12 years |
gpincka |
correction pour simu type 'tar full'
12 years |
gpincka |
portage sur machine ulam de l'idris
12 years |
aclsce |
Modification sur les status
12 years |
gpincka |
introduction d'une variable pour recommencer les traitements depuis le …
12 years |
gpincka |
commentaires directives batch
12 years |
gpincka |
modifs showPackProgress.sh
12 years |
gpincka |
verif du parametre : choix du check ou non
12 years |
gpincka |
meilleure gestion de la verification de la progression avant et apres …
12 years |
aclsce |
Non traitee ou illisible = non traitee !
12 years |
gpincka |
Makefile crash si libccc_user non charge
12 years |
gpincka |
correction sur le precedent commit
12 years |
gpincka |
correction sur le precedent commit
12 years |
gpincka |
gestion (a ameliorer) des echecs ncrcat + check automatiques et aleatoires …
12 years |
gpincka |
Traitement des listes ncrcat_output ==> output_tar + modif affichage du …
12 years |
gpincka |
simplification mesure du temps de calcul
12 years |
gpincka |
correction erreur
12 years |
aclsce |
Removed "manquant list" if its size=0.
12 years |
gpincka |
modif : pas de chargement de certaines var d env si execution du script de …
12 years |
gpincka |
modif : pas de chargement de certaines var d env si execution du script de …
12 years |
gpincka |
Modif fonction verifiant chargement de libccc_user
12 years |
gpincka |
Ajout de verifications : glost compile + libccc_user charge
12 years |
gpincka |
Traitement (code sequentiel) des simu de taille < 1 Go ou de type …
12 years |
gpincka |
Traitement (code sequentiel) des simu de taille < 1 Go ou de type …
12 years |
gpincka |
principalement : enchainement du launcher parallele + gestion reprise du …
12 years |
aclsce |
Modified to take into account only simulations which have restart files
12 years |
acosce |
New management of Packsize for particular case :
Now if size of simu= …
12 years |
gpincka |
correction d'A. Cozic sur showPackProgress.sh
12 years |
acosce |
Add parallel version - global double check - minor bug
12 years |
acosce |
Add some information in bilan + management of simulation tar
12 years |
acosce |
Add case where we tar all the simulation (< 1Go, or create_etat0_limit …
12 years |
acosce |
uniformisation of namelist with suffix *.list
12 years |
acosce |
BugFix? on management of particular case for create_etat0 (actually found …
12 years |
aclsce |
- Modified bad error handling
- Removed tmp files which were created and …
12 years |
acosce |
Make some correction for running test on "bacasable"
12 years |
acosce |
BugFix? when we try to find variables to exclude of ncrcat.
For example …
12 years |
acosce |
Last commit was a mistake
12 years |
acosce |
BugFix? when we try to find variables to exclude of ncrcat.
For example …
12 years |
aclsce |
Modified to work both on Titane and Curie.
12 years |
acosce |
Correct a bug on date end for debug pack
12 years |
acosce |
Correct little error
12 years |
acosce |
Bugfix on work_cp listing
12 years |
aclsce |
Uncomment DELEGATE command.
12 years |
aclsce |
Modified to have check options by default
12 years |
aclsce |
Modifications done by Guillaume P :
- error handling for the whole script …
12 years |
acosce |
Try to make archive_restart executable
12 years |
acosce |
We delet *jnl* files from the listing
12 years |
acosce |
Bugfix : correct the name (add day in datebegin and dateend) of …
12 years |
aclsce |
Fixed some bugs.
12 years |
acosce |
We will not manage run.card and Script_Output files
12 years |
aclsce |
Modified to take into account new name of listfiles.
12 years |
acosce |
Change name of list to pack to be compatible with enlarge part
12 years |
acosce |
Add directory Exe to copy directly on storedir
12 years |
acosce |
Add case of out_gcm.e --> now tar in DEBUG directory
12 years |
acosce |
Change name for list of restart and debug to tar (now with Jobname)
12 years |
acosce |
in archive_restart.sh (for ccrt/tgcc mig) :
1- correct a bug on list …
12 years |
acosce |
Correct a little bug in create_config (mig ccrt/tgcc)
12 years |
aclsce |
Adapted enlarge tool to work with tar lists and cp lists.
12 years |
acosce |
Pack_ipsl : change name of files list to copy
12 years |
acosce |
make some change on analyse-atlas-monito list
12 years |
acosce |
- create a list to copy for $JobName_Bands_... files
12 years |
omamce |
Fonction DEM_write_state : gestion du verrou (.lock) dans le cas ou …
12 years |
acosce |
- add creation of debug list
- standardization of lists name
12 years |
aclsce |
12 years |
acosce |
Scripts ccrt to tgcc
create directories where we can store file lists to …
12 years |
acosce |
Correct a bug in find_size_pack (script ccrt to tgcc)
there is no need to …
12 years |
acosce |
We delete link files from the listing
12 years |
aclsce |
- Added scripts "launch_ipsl_enlarge.sh" and "enlarge_my_files.sh".
- …
12 years |
acosce |
if there are no output in the simulation (ex: create_etat0_limit …
12 years |
acosce |
Correct the particular case for lmdz simulation with create_etat0_limit
12 years |
acosce |
If a simulation has a size less than 1Go we tar it
12 years |
acosce |
Add the creation of the listing by the scripts (create_listing.sh)
Now …
12 years |
aclsce |
Fixed a small bug
12 years |
acosce |
Add tool pack used for ccrt/tgcc migration
13 years |
acosce |
Add scripts for creation and interpolation of aerosols files.
13 years |
mmaipsl |
Add short usage and examples in multi-monitoring_script and change title …
13 years |
mmaipsl |
Patrick, Martial : translation in shell script of Multi-Monitoring web …
13 years |
mafoipsl |
Add check_ccrt_files.sh to check a list of files based on dates.
13 years |
mafoipsl |
Move AA_stomate_flux_correction into EXTRAlibIGCM directory.
13 years |
mafoipsl |
Add CHECKscripts for scripts used in verifications
13 years |
mafoipsl |
Add EXTRAlibIGCM for tools based on libIGCM
14 years |
mmaipsl |
with Arnaud we have corrected some documentations and add SAVE directories …
14 years |
mmaipsl |
Add documentation.
Add a chain of jobs for long simulation treatments :
1) …
14 years |
mmaipsl |
Script to correct CMIP5 stomate_ipcc files build with source code older …
14 years |
mmaipsl |
Add a TOOLS directory for all patchs scripts. See wiki pages for use.