9 years |
labetoulle |
* Run everything (DB inserts + plots) from single bash script
* Change …
9 years |
labetoulle |
typos and cleaning
9 years |
labetoulle |
Overall cleaning and refactoring
9 years |
labetoulle |
Homogenization of cpt files parsing, including multi-node projects on …
9 years |
labetoulle |
allow two sub-allocation periods, part 1
9 years |
labetoulle |
data subdirectories + ignore image and cpt files
9 years |
labetoulle |
Add sub-directoty 'trunk'
9 years |
labetoulle |
Initial import
9 years |
labetoulle |
9 years |
labetoulle |
add minor ticks
9 years |
labetoulle |
add specific trick for gencmip6
10 years |
labetoulle |
- plot_bilan_jobs.py : add two month delay curve
- homogenise all plots
10 years |
labetoulle |
plot_store.py : plot initial volume in addition to current volume.
10 years |
labetoulle |
Typo and cleaning
10 years |
labetoulle |
Add to bilan a line that shows the theoratical two months …
10 years |
acosce |
add pdf for documentation
10 years |
labetoulle |
- Use allow_no_value option from ConfigParser?, for dods directory in …
10 years |
labetoulle |
10 years |
labetoulle |
10 years |
labetoulle |
launch_jobs.sh : use -bash to get root directory
10 years |
labetoulle |
- Use an INI config file
- reaname "gencmip6" variables
10 years |
labetoulle |
plot_jobs : default is now to plot the last three weeks instead of …
10 years |
labetoulle |
keep only one jobs plot per week
10 years |
labetoulle |
plot_bilan_jobs.py : make title more explicit + add max value if graph is …
10 years |
labetoulle |
10 years |
labetoulle |
set svn:executable on launch_conso.sh
10 years |
labetoulle |
change default for y-range in plot_bilan : ymax = 2*(ideal daily …
10 years |
labetoulle |
Set svn:ignore on files produced by the scripts
10 years |
labetoulle |
Update title for jobs plot
10 years |
labetoulle |
Add plot_bilan_jobs.py and do some cleaning
10 years |
labetoulle |
Print value of ideal daily consumption on axis
10 years |
labetoulle |
10 years |
labetoulle |
Add script to plot running and pending jobs
10 years |
labetoulle |
Add script to plot running and pending jobs
10 years |
labetoulle |
Use project name instead of 'GENCMIP6' in plot titles
10 years |
labetoulle |
10 years |
labetoulle |
- Process directory size without unit, => in bytes (from du -h)
- Typos
10 years |
labetoulle |
Move common functions to common module
10 years |
labetoulle |
Check exit status
10 years |
labetoulle |
Save daily plots on WORK
10 years |
labetoulle |
Fix typos
10 years |
labetoulle |
Comments and cleaning in launch_conso.sh
10 years |
labetoulle |
add script to load python module and launch everything
10 years |
labetoulle |
copy plots on dods
10 years |
labetoulle |
plot daily consumption instead of cumulative total
10 years |
labetoulle |
put all path definitions in a seperate file
10 years |
labetoulle |
Move all scripts to the same dir to use common configuration files
10 years |
labetoulle |
add ccc_myproject python parsing script
10 years |
labetoulle |
Add ConsoGENCMIP6 tools
11 years |
acosce |
Add some script for batch submission of surpack tools
11 years |
omamce |
O.M. : replace one grep by a loop. Needed for big experiments with lot of …
11 years |
jgipsl |
Updated with correct path at storedir.
11 years |
jgipsl |
Copied files for interpolating nudging files for LMDZ. These files were …
11 years |
acosce |
fixe a bug to calcul the new size for a pack
11 years |
acosce |
Correct a bug and add a new list (files that we will not pack)
11 years |
acosce |
Add option -h to SaveNewSimuPack?
11 years |
acosce |
Some update on surpack tools
1) add a script to move new pack on store …
12 years |
acosce |
make some corrections
12 years |
acosce |
remove this file (lev axis was invert)
12 years |
acosce |
* make some correction in prepare_aerosol_climato_annuel
* lev_file.nc is …
12 years |
acosce |
Add job to create aerosol file use by lmdz from inca output
12 years |
acosce |
Correct the name of restart archive to fit with libIGCM standard
12 years |
acosce |
fix a bug in archive_debug for surpack tool
12 years |
acosce |
add new tools allows packing simulation alreaddy pack (so pack with a …
12 years |
acosce |
Error in adding new pack_ipsl
12 years |
acosce |
error in adding
This line, and those below, will be ignored--
D …
12 years |
acosce |
New tools allows packing simulation already pack (so pack with a bigger …
12 years |
acosce |
Fix two bug in find_size_pack
1- the calcul for the PackFrequency? was …
12 years |
acosce |
Add to script to debug some problems create by pack_ipsl :
Somes files …
12 years |
aclsce |
Added functionnality to modify maximum number of tries
12 years |
aclsce |
Added script to evaluate nb of inodes which will be created on store and …
12 years |
aclsce |
Fixed a bug
12 years |
acosce |
made some modifications to speed up archive restart and debug process
12 years |
aclsce |
Fixed bug
12 years |
aclsce |
Modified to speed up the script.
12 years |
aclsce |
"check=no" : now it is not needed to do double check anymore.
12 years |
aclsce |
Not committed the good modif.
12 years |
aclsce |
Fixed some bugs (very small bugs).
12 years |
aclsce |
Added option to use "-c" batch parameter.
12 years |
aclsce |
Added check if file exist to fix small bug.
12 years |
aclsce |
Reduced the verbose level
12 years |
aclsce |
Modified to go faster.
12 years |
aclsce |
Bug fixed.
12 years |
aclsce |
Modified to add variable "LandPoints?" to not use in case of double check.
12 years |
brocksce |
How to produce example_01.svg
12 years |
brocksce |
Add an SVG example produced by plot_runcard.py
12 years |
brocksce |
Add a example list of runcards
12 years |
brocksce |
Add last version of the script
12 years |
brocksce |
Add directory to host scripts to plot runcards
12 years |
acosce |
bug fixe : there was a problem in the reading of date end for debug list
12 years |
aclsce |
Fixed bbugs
12 years |
aclsce |
Fixed some bugs.
12 years |
aclsce |
Added handling of error status for Job submission
12 years |
aclsce |
Added a sort
12 years |
aclsce |
Fixed a bug
12 years |
acosce |
Correct several bugs
- add a test on file to check if it exists or not …
12 years |
acosce |
deplace print in better place
12 years |
aclsce |
- Fixed some bugs
12 years |
aclsce |
Fixed a small bug
12 years |
aclsce |
- Fixed some bugs