17 years |
aclsce |
AC + MAF : uncomment access to Bands file
17 years |
mafoipsl |
ttt ttt ttt Keep Compatibility section
17 years |
mafoipsl |
use simplified names for OASIS files in oasis.card
17 years |
mafoipsl |
- adapt number of neighbours for v4 MOZAIC weights
17 years |
sdipsl |
Modifications :
* GHG set to the so called actual GHG concentrations
* …
17 years |
aclsce |
AC : Added possibility to compile with target "sx8mercure"
17 years |
sdipsl |
Modifications :
* Add optimized values for Bands_144x142x19_5prc.dat
* …
17 years |
mafoipsl |
deleted to keep namcouple parameters files in coherence with resolutions …
17 years |
mafoipsl |
cvl_corr default values for different resolutions
17 years |
sdipsl |
Modifications :
* Add compatibility section to control compatibility …
17 years |
aclsce |
AC : Replaced makegcm by makegcm_fcm for lmdz7245 target
17 years |
aclsce |
AC : - Modified to run on ccrt scalar machine platine
- Modified to …
17 years |
sdipsl |
Modifications :
* Add Compatibility section to control compatibility …
17 years |
sdipsl |
Modifications :
* Add flag for histhf and histhf3d generation …
17 years |
sdipsl |
Modifications :
* Better output frequency and output name management for …
17 years |
sdipsl |
Bug correction : NWRITE and NWRITEHF was not properly handle. OPA can …
17 years |
sdipsl |
Change Bands_96x71x19_3prc.dat with optmized values. Take Bands file into …
17 years |
sdipsl |
Add fcm path. Then job will also work for csh users.
17 years |
mafoipsl |
On brodie, compilation of all IPSLCM4_v2 components in batch mode.
17 years |
aclsce |
AC : Modification to add the possibility to compile oasis in batch mode …
17 years |
sdipsl |
SD : updated list of post-processed variables
17 years |
aclsce |
AC : Modified to take into account makegcm_fcm modification
18 years |
mafoipsl |
JobClass? and JobNumProcTot? set in config.card.OldName?
18 years |
mafoipsl |
JobClass? and JobNumProcTot? set in config.card
18 years |
mafoipsl |
keep NUM_PROCs variables in oasis.driver
18 years |
mafoipsl |
no create_etat0 execution for DRYRUN<>0
18 years |
mafoipsl |
- 1.9 tag in config.card
- orchidee.def simplification and up-to-date
18 years |
mafoipsl |
- first blank for namcouple parameters required,
- caltype harmonization
18 years |
mafoipsl |
flux_iceberg file access suppressed
18 years |
mafoipsl |
Add Bands file for 3 processors load balancingi at 96x71 resolution.
18 years |
mafoipsl |
use sechiba_out as output file for orchidee. Both in orchidee.def and …
18 years |
mafoipsl |
sechiba_history for orchidee/sechiba output files
18 years |
mafoipsl |
oasis compilation done in interactive mode before launching LMD …
18 years |
mafoipsl |
Batch compilation added for lmdz on brodie (NEC IDRIS) in AA_make. …
18 years |
mafoipsl |
libsxioipsl reference suppressed in BB_make.ldef for OPA
useless with …
18 years |
aclsce |
AC + JG : Modified for using compilation of LMDZ with FCM
18 years |
aclsce |
Modifications :
- New orchidee.def
- Save text files in parallel …
18 years |
mafoipsl |
MAF : card files synchronisation for IPSLCM4_v2 with IPSLCM4_v1_OASIS3 …
18 years |
mmaipsl |
MM: correct ORCHIDEE compilation for all ORCHIDEE versions.
18 years |
aclsce |
Removed useless files in oasis.card and lmdz.card
18 years |
aclsce |
Synchronization of card files with cards of IPSLCM4_v1_OASIS3
18 years |
aclsce |
Namcouple parameters modification added
18 years |
aclsce |
Added use of NUM_PROC_ATM
18 years |
aclsce |
- added parallelism in compilation option for LMDZ4
- create_etat0_limit …
18 years |
aclsce |
MAFo+ACa : IPSLCM4_v2 first import