Changes between Version 34 and Version 35 of ESM2025-N-cycle/Meetings

08/23/24 18:16:55 (6 months ago)



  • ESM2025-N-cycle/Meetings

    v34 v35  
     5Back to summer holiday 
     7=== On Friday 19th July === 
     8With Didier, Nicolas, Anne, Thibaut and Marion. 
     10Show different results for preindustrial runs with different initial concentration (315/325/320ppb whole atmosphere). Always big jump at the beginning. 
     12Run pisces ok, many years already computed: meeting next monday with the two Marion. 
     14__//**TO DO**//__ 
     15  * Remake of ratio atm/surf (not the first year) 
     16  * Find equilibrium state with lifetime of 130 years and ratio atm/surf=0.967 
     18=== On Friday 15th July === 
     20Results with 1.3 reduction parameter: ok with Prather's observations. Then run a preindustrial simulation with initial concnetration of 315ppb (325ppb for box model but not at the surface): big jump at the beginning and no equilibrium state. 
     21Find a problem between python script and ferret. 
     23__//**TO DO**//__ 
     24  * Understand problem with script, 
     25  * Plot profiles, 
     26  * Add burden output at first timestep (ask Julien D.) 
     27  * On long simulation, compute ratio between vmr at the surface and on the whole atmosphere.  
     29=== On Friday 5th July === 
     30With Didier, Nicolas, Juliette and Anne. 
     32Run with pisces step by step, changes in namelist comparing with Thibaut's run but it's not working. 
     34Prather's run: now better with 1.3 reduction parameter. Slight difference with the initial concentration given (due to vmr2mmr change with mbar ~1 ppb) 
     35Reduction of 3 ppb or more for equilibrium concentration but increase of 8 years for lifetime, difference of 0.8 TgN/y in loss. (comparing new 1.1 factor with old 1.1) 
     37__//**TO DO**//__ 
     38  * Write doc to explain mass conservation and test made, 
     39  * Make some image emi-lot, burden-burden initial etc. 
     41=== On Friday 26th June === 
     42With everyone. 
     44Conservation problem solved: reduction factor not on the good variable, real factor done. Profiles without sink are converging to a constant value. 
     45Now, Prather's run in present day with 1.2 value not good (too high lifetime: 132 vs 127). 
     46Run fr0Emi0 not mass conserved (very small changes - values on notes) 
     48__//**TO DO**//__ 
     49  * Run simulation with 1.3 for reduction parameter, 
     50  * Change diag by computing with airmass ponderation (for vmr) 
     51  * Test if value of equilibrium profile may be the value of the box model (and it is not at the surface only). 
     52  * Nemo configuration alone. 
     54=== On Friday 21st June === 
     56With no sink, profil are always converging to 0 at the top of the atmosphere... This is changed with no call to expslv. 
     57Compare value before and after different call in LMDZ and INCA: problem seems to be after chemmain and before chemhook_end. Maybe something in vmr2mmr. 
     58Values are different if in LMDZ or in INCA. Due to a integer factor and not a real... 
     59Reduction factor put on jrates which is a diag and not in photos. 
     61__//**TO DO**//__ 
     62  * Continue investigating mass conservation. 
     63  * Pisces configuration for preindustrial and stable simulation (meeting with Christian). 
     65=== On Friday 7th June === 
     66Add output in inca and lmdz to find mass conservation problem. 
     68__//**TO DO**//__ 
     69  * Begin to find of a preindustrial and stable state for pisces (forcing with JRA): how to make it). 
     71=== On Friday 31st May === 
     72With Didier, Nicolas, Juliette and Marion. + Thibaut. 
     74sh and mbar are taken into the diags. Daily outputs made to better understand annual burden. 
     75Anne said phytrac subroutine might be moved in the code but no change appears. 
     77__//**TO DO**//__ 
     78  * Different simulation without emissions, without only bbg, without reaction rate. 
     80=== On Friday 24th May === 
     81With Didier, Anne, Nicolas, Juliette and Thibaut. 
     83Time interpolation better understand now. But always a problem of mass conservation. Excel file made with different values of emissions, burden, loss... 
     84Over 10 years, decrese of 3TgN (9.45-9.15=0.3 over 1 year=> 3 TgN over 10years but only 1TgN seen in burden) 
     85Find incoherence with mbar or dry airmass and way to go from mmr to vmr (not same formule for vmr output). 
     87__//**TO DO**//__ 
     88  * Add aflux as output, 
     89  * Change diag by using airmass now. 
     90  * Problem mass conservation. 
     92=== On Friday 26th April === 
     94Simulation done to find equilibrium state. Seems ok for low emissions (around 250ppb) but not yet for original emissions. 
     95Continue to investiguate where the problem is. Maybe the way we compute lifetime is not good. 
     96Input and output emissions problem solved: output file doesn't contain bbg fluxes (in another variable aflux and not eflux). 
     98__//**TO DO**//__ 
     99  * Test with only in troposphere (until 10km), 
     100  * Compute ratio sum of burden over sum of vmr (near of 4.78 ppb/TgN), 
     101  * Homogeneise sflx_input time axis. 
     103=== On Friday 19th April === 
     105Same difference between input and output with CH4. Time interpolation daily were made to understand the problem. Results are coherent but not with input emissions. 
     107Thibaut has changed the namelist in pisces. Beware on the sinkN2O value. 
     109=== On Friday 12th April === 
     110With everyone. 
     112Lifetimes are around 128 years over 20 years (1880-1900), 129 years over 10 years. Then, equilibrium concentrations given by the box model are around 330 ppb or 332 ppb with a lifetime between 128 and 129 years. Incoherence with simulation. (Same result with low emissions with an equilibrium concentration around 245 ppb but seems to be lower). 
     114Different time interpolations have been made but no change in results (inputs =/= output). Maybe, area are different. 
     116__//**TO DO**//__ 
     117  * Compare input and output values, 
     118  * Compare area files. 
     120=== On Friday 5th April === 
     121With Didier, Nicolas, Anne and Marion. + Thibaut. 
     123A new run with lower emissions have been made: emissions of around 9Tg/y to be around 280 ppb of surface concentration (computed with the box model). 
     125__//**TO DO**//__ 
     126  * Continue to find equilibrium, 
     127  * Try changing the time interpolation for emissions, 
     128  * Put anthropogenic emissions to 0. 
     130=== On Friday 29th March === 
     132Show result on preindustrial and reduction parameter of 1.1. Continue to find equilibrium state and compare loss and input emissions. 
     134=== On Friday 22nd March === 
     136Now, Thibaut has H2S emissions correct (error in INCAflx with an ocean mask on ocean value so distribution only on the coasts). Values are ok on land. 
     138Different preindustrial simulation have been done. Starting at 322 ppb (box model) is too high, starting at 280 ppb (observations) is too low. 
     140__//**TO DO**//__ 
     141  * Continue to find equilibrium state for preindustrial, 
     142  * On long runs, calculate annual mean over 10 years and loss and burden. 
     143  * Test if plausible: knowing lifetime, calculate emissions to have (around 14% = (320-280)/280). 
     144  * What is the impact of a decreasing emissions on lifetime? 
     146=== On Friday 15th March === 
     147With Didier, Nicolas and Thibaut. 
     149Thibaut explain a problem using ocean or land mask. H2S emissions seem weird with only value on the coasts. 
     151I show results with reduction parameter of 1.1 (better than 1.2 because appear in the two types of reaction rates). On present day simulation, lifetimes are now comparable to Prathers's obeservations. 
     153__//**TO DO**//__ 
     154  * Run preindustrial simulation with CM5A2 oxidants and initial concentration computed with a lifetime of 110 year in the box model. 
     155  * Make a comparison between HEMCO and CEDS inventories and write a document on it. 
     157=== On Friday 8th March === 
     158With everyone and Thibaut. 
     160Thibaut explain the model with oceanic transfert and its results with DMS. 
     162__//**TO DO**//__ 
     163  * On Obelix and Spirit: prepare launch files for INCAflx and push them on svn. + write documentation. 
     165=== On Friday 28th February === 
     166With Didier, Juliette and Marion. 
     168Reduction parameter was only on reaction rate and not on photolysis too. Change doesn't seem to go in the right way (increase of lifetime whereas it has to decrease). 
     170__//**TO DO**//__ 
     171  * Continue to test Prather's transport scheme, 
     172  * Understand where the problem is by changing reduction parameter. 
     174=== On Friday 16th February === 
     175With Anne, Nicolas, Juliette and Marion. Special guest: Thibaut in visio. 
     177WP1 asks for specific simulations, so Thibaut will make them including his work on DMS and mine on N2O. 
     179=== On Friday 25th January === 
     180With everybody. 
     182I have used pisces model, understand its inputs and outputs. Some vertical profile are made in a specific zone. We have seen a seasonal distribution of N2O. 
     184Invariants map are now in good shape (no more inverted). 
     186Reduction parameter has been include in INCA. First results with different factors done. It seems that 1.2 is better than others (compare to Prather's results: lifetime around 110 years). 
     188__//**TO DO**//__ 
     189  * Write the methodology to add a input parameter in INCA, 
     190  * Run preindustrial simulation with 1.2 reduction on reaction rates, 
     191  * Add in INCA a map to reduce input emissions of orchidee), 
     192  * See change on N2O profiles with the reduction factor, 
     193  * Test with Prather's transport scheme (ask Anne). 
     195=== On Friday 19th January === 
     196With Didier, Anne, Nicolas and Juliette. 
     198Using Christian restart doesn't change result (except inland seas). Deposite of DMS and N2O are zero. 
     200Full simulation in present day were finish. Comparison of lifetime with Prather's result give values around other models but too high from observations. The idea now is to put a factor to reduce sinks (reaction rate and photolysis). 
     202__//**TO DO**//__ 
     203  * Continue pisces investigation (outputs), 
     204  * Implement a reduction parameter for reaction rates. 
     205  * Investigate error in coupled model (LMDZ problem with 
     207=== On Friday 12th January === 
     208With Didier, Juliette and Marion. 
     210Back to holidays. 
     212Show profiles of O1D and O3: seems good. Maybe a unit problem when taking the ratio of the two. 
     214Simulation with correct oxidants over 30 years: find lifetime around 135 or more years. Few differences by changing oxidant. 
     215In order to reduce the concentration, we have 2 solutions: reduce emissions by 10-15% (1-120/135 ; 120y = lft obs, 135y=our lft) or reduce atmospheric sink (ie transport). 
     217__//**TO DO**//__ 
     218  * investiguate problem with ratio, 
     219  * output of pisces run (factor of 1000 on oceanic emissions in coupled model), 
     220  * change initial state of pisces (mail of Christian). 
     222=== On Friday 15th December === 
     223With Didier, Nicolas, Juliette and Marion. 
     225Lifetimes between simulation are different because of initial state taken at different time (restart from a simulation or from scratch). Convergence toward an equilibrium seems reached around 322 ppb. 
     227Ozone profiles and evolution are shown. There is no stratosphere in IPCC/AR6 oxidants. Reconstruction seems ok: we will use these one (from Olivier's script) now. 
     229__//**TO DO**//__ 
     230  * Include DMS and COS in Orchidee and Inca, 
     231  * Include those species into the transfert between Orchidee and Inca, 
     232  * Study ratio between O1D and O3 (constant for Sophie's files, different for others), 
     233  * Use CM5A2 oxidants in 1990 over 10 years and compare with simulations already made, 
     234  * Check convergence over 30 years. 
     236=== On Friday 8th December === 
     237With Didier, Nicolas, Juliette and Marion. 
     2394 runs were made with a different initial concentration (350, 330, 315 and 310 ppb). It shows a convergence in concentration at the surface for the run with 315ppb as initial surface concentration. This value doesn't correspond to the value we find using the box model. 
     240Oxidants files were created with Olivier's scripts. Few differences appear with those of Yann. 
     242__//**TO DO**//__ 
     243  * Compute lifetime of runs over last 10 years of simulation, 
     244  * Continue 315ppb 's run and/or restart from an other initial state. 
     245  * Start with pisces. 
    5248=== On Wednesday, 22th November ===