Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of IPSLCMIP5/Analyses

02/20/12 09:38:30 (13 years ago)

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  • IPSLCMIP5/Analyses

    v17 v18  
    2020 * 30/5/2011 
    2121 * t2m_global : [[BR]] [[Image(ATM_t2m_global-histo-rcp.gif, 120px)]] 
    22  * Toutes les figures : [ piControl2 vs v3.historical2 vs v3.historical1 vs v3.rcp26.1 vs v3.rcp60.1 vs v3.rcp45.2 vs v3.rcp45.1 vs v3.rcp85.2 vs v3.rcp85.1 vs v3.rcp26.2] 
     22 * Toutes les figures : [ piControl2 vs v3.historical2 vs v3.historical1 vs v3.rcp26.1 vs v3.rcp60.1 vs v3.rcp45.2 vs v3.rcp45.1 vs v3.rcp85.2 vs v3.rcp85.1 vs v3.rcp26.2] 
    2424=== Intermonitoring : piControl2, v3.historicalx et historicalMisc === 
    2525 * 30/5/2011 
    2626 * t2m_global : [[BR]] [[Image(ATM_t2m_global-histos.gif, 120px)]] 
    27  * Toutes les figures : [ piControl2 vs historicalGHG2 vs historicalNat2 vs v3.historicalAnt1 vs v3.historicalAA1 vs v3.historicalNoAA1 vs v3.historicalNoLU1 vs v3.historical3 vs v3.historical2 vs v3.historical1] 
     27 * Toutes les figures : [ piControl2 vs historicalGHG2 vs historicalNat2 vs v3.historicalAnt1 vs v3.historicalAA1 vs v3.historicalNoAA1 vs v3.historicalNoLU1 vs v3.historical3 vs v3.historical2 vs v3.historical1] 
    2929=== Intermonitoring piControl, 1pctCO2, historic et plusieurs RCPs === 
    3030   * 21/01/2011 : 
    3131   * t2m_global :  [[BR]] [[Image(ATM_t2m_global_piControl_histo_210111.gif, 120px)]] 
    32    * Toutes les figures : [ historicalNat2 vs piControl2 vs 1pctCO22 vs v3.rcp85.2 vs v3.rcp85.1 vs v3.rcp45.2 vs v3.rcp45.1 vs v3.rcp26.1 vs v3.historicalAA1 vs v3.historicalAnt1 vs v3.historical3 vs v3.historical2 vs v3.historical1] 
     32   * Toutes les figures : [ historicalNat2 vs piControl2 vs 1pctCO22 vs v3.rcp85.2 vs v3.rcp85.1 vs v3.rcp45.2 vs v3.rcp45.1 vs v3.rcp26.1 vs v3.historicalAA1 vs v3.historicalAnt1 vs v3.historical3 vs v3.historical2 vs v3.historical1] 
    3434=== Intermonitoring piControl, 1pctCO2, historic et RCPs === 
    3535   * 05/01/2011 : 
    3636   * t2m_global :  [[BR]] [[Image(ATM_t2m_global_piControl_histo.gif, 120px)]] 
    37    * Toutes les figures : [ piControl2 vs historicalNat2 vs v3.historicalNoLU1 vs v3.historical3 vs v3.historical2 vs v3.historical1 vs v3.rcp26.1 vs v3.rcp45.1 vs v3.rcp85.1 vs 1pctCO22] 
     37   * Toutes les figures : [ piControl2 vs historicalNat2 vs v3.historicalNoLU1 vs v3.historical3 vs v3.historical2 vs v3.historical1 vs v3.rcp26.1 vs v3.rcp45.1 vs v3.rcp85.1 vs 1pctCO22] 
    3939=== Intermonitoring piControl, 1pctCO2 résolutions LR et MR === 
    4040 * t2m_global : [[BR]] [[Image(t2m_global_MR.gif, 120px)]] 
    41  * Toutes les figures : [ piControl2 vs piControlMR1 vs CM5MRPIRC1 vs 1pctCO22 vs v2.1pctCO2MR1] 
     41 * Toutes les figures : [ piControl2 vs piControlMR1 vs CM5MRPIRC1 vs 1pctCO22 vs v2.1pctCO2MR1] 
    4343=== Intermonitoring LR et MR avec historical ===  
    44  * Toutes les figures : [ v2.1pctCO2MR1 vs piControlMR1 vs v3.historicalMR1 vs v2.historical1 vs piControl2] 
     44 * Toutes les figures : [ v2.1pctCO2MR1 vs piControlMR1 vs v3.historicalMR1 vs v2.historical1 vs piControl2] 
    4646=== Intermonitoring abrupt4xCO22 ===  
    47  * Toutes les figures : [ abrupt4xCO22r9t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r8t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r7t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r6t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r5t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r4t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r3t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r2t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r1t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r11t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r10t3 vs abrupt4xCO22C vs abrupt4xCO22 vs piControl2] 
     47 * Toutes les figures : [ abrupt4xCO22r9t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r8t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r7t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r6t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r5t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r4t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r3t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r2t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r1t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r11t3 vs abrupt4xCO22r10t3 vs abrupt4xCO22C vs abrupt4xCO22 vs piControl2] 
    4949=== Intermonitoring piControl, 1pctCO2, esmFixClim1 et esmFdbk1 === 
    5050   * MBG_cflx_global :  [[BR]] [[Image(MBG_cflx_global_piControl_ESM.gif, 120px)]] 
    5151   * SBG_cSoil_lands :  [[BR]]  [[Image(SBG_cSoil_lands_piControl_ESM.gif, 120px)]] 
    52    * Toutes les figures :  [ 1pctCO22 vs piControl2 vs esmFdbk12 vs esmFixClim12] 
     52   * Toutes les figures :  [ 1pctCO22 vs piControl2 vs esmFdbk12 vs esmFixClim12] 