Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#54 closed task (fixed)

create_etat0_limit : needed by default or not ?

Reported by: aclsce Owned by: igcmg
Priority: major Milestone: IPSL CM5
Component: configuration Version:
Keywords: create_etat0_limit, restarts, LMDZ Cc: Marie-Alice.Foujols@…, sebastien.denvil@…


The use of create_etat0_limit may be a problem if the binary file was generated to run on parallel way (i.e the way to launch it becomes specific to every machine).
Is it really needed to launch create_etat0_limit ? What about creating LMDZ restart files once for each standard resolution ? In this case, the compilation and the execution would not be necessary...

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by mafoipsl

  • Milestone set to IPSL CM5
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Done in [894] :

  • start and startphy files have been saved into ATM/Output directory.
  • climoz is not set for the creation of this files because climoz_LMD depends of the computer.
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