Changes between Version 197 and Version 198 of IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/IPSLCM5A-LR

03/27/15 15:59:43 (9 years ago)




    v197 v198  
    2222|| historical Ensemble || historical || 3.2 E|| tier 1 || '''v3.historical2''' || Ended (2005) ||  IPSL [ ftp] and [ Dods] || CMOR [ ftp] and  [ dods] || '''Done''' ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table3#a32:historical More ...] || '''label=r2i1p1''' start year 1860 of piControl2  || - || mrso KO (facteur 48), sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic, umo, vmo (use of wrong scale factor) || 
    2323|| historical Ensemble || historical || 3.2 E|| tier 1 || '''v3.historical3''' || Ended (2005) ||  IPSL [ ftp] and [ Dods] || CMOR [ ftp] and [ dods] || '''Done''' ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table3#a32:historical More ...] || '''label=r3i1p1''' start year 1870 of piControl2 || - || mrso KO (facteur 48),sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic, umo, vmo (use of wrong scale factor) || 
    24 || historical Ensemble|| historical || 3.2 E|| tier 1 || '''v3.historical4''' || Ended (2005) ||  IPSL [ MONITORING only] and [ Dods analyse TS and SE] || CMOR [ ftp] and [ dods]|| '''Done''' ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table3#a32:historical More ...] || '''label=r4i1p1''' start year 1985 of piControl2. Diag aerosols OK, ATLAS are missing || - || mrso KO (facteur 48), sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic, umo, vmo (use of wrong scale factor) || 
     24|| historical Ensemble|| historical || 3.2 E|| tier 1 || '''v3.historical4''' || Ended (2005) ||  IPSL [ MONITORING only] and [ Dods analyse TS and SE] || CMOR [ ftp] and [ dods]|| '''Done''' ||  [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table3#a32:historical More ...] || '''label=r4i1p1''' start year 1985 of piControl2. Diag aerosols OK, ATLAS are missing || - || mrso KO (facteur 48), sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic, umo, vmo (use of wrong scale factor) || 
    2525|| historical Ensemble|| historical || 3.2 E|| tier 1 || '''v3.historical5''' || Ended (2005) || IPSL  [ MONITORING only]  and [ Dods analyse TS and SE] ||  '''TSC OK'''|| ||  || same starting date as Chistorical01  : 1849-12-31 from !CpiControl01 (See Table 5),  ATLAS are missing ||  || mrso KO (facteur 48), umo, vmo (use of wrong scale factor) || 
    2626|| historical Ensemble|| historical || 3.2 E|| tier 1 || '''v3.historical6''' || Ended (2005) ||  IPSL  [ ftp]  and [ Dods] || CMOR [ ftp] and [ dods] || '''Done''' ||  || '''label=r5i1p1''' with complete outputs for ATM and OCE. start year 2000 of piControl2 || - ||  mrso KO (facteur 48), umo, vmo (use of wrong scale factor) ||