9 years |
acosce |
DUSS configuration of LMDZORINCA don't need the oxydants file in input …
9 years |
acosce |
Save input files (for orchidee calculating NOx emissions) on igcmg space, …
9 years |
aclsce |
- Added "prw_global" as variable monitored in order to replace old …
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : restauration de l'ordre d'appel des composantes
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : correct number of cores for NEMO
introduce ORCA_version
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : suppress one instance of ALB_BG_MODIS
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : takes sstoc in igcmg
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : with Great Lakes and Victoria Lake
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : correction du commit precedent.
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. ORCA_version in config.card
Use orchidee xml file from source dir
9 years |
jgipsl |
Update as done in LMDZOR_v6
9 years |
jgipsl |
Updated comment
9 years |
jgipsl |
Update to be coherent with LMDZOR_v6 :
* added vert.def and removed …
9 years |
jgipsl |
Added parameters for chemistry BVOC as done in LMDZORINCA_v6.
9 years |
jgipsl |
Changed to use option nonblocker instead of force for opa9 xml file.
9 years |
jgipsl |
The vertical parameters were previously extracted from gcm.def files and …
9 years |
acosce |
Add the possibility to compile ce0l with INCA and add a directory to use …
9 years |
acosce |
Add possibility to coupled Inca with Orchidee in DUSS configuration of …
9 years |
omamce |
OM.M : add diahth to orca1lim3
9 years |
acosce |
Add line to decomment if we activate the bvoc calcul in orchidee
9 years |
cetlod |
update lim3 namelist for eORCA1
9 years |
cetlod |
update field_def.xml for NEMO config for consistency with the NEMO rev …
9 years |
jgipsl |
Some more cleaning and comments.
9 years |
jgipsl |
Update with modifications done on LMDZOR_v6:
* pmagic changed to 0.0 in …
9 years |
jgipsl |
Some update in LMDZOR_v6 configuration: the parameters LAND_USE and …
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : add consistency check of NEMO decomposition
9 years |
jgipsl |
- Corrected error in value for tetagrot in gcm.def_144x142
- Removed …
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : change orca number of cores to fill full Curie nodes
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : gestion des sorties PISCES, gestion du CO2
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : changement TKE
9 years |
omamce |
O.M.: add .def files
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : LMDZ initial states taken from IGCMG
Use of vert.def
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : ajout wfo dans time series, pour suivi bilan en eau
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : changement frequence d'appel du rayonnement pour pdControl
( = 16 …
9 years |
jgipsl |
Take file_def_orchidee.xml from ORCHIDEE/src_xml source directory.
9 years |
jgipsl |
Updated file_def_xxxxx_lmdz.xml to be compatible with LMDZ/trunk from …
9 years |
jgipsl |
Removed the variable for PFT describing the axis from GatherWithInternal?. …
9 years |
aclsce |
Added directories from/in which to read/write nemo ocean restart files.
9 years |
cetlod |
phase NEMO config to the head of v3.6 stabe branch
9 years |
jgipsl |
Change in parameter files for LMDZ:
* created vert.def containing …
9 years |
acosce |
Add all parameter to allow interface between orchidee and inca
9 years |
jgipsl |
Added input files needed for option ALB_BG_MODIS=y added in previsou …
9 years |
jgipsl |
Added ALB_BG_MODIS new parameter. Removed HYDROL_SOIL_DEPTH and …
9 years |
jgipsl |
Corrected error in commit [2729]
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : add NPv5.30
9 years |
jgipsl |
* L79_NPv5.17g, L79_NPv5.17h : strongly dependent on the LMDZ source …
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. :
First commit for IPSCLM6.0.0
Ocean physics : reduced penetration of …
9 years |
jgipsl |
Changed day_step as done in IPSLCM6 already in changeset [2674]
9 years |
acosce |
Add flag to manage new sedimentation in INCA : multilayer_sedim
9 years |
acosce |
Add so2_col and oh_col in inca output monitoring
correct duss variable by …
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : Change target IPSLCM6-LR : remove NOPISCES
9 years |
cetlod |
Update opa driver to take into account high frequency output
9 years |
cetlod |
Minor change in opa driver
9 years |
acosce |
update one parameter value for inca configuration (give better value for …
9 years |
acosce |
forget area variable in some TS
9 years |
acosce |
check variables names in TS to fit with output of each inca configuration
9 years |
acosce |
change value of one parameter (tref) in LMDZORINCA configuration to fit …
9 years |
acosce |
Modified inca.card in GES case to fit with new output definition for this …
9 years |
cetlod |
put the correct units for PISCES passive tracers
9 years |
cetlod |
Add stand-alone PISCES experiments in NEMO_v6 configuration
9 years |
acosce |
Forget to change inca.driver when we change the name of the chemistry DUST …
9 years |
acosce |
Change name for DUST chemistry in INCA (now it DUSS like DUST + SS)
9 years |
jgipsl |
Change cp into mv of the executable: To be sure to always recreate the …
9 years |
acosce |
Two modification of output management with XIOS in INCA config :
- …
9 years |
acosce |
two corrections :
* now DUST chemistry is call DUSS
* now we make a …
9 years |
aclsce |
- Removed ln_mskland = .false. in order to have NEMO output fields which …
9 years |
jgipsl |
Copied NPv5.17h from IPSLCM6 to LMDZOR_v6
9 years |
acosce |
change value of config_inca if we are working with aerosols and lmdz new …
9 years |
acosce |
update lmdzorinca configuration to fit with last versions of lmdz and …
9 years |
jgipsl |
Corrected path to o2a.nc file in comment
9 years |
lfairhead |
Variable name change in ORCHIDEE: Sinang -> coszang
9 years |
lfairhead |
Fixing typos
9 years |
aclsce |
- Adapted xml files and cards to new NEMO revision
- Fixed small bugs in …
9 years |
aclsce |
- Modified to compile LR by default.
9 years |
omamce |
- opa9.card et pisces.card contiennent en commentaire ce qu'il faut …
9 years |
acosce |
add directories POST and Post-treatment on output files for LMDZORINCA …
9 years |
cetlod |
Change PISCES namelist parameters to activate inputs deposition for ORCA1 …
9 years |
omamce |
OM. : ajustements pour tourner VLR en rc1
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : homogeneisation des noms, suite.
9 years |
omamce |
OM: correction pour compilation ORCA2 : suppression de key_couple et …
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : ajout de physiq.def_L79_NPv5.17h
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : petit bug
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : homogeneisation des noms de fichiers d'entree ORCA pour VLR et LR …
9 years |
omamce |
O.M. : ORCA1.1 devient eORCA1.0
9 years |
omamce |
O.M : mise a jour de la version rc1, apres quelques tests
9 years |
acosce |
Adapted config.card and COMP/inca.card for libIGCM_v2.7 for …
9 years |
acosce |
Adapted config.card and COMP/inca.card for libIGCM tag v2.7 for LMDZORINCA …
9 years |
jgipsl |
Adapted config.card for libIGCM tag v2.7 for experiments with reprobus.
9 years |
jgipsl |
Updated all config.card to be used with libIGCM v2.7 in IPSLCM5_v5 and …
9 years |
cetlod |
Minors corrections on NEMO_v6 configurations
9 years |
cetlod |
set domain decomposition for NEMO_v6/eORCA1 experiments
9 years |
cetlod |
update card and namelists for NEMO_v6 configurations
9 years |
cetlod |
add AUTO in namelist_cfg
9 years |
jgipsl |
Deactivate rebuild job: Not needed because always use xios in server mode …
9 years |
cetlod |
Add new experiment for NEMO interannual simulations
9 years |
cetlod |
update cards, drivers and parameters for NEMO_v6 configurations
9 years |
cetlod |
Adapt NEMO config for libIGCM v2.7
9 years |
aclsce |
Corrected a typo.
9 years |
aclsce |
- corrected a typo.
9 years |
jgipsl |
- Added Chuck for histmth ts.
- Added choice of LMDZ_physics in CREATE_ …