments (now 1850)
7 years |
cetlod |
Add the TimeOrigin? variable for the piControl_CMIP6 experiment
7 years |
cetlod |
Use different output frequencies group id for opa, lim & pisces. Necessary …
7 years |
cetlod |
Manage the Time Origin of NEMO output files by libIGCM. A variable - …
7 years |
aclsce |
- Use of ttop parameters for CM6013 default configuration
7 years |
cpipsl |
IPSLESM6: new path for field_def_nemo-pisces.xml
7 years |
cpipsl |
IPSLESM6: first step see ticket #116
7 years |
cpipsl |
new v6 configuration IPSLESM6 see ticket #116
7 years |
aclsce |
- Disabled standard output for CMIP6 configuration
7 years |
aclsce |
- Disabled NMC output for CMIP6 experiment
7 years |
aclsce |
- First commit for CMIP6 experiments (outputs required by CMIP6 DR).
7 years |
aclsce |
- Copied piControl_CMIP6 from piControl experiment
7 years |
mafoipsl |
In IPSLCM lmdz.card, remove useless tro3 from histmth TS.
7 years |
cetlod |
NEMO_v6 : Use only one mpi process for XIOS to run eORCA1_LIM3_PISCES on …
7 years |
cetlod |
NEMO_v6 : Output Age tracer variable if needed
7 years |
cetlod |
NEMO_v6 : Minor updates
7 years |
cetlod |
NEMO_v6 : change mpi seetings for eORCA1 configuration
7 years |
jgipsl |
Corrected LMDZOR experiments due to change in calendar :
* amip : keep …
7 years |
jgipsl |
Copied temporary file_def_orchidee.xml from ORCHIDEE/trunk into PARAM …
7 years |
jgipsl |
Updated LMDZOR_v6 config as done for IPSLCM6.0.13
7 years |
acosce |
Add a new parameter to adjust seasalt in inca
7 years |
cetlod |
NEMO_v6 : Use XIOS in detached mode for all NEMO configs
7 years |
aclsce |
- Use of 366 days solarforcing forcing file for clim_pdControl experiment.
7 years |
aclsce |
- Switch to leap calendar for CM6013 config
7 years |
aclsce |
- Defined default starting point for CM6013 simulations
7 years |
aclsce |
- Added gcm.def_144x142_NPv6.0.13
- Use of physics NPv6.0.13 in lmdz.card
7 years |
mafoipsl |
For IPSLCM6.0.13-LR :
* add physiq.def_NPv6.0.13 copied from …
7 years |
aclsce |
- Modified XIOS "buffer_size_factor" to allow to run CM6013 with only one …
7 years |
cetlod |
Change min depth of the ocean value rn_hmin from 20m to 50m to avoid …
7 years |
cetlod |
Changes in pisces driver
7 years |
cetlod |
NEMO_v6 : minor corrections on PISCES cards
7 years |
mafoipsl |
Consolidation of TS and monitoring in ATM for IPSLCM6.0.13 :
remove …
7 years |
jgipsl |
Output variable veget_max from Orchidee changed name into veget_cov_max …
7 years |
cetlod |
NEMO_v6: update card & drivers
7 years |
cetlod |
CM6.0.13 : the output frequencies of OCE, ICE & MBG must be independent + …
7 years |
jgipsl |
Correction in file name as done in IPSLCM6 config.
7 years |
aclsce |
- Start from 0 (i.e no restart waiting for defining start strategy for …
7 years |
aclsce |
- use of 366 days files for solarforcing in order to be used with leap …
7 years |
jgipsl |
Set parameter for text output level for ORCHIDEE, PRINTLEV=1.
7 years |
jgipsl |
Update to use v3.1corr version of solarforcing files, as done in IPSLCM6.
7 years |
aclsce |
- Modified "Long Name" for IPSLCM6.0.13
- Changed v3.1 version to v3.1corr …
7 years |
aclsce |
- Missing closing XML tag
7 years |
jgipsl |
Add NVM and PFT_TO_MTC to be abel to run Choisnel hydrology with the new …
7 years |
jgipsl |
Update monitoring as done in IPSLCM6 [3420]
7 years |
cetlod |
NEMO_v6: updates
7 years |
cetlod |
minor correction on opa9.card
7 years |
jgipsl |
Corrected error in path for woodharvest file.
7 years |
cetlod |
CM6.0.13 : Minor corrections on pisces card