IPSL-CM6 development at IPSL
Ocean model
Atmospheric model
- To be noted new solar constant ~1360-61 Wm-2 used from v5.6 onwards
Continental model
Link to ORCHIDEE main page: https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee
INCA model
Working Groups
North Atlantic Biases
CMIP6 forcings
- Test runs - version VLR (P. Sepulchre) : Intranet IPSLCM6 VLR
- Test runs - version LR (O. Marti) : Intranet IPSLCM6 LR
- test runs - version LR (L. Fairhead) :
- Nomenclature des versions :
- 6.0.1 -> LMDz v5.3
- 6.0.2 -> LMDz v5.4 Head de la testing 2488
- 6.0.3 -> LMDz v5.5 même version source mais .def différents
- 6.0.4 -> LMDz v5.6 à venir avec nouvelles sources, TSI à 1360 Wm-2
- Who does which test runs with the coupled IPSL-CM6-LR model? with a dummy example
Date | Objectifs/Nom? | CM6 version | ATM | OCE | ORC | libIGCM | Other
noël | /Olivier B. | 6.0.0 | v0.0 HEAD testing 2000 | the best | v6.10 | 2.8.1 | extracted from 6.0.2, crashes
April 2016 | /Fairhead L. | IPSLCM6.0.3-LR | testing r2488 | nemo_v3_6_STABLE 6353 | trunk 3171 | 2.8 | extracted from 6.0.2, ongoing, 48 years done, here
April 2016 | For ocean parametrisation tests/ Lévy C. | IPSLCM6.0.2-LR with LMDZ physics 5.5 | testing r2488 | nemo_v3_6_STABLE 6353 and namelist of eORCA1 from shaconemo rev. 48 | trunk 3171 | 2.8.1 | extracted from 6.0.2, 15 years OK. Description here Switch to 6.0.4 foreseen
Avril 2016 | Need to see load effect on libIGCM/Sébastien D. | 6.0.2 | branche testing 2.4.8 | 3.6.Stable rev 6353 | trunk rev 3171 | 2.8.1 | extracted from 6.0.2, piCtrl from scratch
Avril 2016 | Have a pdCtrl for each version /Sébastien D. | 6.0.2 | branche testing 2.4.8 | 3.6.Stable rev 6353 | trunk rev 3171 | 2.8.1 | extracted from 6.0.2, pdCtrl from scratch
Avril 2016 | Neet to see load effect on libIGCM/Sébastien D. | 6.0.3 | branche testing 2.4.8 | 3.6.Stable rev 6353 | trunk rev 3171 | 2.8.1 | extracted from 6.0.2, piCtrl from scratch
Avril 2016 | Have a pdCtrl for each version/Sébastien D. | 6.0.3 | branche testing 2.4.8 | 3.6.Stable rev 6353 | trunk rev 3171 | 2.8.1 | extracted from 6.0.2, pdCtrl from scratch