Version 9 (modified by jdlod, 7 years ago) (diff) |
List of CMIP6 articles about IPSL-CM6
- IPSL-CM6 : implementation of the CMIP6 forcing terms (IPSL-CM6-LR and IPSL-CM5A2-VLR ?), T. Lurton, Y. Balkanski, P. Cadule, A. Cozic, D. Cugnet, C. Ethé, J.-L. Dufresne, M. Khodri, N. Lebas, P. Peylin, N. Vuichard, O. Boucher
- NEMO :
Menary M. (UK Met Office), J. Mignot, J. Deshayes et al. sur la variabilite interannuelle - decennale dans l'Atlantique Nord
Kuhlbrodt T. (U. Reading), J. Deshayes, J. Mignot et al. sur la circulation dans l'Austral et la MOC globale
Deshayes J. Gastineau G., Mignot J., Swingedouw D. et al. (ordre alphabétique): variabilité centennale (80 ans environ) de IPSL-CM6 pictrl
Deshayes J. et al. (IPSL-CMC + UKESM) : NEMO v3_6_STABLE eORCA1 configurations in CMIP6 : overview and guidelines
- LMDZORv6 as the atmospheric component of IPSL-CM6
- IPSL-CM6-LR : description and climatology
- Past and future climate simulated by IPSL-CM6-LR
- Separate paper for IPSL-CM6-MR ??