9 years |
aclsce |
- Cleaning in general Makefile for rc0 configuration
9 years |
sdipsl |
- remove some UserChoices? output level options : those dont have any …
10 years |
sdipsl |
- XIOS flag is back in the driver because ce0l needs IOIPSL
10 years |
sdipsl |
- XIOS flag is back because ce0l needs IOIPSL.
- Use file_def for 3 hours …
10 years |
omamce |
10 years |
sdipsl |
- tentative to homogenize v6_rc0 configurations.
- Issue with ce0l. Seems …
10 years |
sdipsl |
- Reference or actions related to IOIPSL output management has been …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : add LMDZ parameter files pour NP
10 years |
omamce |
10 years |
sdipsl |
- first pass adjusting the output level for v6_rc0 configuration
- Use a …
10 years |
sdipsl |
cleaning up executable properties
10 years |
sdipsl |
cleaning up executable properties
10 years |
aclsce |
- IPSLCM6_rc1 : modified to dispatch field_def and file_def NEMO xml …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : nopisces configuration (temp)
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : Save a working configuration with 128 CPU
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. some cleaning
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : ajout des fichiers parametres LMDZ pour la nouvelle physique
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : add physiq.def pour IPSLCM6 LR
10 years |
aclsce |
- Modified default configuration for IPSLCM6_VLR_rc0 : before 128 cores, …
10 years |
acosce |
Change some parameter names in inca configurations
10 years |
aclsce |
IPSLCM6_rc0 :
- fixed bug in diaptr files with XIOS
- use of -fp-model …
10 years |
acosce |
reactivate xios output, change output directory from 1M to 1D .
10 years |
acosce |
Reactivate xios output in configurations lmdzorinca - change output …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M.: adapted to use IGCM_comp_ModifyMakefile
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. :
- Change handling the couplign frequency (coherency with OPA forced …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. :
- ORCA2.3 -> ORCA1
- Switch to new variables names
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : Change time step
10 years |
omamce |
- remove obsolete targets
- set nopisces target for ORCA1
- set …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : change time stepping, and mpp decomposition
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : config.def_predind : change pmagic and radiation computation …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : add some control print in oasis.driver
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : Set IPSCLM6 config.card for ORCA1 LIM3 (NOPISCES)
10 years |
aclsce |
Modifications to have correct NEMO diaptr files with mask.
10 years |
aclsce |
- Modified default restart state for IPSLCM6-VLR_rc0 : start from IPSLCM5A …
10 years |
lfairhead |
A zoom focus not centered on longitude 0. leads to a shifted grid for LMDZ
10 years |
aclsce |
Not needed to remove deptht in opa9.card for rc1 IPSLCM6 config.
10 years |
aclsce |
- Desactivation of grid_W post processing in opa9.card
10 years |
aclsce |
- Small bugfixes related to NEMO card and param files :
- beware with …
10 years |
aclsce |
- Small bugfixes related to NEMO card and param files :
- beware with …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Enhancement in the clean option:
- add clean for XIOS
- now remove the …
10 years |
jgipsl |
As previous commit : [2514]
No change in results.
10 years |
jgipsl |
Now have 6 tracers:
* H2Ov, H2Ol: mandatory
* H2Oi: is needed for the …
10 years |
jgipsl |
10 years |
jgipsl |
Updated with modifications done in v6/IPSLCM6 up until revision 2510. Not …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Added experiences with ce0l(CREATE_clim, CREATE_amip) in INCA …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Copied modifications done in LMDZOR_v6 into the other configurations. …
10 years |
jgipsl |
For all new physics in LMDZ except NPv3, take default value set in …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Remove parameter files for 19 levels in the atmosphere. These grid are not …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Changed back default options:
- set old physics in LMDZ: New physics NPv5 …
10 years |
jgipsl |
- Remove config.def_L19 in all v6 configurations.
- Change to pmagic=0.0 …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Copied rev 2446 of v6/IPSLCM6 into a new branch v6_rc0.
10 years |
sdipsl |
homogenize post processing options within v6 configurations. …
10 years |
sdipsl |
- amip experiment in coherence with clim experiment
- and fix issue in …
10 years |
sdipsl |
time_counter_bnds is named time_counter_bounds by xios
10 years |
sdipsl |
LMDZOR_v6 gets closer to LMDZ latest new physics. Turn on CWRR in orchidee …
10 years |
sdipsl |
add xios target for L59 and L79
10 years |
aclsce |
ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES : Needed to use both key_mpp_rep and key_mpp_mpi. IPSL …
10 years |
aclsce |
- Modified ORCA1LIM3 target
10 years |
jgipsl |
Copied experiment from LMDZOR_v6 to IPSLCM6.
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : switch back to former naming rules for NEMO files, as use in …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : suppress key_mpp_rep in orca1lim3 (don't work in coupled). Replaced …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : valeur de NN_ICE_EMBD pour LIM3
10 years |
acosce |
make some correction in INCA v6 config
* Add config.def_midHolocene for …
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : compilation de ORCA1.0 LIM3
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : modification for ORCA1 LIM3
10 years |
aclsce |
IPSLCM6 : p4zopt not needed to be handled in IPSLCM6/SOURCES.
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : handling old ORCA1 and extended ORCA1 grids
in closea.F90
10 years |
aclsce |
- IPSLCM6 configuration :
- Update of lim3 namelist related to NEMO …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Added new initial state file needed for CWRR hydrology in ORCHIDEE.
10 years |
jgipsl |
Correction for experiments with ce0l.
In lmdz.driver : use_filtre_fft is …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Added experiment for create_etat0_limit: to create initiale state files …
10 years |
acosce |
cut-copy from IPSCLM6CHT to be ok for diff_configuration (one empty line …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Propagate previous commite rev 2476 to the other v6 configurations.
10 years |
jgipsl |
LMDZ parameter ok_all_xml in run.def becomes AUTO. This variable must be …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Add directory
10 years |
jgipsl |
Changed compilation of ce0l in LMDZ from use of dyn3dpar to dyn3d:
When …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Added NPv3.2 from v5 config to v6 config. This phyiscs corresponds to a …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Copied LMDZOR/amip experiment to other v6 configurations.
10 years |
jgipsl |
Added gcm.def for grid containing zoom over Europe.
10 years |
jgipsl |
Added cases for iphysiq depending on physics and resolution.
-For AP and …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Add amip experiment in LMDZOR_v6.
10 years |
acosce |
add weibull and threshold parameters in inca.def (link to rev 397 on INCA …
10 years |
acosce |
add ipslcm6cht in diff_configuration script
10 years |
acosce |
Add resolution 144x142x39 for config with INCA-DUST (LMDZORINCA and …
10 years |
acosce |
Modify way to manage TagName? for INCA configuration in order to fit with …
10 years |
acosce |
Change path to compile NEMO in IPSLCM6CHT
10 years |
acosce |
Add new configuration IPSLCM6CHT
10 years |
omamce |
O.M. : add key_vvl, key_dynspg_ts for orca2lim3
10 years |
acosce |
Add new parameter in inca.def to choose method for using gcm's 10m winds
10 years |
aclsce |
Modifications to use new NEMO revision in IPSLCM6_rc1 configuration.
- …
10 years |
aclsce |
Added depth[tuvw] variable in TS for NEMO.
10 years |
acosce |
Add DUST configuration in compilation and driver
10 years |
acosce |
Add new chemistry configuration for INCA (Dust only)
10 years |
acosce |
While bug with xios in inca is not solve, we use ioipsl by default
10 years |
aclsce |
NEMO : Activate diaptr output file by default in IPSLCM6 configuration.
10 years |
aclsce |
Added deptht in diaptr TS to make monitoring work.
Desactivate SE for …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Remove REFTEMP_FILE from orchidee parameter file.
This parameter has as …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Removed parameter SLOWPROC_HEIGHT from orchidee.def : this parameter is …
10 years |
jgipsl |
- clean in orchidee.def : only keep paramers not having default values
- …
10 years |
jgipsl |
Added used_*def and output.def in Output TextFiles?.