Version 24 (modified by jgipsl, 12 years ago) (diff) |
New configuration family v5
New set up of the coupled models of IPSL : IPSL-CM5, LMDZOR, LMDZORINCA. Available configurations are :
- IPSLCM5_v5 contains possibility to run IPSLCM5A, IPSLCM5B or IPSLCM5_C and all smaller configurations such as LMDZOR and LMDZ.
- LMDZORINCA_v5 contains possibility to run LMDZORINCA, LMDZOR or LMDZ (and maybe LMDZINCA later)
- LMDZOR_v5 contains possibility to run LMDZOR or LMDZ
- LMDZREPR_v5 contains possibility to run LMDZREPR or LMDZ
Working branch of modipsl
A new branch of modipsl is created to test new configurations. Extract as follow :
svn co modipsl
New fonctionalities in this branch :
- mod.def : contains the configurations IPSLCM5_v5, LMDZOR_v5, LMDZREPR_v5, LMDZORINCA_v5 in v5 family.
- model : possibility to change a model component version. See revision 1733.
Extract IPSLCM5_v5 configuration
The new configuration name IPSLCM5_v5 is not yet known in the script fait_config. Use following workaround before extracting the configuration :
- Modify mod.def at ligne 71, from IPSLCM5_v5 to IPSLCM5A, to have following line :
- Modify model ligne 419 from IPSLCM5A to IPSLCM5_v2, to have following :
( IPSLCM5_v5 ) ../modeles/UTIL/fait_config IPSLCM5A ;;
LMDZ5 can also be used, in that case change the line for extraction of LMDZ into :
#-C- IPSLCM5_v5 LMDZ5/trunk 1575 11 LMDZ modeles
Contents of the configuration directory (for exemple IPSLCM5_v5 or LMDZREPR_v5)
> ls AA_make AA_make.ldef scripts - this directory exists only for configuration IPSLCM5_v5 containg NEMO GENERAL USER_SPEC
The AA_make* files and the directory scripts are used for the compiling. These are the same as in the old configuration (for exemple IPSLCM5A). There are no differences in compiling compared to the old configurations.
For the running part, there are 2 directories :
contains the sub-directories POST, PARAM and DRIVERS. The files in GENERAL are used for all types of experiments using this configuration. - USER_SPEC
contains different sub-directories with all cards needed for all proposed experiments with the configuration. The possible experiments are divided into sub-configurations which contains different experiments. A configuration may contain several sub-configurations. Only sub-configurations and experiements that are possible with the extracted configuration are present in USER_SPEC.
For exemple for IPSLCM5_v5 :
! Available sub-configurations > ls USER_SPEC IPSLCM5 LMDZ LMDZOR ! Available experiments > ls USER_SPEC/* USER_SPEC/IPSLCM5: Chistorical CpiControl EXP00 historical piControl USER_SPEC/LMDZ: CREATE_amip CREATE_clim clim USER_SPEC/LMDZOR: amip clim
For one experiment, a config.card and a directory COMP exist. The COMP directory contains all components card for the experiment. For example the experiment historical :
> ls USER_SPEC/IPSLCM5/historical config.card COMP > ls USER_SPEC/IPSLCM5/historical/COMP lim2.card lmdz.card oasis.card opa9.card orchidee.card pisces.card stomate.card
How to create a job and run directory
Combining the GENERAL directory with one of the sub-directories in USER_SPEC makes a complete run directory. The ins_job contains the creation of such a run directory.
Choose in USER_SPEC the experiment to be done and copy the corresponding config.card to modipsl/config/IPSLCM5_v5/. Modify the config.card as usual, for at least the JobName. Apply ins_job and the creation of a new run directory will be done :
- the run directory will be created with the same name as JobName in config.card. If a directory with the same name already exists, nothing will be done.
- the directory GENERAL will be copied into the new run directory
- one of the COMP directories in USER_SPEC will be copied into the new run directory, according to the variable UserSpec in config.card
- the config.card will be copied into the run directory
- a job will be created in the run directory
Once the run directory has been created with ins_job, this directory is used as a normal run directory. For example it is possible to remove the job, change the config.card inside the directory and re-create the job with ins_job. To create a second run directory, modify the upper config.card, in IPSLCM5_v5 directory, with at least the JobName, and re-run ins_job. If a directory with the JobName already exist, nothing will be done using this config.card.
DRIVER directory
Another difference with origin configuration structure (such as IPSLCM5A) is the separation between cards and drivers. All cards (expect config.card) are kept in COMP directory and all drivers are in a new DRIVER directory. To use this structure the tag libIGCM_v1_12 or later is needed.
PARAM directory
How to make clear that a variable in a parameter file might be edited by the drivers ?
A new syntax in parameter .def files are used (only for LMDZ and ORCHIDEE for the moment). In .def parameter file set :
- varX = _AUTO_
if the variable always is edited
- varX = _AUTO_ : DEFAULT=toto
if the variable is modified only in some cases, add the a default value
The drivers must be consistent with the parameter files. The driver must not modify a parameter which is not set as _AUTO_.
New functionnality
Ensemble functionnality : ensemble section into config.card and ensemble.card and ensemble driver. More information : wiki:Ensembles
To do list
Obligatoire avant ouverture et cours
- Vérifier les configurations existant dans mod.def
- Choix des noms pour
- Changer pour OASIS sous SVN (Arnaud)
- Validation entre IPSLCM5_v5 et IPSLCM5A
- Validation entre LMDZOR_v5 et LMDZOR_v4
- Validation de LMDZORINCA_v5
- Ajouter option pour modifier les reglages de LMDZ pour un configuration en particulier
- DOCUMENTATION dans modispslforBeginners1 et le cours
- Mettre le fichier Bands en restart.
Souhaitable avant le cours
- Améliorer ins_job (Sébastien D.)
- pour prendre en compte le choix de config.card (pas de copie necessaire)
- pour laisser l'utilisateur modifier le JobName? et d'autre parametre cle
- Ajouter dans ins_job option pour MPI/OpenMP (Arnaud)
- MPI/OpenMP : enlever les parametres obsolètes de config.card liés à l'execution. (Arnaud)
- Moyenne résolution :
- Mettre les fichiers poids sur les comptes commune. Vérifier qu'on pointe sur les bons fichiers pour les différents résolutions. Documenter. (Olivier ?)
- Vérifier que les paramètres sont bons pour la moyenne résolution. pmagic aussi!
- A faire à la main ou automatiser :
- Il faut aussi changer TagName : IPSLCM5A-MR
- Il faut réduire les tailles des Chunck dans les POST
- Revoir les variables "auto" dans les namelist NEMO. Dans le driver, éventuellement utiliser le même type de _sed que dans orchidee.driver et lmdz.driver.
Plus tard
- Avoir un fichier de sortie texte par processeur par défaut
- Séparer les environnements par défaut : calcul et post-traitement
- passage à netcdf4?
- Changer environnement de compilation pour NEMO : utiliser NEMO v3_4 avec fcm et allocation dynamique pour le nombre de processus
- Amélioration dans la gestion des diagnostiques: choix des fichiers, fréquences, time-series,..., simplification et documentation
- Déterminer si souhaitable d'ajouter NEMO et PISCES offline (Chrisitan)
Attachments (1)
- esci-JG-IPSLCM5-20120329.pdf (154.6 KB) - added by mafoipsl 12 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip