14 years |
acosce |
Update LMDZINCA_WORK for working on configuration LMDZINCA_v4
14 years |
mmaipsl |
add new libIGCM_v1_8-old configuration to get ride of mercure frontend …
14 years |
acosce |
Update of LMDZ and INCA revision in LMDZINCA config
14 years |
acosce |
Update libIGCM version in LMDZINCA_v3 config
14 years |
aclsce |
Changed environment variable for netcdf on titane ( now NETCDF_LIB_DIR
and …
14 years |
acosce |
Update libIgcm version for LMDZORINCA and add a tag to the config
15 years |
mmaipsl |
Add ORCHIDEE_OL scripts in config directory for HEAD versions.
15 years |
aclsce |
Use of rev 1420 of LMDZ for CMIP5 runs with IPSLCM5A configuration :
- …
15 years |
jgipsl |
Updated LMDZ4 revision in LMDZ4OR_v3 configuration.
15 years |
rblod |
Change NEMO tag to v3_2_1
15 years |
jgipsl |
Updated IPSLCM5A configuration with bug-fix in LMDZ : correction on the …
15 years |
aclsce |
Use of rev 1415 of LMDZ in IPSLCM5A configuration in order to use last …
15 years |
acosce |
change INCA version in LMDZORINCA config
15 years |
rblod |
update NEMOTAM for mod.def
15 years |
mafoipsl |
use libIGCM_v1_8 for IPSLCM5A and ORCHIDEE_OL_AR5.
Cesium used for SX9 …
15 years |
aclsce |
Use revision 1410 of LMDZ4 for IPSLCM5A configuration (added tracer "Age …
15 years |
acosce |
ACo : change inca compilation for compatibility with bash
15 years |
acosce |
change LMDZ tag for LMDZORINCA config
15 years |
mafoipsl |
IPSLCM5A : Use LMDZ branch LMDZ4_AR5 revision 1402 .
15 years |
rblod |
Add NEMO adjoint model as target NEMOTAM
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use NEMO 1952 with corrected global volume computation. NEMO ticket #682. …
15 years |
mmaipsl |
Put ORCHIDEE_OL scripts in config directory of modipsl.
15 years |
jgipsl |
Now Laurent Fairhead is in charge of the configurations LMDZ4OR_v3, …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use LMDZ4/branches/LMDZ4_AR5/ for IPSLCM5A.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use lmdz trunk 1400 in IPSLCM5A configuration.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use libIGCM_v1_7 for supported configurations.
15 years |
acosce |
use libIGCM_v1_6, IOIPSL 2_2_1, Orchidee 1_9_5 in config LMDZORINCA and …
15 years |
mmaipsl |
use libIGCM_v1_6 on configurations for CMIP5.
15 years |
mmaipsl |
Add execution permission for Jobs in all SUBMIT_DIRs.
15 years |
acosce |
update tag version for LMDZINCA and LMDZORINCA config
15 years |
mafoipsl |
For IPSLCM5A use LMDZ revision 1398 with CMIP5 outputs validated.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
For IPSLCM5A : use XLMF90 revision 92 without doc, LMDZ 1396 and libIGCM …
15 years |
mmaipsl |
Add new orchidee_AR5 tag in IPSLCM5A and LMDZ4OR_v3 configurations.
Add …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use libIGCM 279 for IPSLCM5A to protect IGCM_card_WriteOption.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
use libIGCM 278, IOIPSL v2_2_1 and LMDZ 1391 for IPSLCM5A
15 years |
mafoipsl |
dd x86_64 for new mercure front_end.
15 years |
aclsce |
Changed revision of NEMO for IPSLCM5A to take into account bug fixes for …
15 years |
cetlod |
IPSLCM5A : use NEMO revision 1873
15 years |
rblod |
Suppress nemo_user by default to avoid entering username and password …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
use LMDZ 1385 for IPSLCM5A.
15 years |
mmaipsl |
MM: change ORCHIDEE tag for HEAD (soon 1.9.5 IPCC version) in IPSLCM5A.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use revision 1374 for LMDZ with ok_histNMC input parameter.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
IPSLCM5A : use NEMO revision 1854.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use IOIPSL v2_2_0 and LMDZ and NEMO with latest revision.
15 years |
mmaipsl |
Add simple libIGCM trunk configuration
15 years |
mafoipsl |
titane added for NEMO.
15 years |
sdipsl |
For IPSLCM5A configuration use
LMDZ trunk revision 1362
libIGCM trunk …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use NEMO 1848 on CMIP5_IPSL branch to allow long name experiments.
15 years |
mmaipsl |
MM: change all orchidee_1_9_4_AR5 to orchidee_1_9_4_2.
15 years |
mmaipsl |
MM: change all ORCHIDEE version from branch orchidee_1_9_4_AR5 for its …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
IPSLCM5A configuration added.
15 years |
aclsce |
Use of tag ipslcm5a (instead of HEAD) for Oasis in IPSLCM5_v2 and …
15 years |
cetlod |
IPSLCM5_v3 uses NEMO from branch CMIP5_IPSL revision 1830
15 years |
mmaipsl |
change ORCHIDEE_OL1_9_MERGE for new tag orchidee_1_9_4_2
15 years |
cetlod |
Update mod.def to take into account modifications in IPSLCM5_v3 …
15 years |
aclsce |
Use of revision 1329 of LMDZ in LMDZ4OR_v3 configuration to fit with …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
One step forward to fixed IPSLCM5 version : LMDZ 1329 for both IPSLCM5_v2 …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Keep PISCES 1807 for the moment.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use compilation options working with or without PSMILE library (flush …
15 years |
cetlod |
IPSLCM5_v3 use NEMO from branch CMIP5_IPSL revision 1808
15 years |
sdipsl |
- IPSLCM5_v2 and IPSLCM5_v3 use libIGCM trunk revision 246
- LMDZ4OR_v2 …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
First include of mercure0[123] the new SX front-end at CCRT.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
adapt model script for IPSLCM5_v3 configuration.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
PC+MAF : IPSLCM5 in config directory.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
PC+MAF : v3 instead of v2 !!!
15 years |
mafoipsl |
PC+MAF : use branches/CMIP5_IPSL for NEMO revision 1807
15 years |
mafoipsl |
PC+MAF : add IPSLCM5_v3 config ie IPSLCM5_v2 + PISCES
15 years |
aclsce |
Use of tag libIGCM_v1_5 of libIGCM for IPSLCM5_v2 configuration.
15 years |
acosce |
update version of INCA and libIGCM in LMDZINCA and LMDZORINCA
15 years |
aclsce |
- Use of revision 54 of xmlio_server and xmlf90 libraries to use
15 years |
mafoipsl |
For aix6 ie vargas : suppress flush rename needed for Psmile only. Use …
15 years |
mmaipsl |
Add ::modipsl:: detection and replacement in all libIGCM script (not aonly …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
use revision 222 for libIGCM into IPSLCM5_v2.
15 years |
acosce |
Use rev 1315 for LMDZ and rev 163 for INCA -> update use of some include …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
For IPSLCM5_v2 config, use LMDZ revision 1314 to allow compilation of …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use LMDZ trunk revision 1309 with histrac history file disabled.
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: correction of libIgcm version in LMDZINCA config
15 years |
aclsce |
Added titane (Xeon CCRT machine) as target machine
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use revision 1307 for LMDZ into IPSLCM5_v2 configuration
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: update LMDZORINCA and LMDZINCA config
15 years |
aclsce |
Added LMDZ4OR_v3 configuration to fit with IPSLCM5_v2 coupled …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
IPSLCM5_v2 configuration adapted : revision 215 for libIGCM, LMDZ4 trunk …
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: Add _work configuration for LMDZINCA and LMDZORINCA
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: change LMDZINCA_v3 and LMDZORINCA to check out
15 years |
mafoipsl |
LF + MAF : use LMDZ4 trunk for LMDZ4_work and LMDZ4OR_work configurations.
15 years |
aclsce |
AC + ACo : Use of LMDZ4-dev-20091210 branch instead of
LMDZ4-dev branch to …
15 years |
mmaipsl |
MM : increase IOIPSL version for ORCHIDEE off-line.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use libIGCM 211 and LMDZ 1273 for IPSLCM5_v2 tested on 8/12/09
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use libIGCM revision 211 for IPSLCM5_v2.
15 years |
acosce |
ACo : update LMDZORINCA config
15 years |
aclsce |
Changed to use last version of libIGCM rev 207 (especially to use good …
15 years |
rblod |
Update NEMO version to 3_2
15 years |
sdipsl |
- Adapt to handle LMDZ 39 levels new atlas
- Use libIGCM from trunk …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use nemo v3_2 for IPSLCM5_v2 configuration.
15 years |
sdipsl |
- LMDZ r1264
- ability to read ozone climatogy, not active for now
- …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
For NEMO_DEV use 51 for XMLIO_SERVER and tags/v2_1_9 for IOIPSL.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use NEMO rev 1737 with integers for calendars and new iodef.xml (-1 for 1 …
15 years |
rblod |
Change IOSERVER revision to 50 for NEMO_DEV
15 years |
sdipsl |
- sd, ac
- Stick to IPSLCM5_v2 / only difference is XMLIO SERVER
15 years |
mmaipsl |
MM: forget to suppress a line.