11 years |
acosce |
fixe a bug to calcul the new size for a pack
11 years |
acosce |
Correct a bug and add a new list (files that we will not pack)
11 years |
acosce |
Add option -h to SaveNewSimuPack?
11 years |
acosce |
Some update on surpack tools
1) add a script to move new pack on store …
12 years |
acosce |
make some corrections
12 years |
acosce |
remove this file (lev axis was invert)
12 years |
acosce |
* make some correction in prepare_aerosol_climato_annuel
* lev_file.nc is …
12 years |
acosce |
Add job to create aerosol file use by lmdz from inca output
12 years |
acosce |
Correct the name of restart archive to fit with libIGCM standard
12 years |
acosce |
fix a bug in archive_debug for surpack tool
12 years |
acosce |
add new tools allows packing simulation alreaddy pack (so pack with a …
12 years |
acosce |
Error in adding new pack_ipsl
12 years |
acosce |
error in adding
This line, and those below, will be ignored--
D …
12 years |
acosce |
New tools allows packing simulation already pack (so pack with a bigger …
12 years |
acosce |
Fix two bug in find_size_pack
1- the calcul for the PackFrequency? was …
12 years |
acosce |
Add to script to debug some problems create by pack_ipsl :
Somes files …
12 years |
aclsce |
Added functionnality to modify maximum number of tries
12 years |
aclsce |
Added script to evaluate nb of inodes which will be created on store and …
12 years |
aclsce |
Fixed a bug
12 years |
acosce |
made some modifications to speed up archive restart and debug process
12 years |
aclsce |
Fixed bug
12 years |
aclsce |
Modified to speed up the script.
12 years |
aclsce |
"check=no" : now it is not needed to do double check anymore.
12 years |
aclsce |
Not committed the good modif.
12 years |
aclsce |
Fixed some bugs (very small bugs).
12 years |
aclsce |
Added option to use "-c" batch parameter.
12 years |
aclsce |
Added check if file exist to fix small bug.
12 years |
aclsce |
Reduced the verbose level
12 years |
aclsce |
Modified to go faster.
12 years |
aclsce |
Bug fixed.
12 years |
aclsce |
Modified to add variable "LandPoints?" to not use in case of double check.
12 years |
brocksce |
How to produce example_01.svg
12 years |
brocksce |
Add an SVG example produced by plot_runcard.py
12 years |
brocksce |
Add a example list of runcards
12 years |
brocksce |
Add last version of the script
12 years |
brocksce |
Add directory to host scripts to plot runcards
12 years |
acosce |
bug fixe : there was a problem in the reading of date end for debug list
12 years |
aclsce |
Fixed bbugs
12 years |
aclsce |
Fixed some bugs.
12 years |
aclsce |
Added handling of error status for Job submission
12 years |
aclsce |
Added a sort
12 years |
aclsce |
Fixed a bug
12 years |
acosce |
Correct several bugs
- add a test on file to check if it exists or not …
12 years |
acosce |
deplace print in better place
12 years |
aclsce |
- Fixed some bugs
12 years |
aclsce |
Fixed a small bug
12 years |
aclsce |
- Fixed some bugs
12 years |
aclsce |
- Forgot these files were modified (via sed command)
12 years |
aclsce |
- Modified to not create tmp files in current directory
12 years |
aclsce |
- Fixed a small bug
12 years |
aclsce |
Modified to write log files in TMP_MIGR_DATA directory (instead of current …
12 years |
aclsce |
Added what is needed to use monitoring.
12 years |
aclsce |
Fixed small bug
12 years |
gpincka |
on enleve l'appel a 'showListsProgress.sh' en cas d'erreur dans creation …
12 years |
gpincka |
oups : petite correction
12 years |
aclsce |
- Option to delete input files
- set +x added to avoid too many prints
- …
12 years |
gpincka |
Suivi creation de listes : correction de l'affichage des simus speciales …
12 years |
aclsce |
Correction suppression mesh_mask
12 years |
aclsce |
12 years |
gpincka |
Traitement specifique pour la suppression des listes output_ncrcat et …
12 years |
gpincka |
Suppression des donnees traitees correctement. Attention : les cmds rm …
12 years |
aclsce |
Modified to exclude good variables
12 years |
aclsce |
Case "No Debug directory" was not taken into account.
12 years |
gpincka |
correction pour simu type 'tar full'
12 years |
gpincka |
portage sur machine ulam de l'idris
12 years |
aclsce |
Modification sur les status
12 years |
gpincka |
introduction d'une variable pour recommencer les traitements depuis le …
12 years |
gpincka |
commentaires directives batch
12 years |
gpincka |
modifs showPackProgress.sh
12 years |
gpincka |
verif du parametre : choix du check ou non
12 years |
gpincka |
meilleure gestion de la verification de la progression avant et apres …
12 years |
aclsce |
Non traitee ou illisible = non traitee !
12 years |
gpincka |
Makefile crash si libccc_user non charge
12 years |
gpincka |
correction sur le precedent commit
12 years |
gpincka |
correction sur le precedent commit
12 years |
gpincka |
gestion (a ameliorer) des echecs ncrcat + check automatiques et aleatoires …
12 years |
gpincka |
Traitement des listes ncrcat_output ==> output_tar + modif affichage du …
12 years |
gpincka |
simplification mesure du temps de calcul
12 years |
gpincka |
correction erreur
12 years |
aclsce |
Removed "manquant list" if its size=0.
12 years |
gpincka |
modif : pas de chargement de certaines var d env si execution du script de …
12 years |
gpincka |
modif : pas de chargement de certaines var d env si execution du script de …
12 years |
gpincka |
Modif fonction verifiant chargement de libccc_user
12 years |
gpincka |
Ajout de verifications : glost compile + libccc_user charge
12 years |
gpincka |
Traitement (code sequentiel) des simu de taille < 1 Go ou de type …
12 years |
gpincka |
Traitement (code sequentiel) des simu de taille < 1 Go ou de type …
12 years |
gpincka |
principalement : enchainement du launcher parallele + gestion reprise du …
12 years |
aclsce |
Modified to take into account only simulations which have restart files
13 years |
acosce |
New management of Packsize for particular case :
Now if size of simu= …
13 years |
gpincka |
correction d'A. Cozic sur showPackProgress.sh
13 years |
acosce |
Add parallel version - global double check - minor bug
13 years |
acosce |
Add some information in bilan + management of simulation tar
13 years |
acosce |
Add case where we tar all the simulation (< 1Go, or create_etat0_limit …
13 years |
acosce |
uniformisation of namelist with suffix *.list
13 years |
acosce |
BugFix? on management of particular case for create_etat0 (actually found …
13 years |
aclsce |
- Modified bad error handling
- Removed tmp files which were created and …
13 years |
acosce |
Make some correction for running test on "bacasable"
13 years |
acosce |
BugFix? when we try to find variables to exclude of ncrcat.
For example …
13 years |
acosce |
Last commit was a mistake
13 years |
acosce |
BugFix? when we try to find variables to exclude of ncrcat.
For example …