15 years |
mafoipsl |
use revision 222 for libIGCM into IPSLCM5_v2.
15 years |
acosce |
Use rev 1315 for LMDZ and rev 163 for INCA -> update use of some include …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
For IPSLCM5_v2 config, use LMDZ revision 1314 to allow compilation of …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use LMDZ trunk revision 1309 with histrac history file disabled.
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: correction of libIgcm version in LMDZINCA config
15 years |
aclsce |
Added titane (Xeon CCRT machine) as target machine
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use revision 1307 for LMDZ into IPSLCM5_v2 configuration
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: update LMDZORINCA and LMDZINCA config
15 years |
aclsce |
Added LMDZ4OR_v3 configuration to fit with IPSLCM5_v2 coupled …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
IPSLCM5_v2 configuration adapted : revision 215 for libIGCM, LMDZ4 trunk …
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: Add _work configuration for LMDZINCA and LMDZORINCA
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: change LMDZINCA_v3 and LMDZORINCA to check out
15 years |
mafoipsl |
LF + MAF : use LMDZ4 trunk for LMDZ4_work and LMDZ4OR_work configurations.
15 years |
aclsce |
AC + ACo : Use of LMDZ4-dev-20091210 branch instead of
LMDZ4-dev branch to …
15 years |
mmaipsl |
MM : increase IOIPSL version for ORCHIDEE off-line.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use libIGCM 211 and LMDZ 1273 for IPSLCM5_v2 tested on 8/12/09
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use libIGCM revision 211 for IPSLCM5_v2.
15 years |
acosce |
ACo : update LMDZORINCA config
15 years |
aclsce |
Changed to use last version of libIGCM rev 207 (especially to use good …
15 years |
rblod |
Update NEMO version to 3_2
15 years |
sdipsl |
- Adapt to handle LMDZ 39 levels new atlas
- Use libIGCM from trunk …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use nemo v3_2 for IPSLCM5_v2 configuration.
15 years |
sdipsl |
- LMDZ r1264
- ability to read ozone climatogy, not active for now
- …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
For NEMO_DEV use 51 for XMLIO_SERVER and tags/v2_1_9 for IOIPSL.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use NEMO rev 1737 with integers for calendars and new iodef.xml (-1 for 1 …
15 years |
rblod |
Change IOSERVER revision to 50 for NEMO_DEV
15 years |
sdipsl |
- sd, ac
- Stick to IPSLCM5_v2 / only difference is XMLIO SERVER
15 years |
mmaipsl |
MM: forget to suppress a line.
15 years |
mmaipsl |
MM: use right version of libIGCM for ORCHIDEE off-line jobs.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Use libIGCM v1_4 for IPSLCM5_v2 (tagged 10/11/09)
15 years |
mafoipsl |
IPSLCM5_v2 : use LMDZ4 1260 to have sx9mercure as a separate machine
15 years |
mafoipsl |
add sx9mercure as a separate machine
15 years |
mmaipsl |
MM: Change orchidee version in ORCHIDEE_OL1_9_MERGE and IPSLCM5_v2 for …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
revision 1719 for NEMO in IPSLCM5_v2
15 years |
mafoipsl |
IPSLCM5_v2 with iomput activated by default for NEMO.
README explains how …
15 years |
flavoni |
15 years |
sdipsl |
- Use libIGCM_v_1_4 for those configuration
15 years |
sdipsl |
- use LMDZ4-dev revision 1248 for IPSLCM5_v1 and IPSLCM5_v2
15 years |
aclsce |
Added the extraction of XMLF90 and XMLIO_SERVER libraries for IPSLCM5_v2 …
15 years |
rblod |
Add POMME open boundaries test case for NEMO
15 years |
mmaipsl |
MM: Correct executable permissions on scripts touched by ins_job (error in …
15 years |
aclsce |
Use of ioipsl v2_1_9 for LMDZORINCA and LMDZINCA_v3 configurations
15 years |
bellier |
New version with environmental management
15 years |
bellier |
Save the trunk version before changes
15 years |
mafoipsl |
use ioipsl v2_1_9 for IOIPSL only configs.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
use the tagged version libIGCM_v1_3 for libIGCM for IPSLCM5_v1, …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
use IOIPSL v2_1_9 and libIGCM trunk 170 for LMDZ4_work and LMDZ4OR_work …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
use libIGCM trunk revision 170 for IOIPSL v2_1_9 ie for IPSLCM5_v1 and …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
use IOIPSL tag v2_1_9 for IPSLCM5_v1 configuration and use at least …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
use at least libIGCM trunk 169 to have time counter in double.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
use IOIPSL tag v2_1_9 for IPSLCM5_v2 configuration
15 years |
mafoipsl |
Introduction of IPSLCM5_v2 configuration
15 years |
mafoipsl |
use tag IPSLCM4_v2_6 for IPSLCM4_v2 config for offline rebuild as default.
15 years |
jgipsl |
LMDZ4_work config contains now the latest version of LMDZ (branch …
15 years |
jgipsl |
Updated LMDZ revison number in LMDZORINCA and LMDZINCA_v3
configurations. …
15 years |
rblod |
Update IOSERVER revision for NEMO
15 years |
sdipsl |
- Stick to the plan
- We need lmdz-dev rev 1216
- Aerosol bugfixes (flux …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
FH+MAF : use last revision on LMDZ4-dev branch for LMDZ4OR_work …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
MAF : use tag IPSLCM4_v2_5 for IPSLCM4_v2 config
15 years |
mafoipsl |
JM + MAF : put libIGCM_v_1_3 in IPSLCM4_v2 config to allow ulam and forget …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
MAF + SF : put libIGCM tag v1_3 in NEMO_IGCM config
15 years |
mmaipsl |
Chnage ORCHIDEE_OL1_9_MERGE driver version for new OOL_1_9_4 Tag.
In this …
15 years |
jgipsl |
Update LMDZ revision, IOPSL and libIGCM for LMDZINCA_v3 et LMDZORINCA …
15 years |
sdipsl |
- Adapt this part to 39 levels (ie .resol can have 2 lines)
15 years |
sdipsl |
- LMDZ4OR_work will get closer to IPSLCM5_v1
- Update some libIGCM tag to …
15 years |
mafoipsl |
MAF : use last version of LMDZ to keep working compilation on vargas
15 years |
bellier |
Add branche v_dev_module for future developments
15 years |
mmaipsl |
OLD TAG orchidee_1_9_3 in ORCHIDEE_OL1_9 configuration.
15 years |
mafoipsl |
MAF : IPSLCM5_v1 added. Tests in progress... More information : …
15 years |
acosce |
ACo : update INCA3 tag in LMDZINCA_v3, LMDZORINCA, IPSL_ESM_v2 config
15 years |
mafoipsl |
MAF+OM : use IPSLCM5 revision 632 for IPSLCM5_v0 (name of create_etat0 …
15 years |
sdipsl |
Add -WF,-DCPP_PARA to aix6 so that Orchidee compile right interfaces (like …
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: add a revision number for LMDZ in LMDZINCA/LMDZORINCA/IPSL_ESM_v2 …
15 years |
omamce |
OM: Change IPSLCM5 to IPSLCM5_v0
15 years |
acosce |
ACo : correction for LMDZORINCA config
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: change UTIL tag for IPSL_ESM_v2
15 years |
acosce |
ACo: add IPSL_ESM_v2 config and update LMDZORINCA config
16 years |
rblod |
Change IO server revision to 35 for NEMO (NEC compatibility)
16 years |
bellier |
Added library netcdff for link (omitted)
16 years |
bellier |
Added definitions for cesium at CCRT
16 years |
rblod |
Change IO server revision for NEMO and FCM_ARCH definition for vargas
16 years |
acosce |
ACo: take LMDZ4/branches/LMDZ4-dev for LMDZINCA_v3 config
16 years |
mafoipsl |
SF + MAF : use trunk for libIGCM and NEMO into NEMO_IGCM config
16 years |
aclsce |
Use of revision 1143 of LMDZ-dev branch for IPSLCM5_WORK configuration.
16 years |
aclsce |
Configuration IPSLCM5_WORK :
- corrected small bug
- use of orchidee …
16 years |
rblod |
Add IO server for NEMO_DEV
16 years |
jgipsl |
Added extraction of FCM in LMDZ4_work configuration.
16 years |
jgipsl |
Changed to extract LMDZ from SVN server instead of CVS. The tag has not …
16 years |
aclsce |
Changed model version used for IPSLCM5 configuration :
- LMDZ4 tag …
16 years |
aclsce |
IPSLCM5 : use NEMO trunk revision 1340, libIGCM trunk revision 59, LMDZ …
16 years |
bellier |
Added elements to use ulam at IDRIS
16 years |
aclsce |
Modified IOIPSL library tag used in IPSLCM5 and IPSLCM5_WORK …
16 years |
mafoipsl |
MAF+CE+CL : GYRE_LOBSTER libIGCM files added in NEMO_IGCM config
16 years |
jgipsl |
Updated tag for libIGCM in LMDZ4OR_v2 configuration. Now using …
16 years |
aclsce |
Changed tag nemo_v3_1_beta into nemo_v3_1 for NEMO component in IPSLCM5 …
16 years |
rblod |
Change tag to nemo_v3_1 for NEMO, NEMO_XMLIO_SERVER, NEMO_IGCMG
16 years |
aclsce |
Modified IPSLCM5_WORK configuration : coherence with IPSLCM5
configuration …
16 years |
aclsce |
Added NEMO_XMLIO_SERVER configuration
16 years |
mafoipsl |
MAF + SF : put nemo_v3 tag in NEMO_IGCM config to have working namelist
16 years |
mafoipsl |
MAF + FP : opatlod email address correction