
IPSL-CM6 development at IPSL

Liste d'articles IPSL-CM6

See article wiki page : IPSL-CM6-articles

Couplage OASIS

Ocean model

Atmospheric model

  • To be noted new solar constant ~1360-61 W·m-2 used from v5.6 onwards

Continental model

Link to ORCHIDEE main page:

INCA model

Working Groups

North Atlantic Biases

Plantage de fin d'années 2017:

CMIP6 forcings


IPSL-CM6 platform


Nomenclature des versions

Details of simulations

Monitoring closure of the water budget

In order to monitor and check the closure of the water budget in the model, one needs to output

  • aire, pourc_lic, wevap_ter, wevap_oce, wevap_lic, wevap_sic, wsnow_lic, wsnow_sic, wsnow_oce, wsnow_ter, wrain_lic, wrain_sic, wrain_ter, wrain_oce, wbilo_ter, wbilo_oce, wbilo_lic, wbilo_sic, evap, precip, snow, msnow, runofflic in histmth (monthly, LMDZ)
  • emp_oce, emp_ice, friver, calving, iceshelf, iceberg in 1M_grid_T (monthly, NEMO)
  • contfrac, maxvegetfrac, Areas, evap, evapnu, evapflo, inter, transpir, riverflow, coastalflow, rain, snowf, subli, snow, vegetfrac, DelSoilMoist_daily, DelIntercept_daily, DelSWE_daily, delstreamr_daily, delfastr_daily, delslowr_daily, delfloodr_daily, delpondr_daily, dellakevol_daily in 1M_sechiba_history (monthly, ORCHIDEE), output_level_sechiba_history = 2 is needed to have all these variables.

A script is available in

A faire

  • Simulation pre6.0.10 de Laurent à rapatrier sur ciclad pendant le shutdown de curie [Qui ?]
  • Simulation 6.0.10 avec tuning de la pre6.0.10 + dernières révisions de NEMO et ORCHIDEE à lancer sur ada [groupe du mardi matin]. A surveiller pour retuning à la volée éventuelle.
  • Améliorations à apporter d'ici à mai
    • tests "qualité" sur restartabilité
    • options de compilation
    • albédo himalayen (albédo de la neige fonction de la variance du relief)
    • dissipation horizontale pour améliorer u200 ?
    • biais thermiques continentaux tropicaux
    • QBO
  • Forçages
    • ozone 3D de David
    • climatologies d'aérosols

GENCMIP6 consommation (obsolète)


Under construction, read more here IPSLCM6/IPSLCM6.2

This configuration aims to be an updated version of IPSLCM6.1 with more features. Newer versions of the models are used.

Check also the QUEST page IPSLCM6/QUEST


Performances IPSL-CM6

Voir cette page :

Nomenclature des nouvelles versions

Voir cette page :

Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on 05/06/22 17:31:25