


15:21 Changeset [2442] by acosce
Add DUST configuration in compilation and driver
11:21 Changeset [2441] by labetoulle
Set svn:ignore on files produced by the scripts
11:05 Changeset [2440] by labetoulle
Update title for jobs plot
11:04 IPSLCMIP5 edited by jripsl
Fix typo (diff)
11:03 IPSLCMIP5 edited by jripsl
Add entries (diff)
10:52 Changeset [2439] by acosce
Add new chemistry configuration for INCA (Dust only)
10:51 Changeset [2438] by acosce
While bug with xios in inca is not solve, we use ioipsl by default


16:21 Changeset [2437] by labetoulle
Add plot_bilan_jobs.py and do some cleaning


15:54 Changeset [2436] by aclsce
NEMO : Activate diaptr output file by default in IPSLCM6 configuration.
15:17 Changeset [2435] by aclsce
Added deptht in diaptr TS to make monitoring work. Desactivate SE for …
12:52 Changeset [2434] by labetoulle
Print value of ideal daily consumption on axis
11:55 Changeset [2433] by labetoulle


17:34 Changeset [2432] by labetoulle
Add script to plot running and pending jobs
17:31 Changeset [2431] by labetoulle
Add script to plot running and pending jobs


17:14 PerformancesIPSLCM6 edited by mafoipsl
16:39 PerformancesIPSLCM6 edited by acosce
12:31 Changeset [2430] by labetoulle
Use project name instead of 'GENCMIP6' in plot titles
10:48 Changeset [2429] by labetoulle


18:10 Changeset [2428] by labetoulle
- Process directory size without unit, => in bytes (from du -h) - Typos
17:43 Changeset [2427] by labetoulle
Move common functions to common module
16:25 Changeset [2426] by labetoulle
Check exit status
15:50 Changeset [2425] by labetoulle
Save daily plots on WORK
14:48 Changeset [2424] by labetoulle
Fix typos
14:36 Changeset [2423] by labetoulle
Comments and cleaning in launch_conso.sh
14:32 IPSLCM6 edited by mafoipsl
14:25 Changeset [2422] by labetoulle
add script to load python module and launch everything
14:19 Changeset [2421] by labetoulle
copy plots on dods
11:47 Changeset [2420] by labetoulle
plot daily consumption instead of cumulative total


16:01 Changeset [2419] by aclsce
- IPSLCM6_rc0 and LMDZOR_v6 : use of patch to be able to run with next …
09:27 Changeset [2418] by jgipsl
LMDZOR_v6 change libIGCM version as already done for IPSLCM6_rc0 : Use of …


15:18 Changeset [2417] by labetoulle
put all path definitions in a seperate file


14:47 Changeset [2416] by aclsce
IPSLCM6_rc0 : Use of libIGCM trunk to be able to use modifications related …
10:12 IPSLCM6 edited by mafoipsl
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.