Changes between Version 36 and Version 37 of ESM2025-N-cycle/Meetings

10/28/24 16:57:15 (3 months ago)



  • ESM2025-N-cycle/Meetings

    v36 v37  
     6=== On Thursday, 17th October === 
     7With everybody. 
     9The run of only ocean for historical period has begun. In 1850, N,,2,,O is about 5.967 Tg N,,2,,O/yr and the averaged value from 1836 to 1855 is about 6.556 Tg N,,2,,O/yr. It continues and there is no trend for the moment. 
     10Comparison between CNRM evolution and IPSL evolution shows a gap of about 0.4 Tg N,,2,,O/yr, but year 1850 looks similar (the rolling mean makes the difference). Patterns of N,,2,,O fluxes are shown for january and yearly average: it exists a positive zone in the northern latitude in the IPSL result which doesn't exist in the CNRM result.  
     12With fluxes from IPSL, only 4 years has been made for the preindustrial run, using a reduction of 3.8 Tg N,,2,,O/yr (``). 
     14We had also discussed about the coupled model IPSLCM6.3. We need to know which development has to be incorporated in the trunk version (N,,2,,O dev and also DMS ones by Thibaut). It seems that we need to incorporate everything. 
     16__//** TO DO **//__ 
     17  * Make a list of the development made in LMDZORINCA that are not in IPSLCM and organize a meeting with Thibaut and Anne to discuss organization, 
     18  * Change initial state of preindustrial run with reduction by using the mean of 60 years from the spinup, not the year 1850 alone, 
     19  * Lauch pi control for ocean simulation (already tried with less processors but failed). 
     21=== On Friday 11th October === 
     22With Nicolas and Didier. 
     24Three comparative results are shown over 10 years 
     25 * one with anthropogenic and natural emissions (bbg were considered as external forcings), 
     26 * one with all emissions natural, anthropic and bbg, 
     27 * one with all emissions and the reduced emissions (known as `sflx_MAP`) to converge to preindustrial concentration value. 
     28Each simulation was made with CNRM marine fluxes but convergence seems to be achieved. 
     30I explain that reading N2O concentration in a file for the historical run of nemo/pisces simulation is done. 
     32__//** TO DO **//__ 
     33  * Change method of reduction for emissions: not only on land part but also on oceans, 
     34  * Study the differences between runs of Christian and ours, 
     35  * Next step: historical simulation with IPSL N,,2,,O fluxes, 
     36  * Reuse the coupled model and update it. 
    1649Simulation have been done until 1880 but it continues to decrease slowly. We decide to continue this run 20 years. 
    18 We also analyze the ocean spin-up witthe monitoring done over the whole period. NPP is low, N2O fluxes are constants but nothing weird appears. We have to contact Christian to see if 175 years are enough are not (no answer to a previous mail). 
     51We also analyze the ocean spin-up witthe monitoring done over the whole period. NPP is low, N,,2,,O fluxes are constants but nothing weird appears. We have to contact Christian to see if 175 years are enough are not (no answer to a previous mail). 
    2053Speaking about masks and INCAflx, do we need to use ocean mask as we use for land data?