Opened 15 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#55 closed defect (fixed)

North pole validation

Reported by: mafoipsl Owned by: mafoipsl
Priority: major Milestone: IPSL CM5
Component: modeles Version: 2.0
Keywords: Noth Pole Cc:


North pole validation for IPSLCM5A

Attachments (7)

strairy.png (27.0 KB) - added by mafoipsl 15 years ago.
strairx.png (25.2 KB) - added by mafoipsl 15 years ago.
pono.png (24.5 KB) - added by mafoipsl 15 years ago.
pono2.png (24.3 KB) - added by mafoipsl 15 years ago.
pono3.png (24.5 KB) - added by mafoipsl 15 years ago. (4.2 KB) - added by omamce 15 years ago.
Petit kit pour tracer les composantes du vent dans les fichiers coupleur/atmosphere
VentPole.pdf (1.1 MB) - added by omamce 15 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (12)

Changed 15 years ago by mafoipsl

Changed 15 years ago by mafoipsl

Changed 15 years ago by mafoipsl

Changed 15 years ago by mafoipsl

Changed 15 years ago by mafoipsl

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by mafoipsl

Initial status

Details of different tests

  • PONO : IPSLCM5A with NEMO 1854. Look at attachment:pono.png
    geo2atm.F90 :
       ! Value at North Pole
       IF (is_north_pole) THEN
         pu(:, 1) = pu(1, 1)
         pv(:, 1) = pv(1, 1) 
         pr(:, 1) = pr(1, 1)
    atm2geo.F90 :
     ! Value at North Pole  
       IF (is_north_pole) THEN
         pxx(:, 1) = pxx(1,1)
         pyy(:, 1) = pyy(1,1)
         pzz(:, 1) = pzz(1,1)
  • PONO2 : IPSLCM5A with modification in LMDZ4. Look at attachment:pono2.png
     geo2atm.F90 :
       ! Value at North Pole
       IF (is_north_pole) THEN
         pu(:, 1) = - py(1, 1)
         pv(:, 1) = - px(1, 1)
         pr(:, 1) = 0.0E0
    atm2geo.F90 :
     ! Value at North Pole  
       IF (is_north_pole) THEN
         pxx(:, 1) = - ptn (1,1)
         pyy(:, 1) = - pte (1,1)
         pzz(:, 1) = 0.0E0
  • PONO3 : IPSLCM5A with LMDZ modification. Look at attachment:pono3.png
     geo2atm.F90 :
       ! Value at North Pole
       IF (is_north_pole) THEN
         pu(:, 1) = py(1, 1)
         pv(:, 1) = px(1, 1)
         pr(:, 1) = 0.0E0
    atm2geo.F90 :
     ! Value at North Pole  
       IF (is_north_pole) THEN
         pxx(:, 1) = ptn (1,1)
         pyy(:, 1) = pte (1,1)
         pzz(:, 1) = 0.0E0
  • PONO4 : IPSLCM5 with LMDZ modification.
     geo2atm.F90 :
       ! Value at North Pole
       IF (is_north_pole) THEN
         pu(:, 1) = - py(1, 1)
         pv(:, 1) = px(1, 1)
         pr(:, 1) = 0.0E0
    atm2geo.F90 :
     ! Value at North Pole  
       IF (is_north_pole) THEN
         pxx(:, 1) = ptn (1,1)
         pyy(:, 1) = - pte (1,1)
         pzz(:, 1) = 0.0E0

Changed 15 years ago by omamce

Petit kit pour tracer les composantes du vent dans les fichiers coupleur/atmosphere

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by omamce

Tests en cours

Arnaud relance les tests, mais sans le passage des courants de l'océan vers l'atmosphère.

Changed 15 years ago by omamce

comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by omamce

Le bon changement de repère a été donné par Frédéric. Il a été codé dans LMDZ et testé. Le document joint (VentPole?.pdf) décrit le bon changement de repère.

comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by mafoipsl

LMDZ 1385 included in IPSLCM5A configuration. Refer to : [1009]

comment:5 Changed 10 years ago by mafoipsl

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed
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