17 years |
jgipsl |
Updated model tags in configuration LMDZ4OR_v2.
17 years |
jgipsl |
Change administrator for configuration LMDZ4OR_v2
17 years |
mmaipsl |
MM: Change all new ORCHIDEE off-line configurations !
New driver and …
17 years |
mafoipsl |
Take care of aligment.
17 years |
mafoipsl |
take care of aligment.
17 years |
mafoipsl |
add babel (Blue Gene) and bgfe (Blue Gene Front End) in modipsl tools.
17 years |
acosce |
use svn tags for LMDZINCA_v2 and IPSL_ESM_V1 config
17 years |
acosce |
change IOIPSL tag for LMDZINCA_v2 and IPSL_ESM_V1
17 years |
bellier |
JB: Use TAGS/v2_1_2 instead of TAGS/v2_1_1
17 years |
bellier |
JB: update
17 years |
bellier |
JB: remove to replace by trunk
17 years |
mafoipsl |
tag IPSLCM4_v2_2 for input files for IPSLCM4_v2 config
17 years |
sdipsl |
SD : use libIGCM_v1 tag for IPSLCM4_v2 configuration
17 years |
mafoipsl |
- use orchidee_1_9_2 tag for IPSLCM4_v2 configuration
- change comment for …
17 years |
mafoipsl |
use LMDZ4_V3_4 tag for LMDZ4_V3 in IPSLCM4_v2 config. …
17 years |
bellier |
- updated ins_make to avoid conflicts with target names
- enhanced …
17 years |
bellier |
JB: modified a ksh command, not equivalent in ksh93
17 years |
mmaipsl |
MM, JB: Use new IOIPSL tag v2_1_2 instead of v2_1_1.
17 years |
mmaipsl |
MM: Add configurations ORCHIDEE_OOL (for ORCHIDEE_OL HEAD with IOIPSL …
17 years |
acosce |
ACo : use tag LMDZ4_V3_2 for LMDZINCA_v2 and IPSL_ESM_V1
17 years |
bellier |
JB: [re[re[re]]] update
17 years |
bellier |
JB: re[re[re]]]delete before upgrade
17 years |
bellier |
JB: return to previous validated version
17 years |
bellier |
JB: update to the last version of trunk
17 years |
bellier |
JB: delete before update
17 years |
bellier |
JB: restore an intermediate version (too many problems with tabs)
17 years |
bellier |
JB: create a new tag for modipsl
17 years |
bellier |
JB: add a Tab character as ending host-name delimiter
17 years |
bellier |
JB: add a blank in a sed instruction to avoid conflict in host names
17 years |
bellier |
JB: Cent fois sur le me(accent aigu)tier ...
Il n'est jamais trop tard …
17 years |
bellier |
JB: add a refined sed command to avoid mismatch
with the -t option
17 years |
bellier |
JB: correcting a little typing mismatch
17 years |
aclsce |
Modified Netcdf libraries path for platine (CCRT scalar machine )
17 years |
bellier |
JB : modify syntax of a test to work on the Earth Simulator
17 years |
bellier |
- AA_make.gdef :
addin the key "idris_tx7" to work with gfortran
- …
17 years |
mafoipsl |
use tag LMDZ4_V3_2 for LMDZ in IPSLCM4_v2 configuration
17 years |
aclsce |
Added and modified options for eshpux target (ES front-end)
17 years |
mmaipsl |
Je change le courriel d'avertissement pour l'adresse mèl de Abdherrahmane …
17 years |
mmaipsl |
overwrite precedent commit. Thanks to Anne, correct a bug with multiple …
17 years |
mmaipsl |
MM, ACo : Thanks to Anne, correct a bug with multiple jobs to install and …
17 years |
acosce |
ACo : take now libIGCM head which authorize IPSL_ESM_V1 atlas
17 years |
acosce |
ACo : change tag for IPSL_ESM_V1 config
17 years |
omamce |
Add possibility to change name of modipsl directory (by experiment name …
17 years |
aclsce |
Tag ipslcm4_v2 for OPA in IPSLCM4_v2 configuration because of
modification …
17 years |
mmaipsl |
MM: Add executable permissions on scripts touched by ins_job.
17 years |
mmaipsl |
MM: Add LMDZ4OR_v2 configuration.
17 years |
bellier |
JB: update to the last version
17 years |
bellier |
JB: delete to update
17 years |
acosce |
17 years |
mafoipsl |
Use tag libIGCM_v0_9 for libIGCM
17 years |
aclsce |
use tag IPSLCM4_v2_1 for IPSLCM4_v2
17 years |
aclsce |
AC : - Modified "loopcnt" compilation option on mercure
- Increase …
17 years |
aclsce |
AC : - Modified to run on ccrt scalar machine platine
- Modified to …
17 years |
mafoipsl |
For IPSLCM4_v2: tags orchidee_1_9_1 and LMDZ4_V3_1 for ORCHIDEE and LMDZ …
17 years |
mafoipsl |
JobClass? and JobNumProcTot? are optionnal in config.card.
17 years |
acosce |
ACo : change LMDZ tag on LMDZINCA (sequentiel) configuration
17 years |
acosce |
ACo : add new configuration LMDZORINCA
17 years |
acosce |
ACo : take inca on svn for IPSL_ESM_V1
17 years |
mafoipsl |
commands echo suppression
17 years |
mafoipsl |
2 variables coming from config.card added : JobClass?, JobNumProcTot?
18 years |
acosce |
ACo : mod.def - take inca by svn for lmdzinca config
18 years |
acosce |
ACo : add new config IPSL_ESM_V1
18 years |
acosce |
ACo : remove to update
18 years |
acosce |
ACo : add new configuration : IPSL_ESM_V1
18 years |
bellier |
JB: pwd -> /bin/pwd
18 years |
bellier |
JB: remove to actualize
18 years |
bellier |
JB: pwd -> bin/pwd
18 years |
mafoipsl |
Use /bin/pwd instead of pwd to allow batch compilation for AA_make based …
18 years |
acosce |
ACo : add new config (LMDZINCA_v2) manage by forge svn
18 years |
bellier |
JB: actualize to the version with ins_job
18 years |
bellier |
JB: remove to actualize
18 years |
bellier |
JB: add some comments
18 years |
aclsce |
AC + JG : Added variable FCM_ARCH used by makegcm_fcm for LMDZ
18 years |
bellier |
JB: no overwrite already existing files
18 years |
bellier |
JB: added expansion of keyword "Id" and some orthographic corrections
18 years |
bellier |
JB: add ins_job
18 years |
bellier |
JB: actualize
18 years |
bellier |
JB: to actualize
18 years |
bellier |
JB: add "argent" and (for the future) "platine"
18 years |
bellier |
JB: add "argent" computer (to be tested)
18 years |
rblod |
Change NEMO tag to nemo_v2_3
18 years |
rblod |
Correct previous mistake
18 years |
rblod |
Change NEMO tag to nemo_v2_3
18 years |
rblod |
Change NEMO tag to nemo_v2_3
18 years |
bellier |
18 years |
bellier |
18 years |
bellier |
JB: update the parameter M_M (move module) for target solaris
18 years |
bellier |
- add sx6nec in files (use ins_make -t sx6nec ... for ald codes)
- …
18 years |
rblod |
18 years |
aclsce |
Preprocessing and option for parallelism added in compilation options of …
18 years |
aclsce |
MAFo+ACa : IPSLCM4_v2 configuration added in mod.def
18 years |
bellier |
- reflects the modifications of Rachid in the old version
to tnew …
18 years |
bellier |
JB: create the basic public version
18 years |
bellier |
JB: delete to rename
18 years |
bellier |
JB: define public and development versions
18 years |
bellier |
- new format of data in mod.def
- new version of model to read the …
18 years |
bellier |
(the last tagged version of NEMO and IOIPSL, all under …
18 years |
bellier |
JB: create the first tag (but the last version) of modipsl
18 years |
bellier |
JB: suppress the diff/rm/update options of model script
18 years |
bellier |
JB: added server address, IOIPSL_SVN and IOIPSL_PLUS_SVN