| 5 | === On Friday, 25th October === |
| 6 | With Anne, Didier, Juliette, Nicolas and Marion. |
| 7 | |
| 8 | Few results were shown about lmdzorinca run using IPSL oceanic N,,2,,O fluxes. For the preindustrial run with reduced emissions, convergence is not achieved after 10 years. Neither is for the run with all emissions. The equilibrium concentration value seems to be around 337 ppb but the restart starts at 332 ppb (previous value with CNRM fluxes). |
| 9 | |
| 10 | Oceanic results cannot be shown due to problems with TimeSeries but the problem will be solved in few days. At the moment, pi control run has 50 years (1836-1881) and historical simulation is running from 1836 to 1988. |
| 11 | |
| 12 | __//** TO DO **//__ |
| 13 | * See why restart for lmdzorinca run is not the good one, |
| 14 | * Run timeSeries and monitoring for oceanic runs, |
| 15 | * Incorporate developments in the coupled model. |