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Les simulations Centennales CMIP5 de l'IPSL avec le couplé IPSLCM5A
Les expériences CMIP5 sont décrites officiellement là : CMIP5 experiment design
Merci d'ajouter là toute simulation CMIP5 centennale avec le couplé IPSLCM5A (toutes composantes activées ou non). La partie Infos pointe vers les wikis de travail à compléter autant que de besoin. Il y a une page wiki par table.
- 05/01/2011 : Figure simplifiées des simulations valides et nouvelle page indiquant quelques atlas et monitoring clés : wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Analyses
- 20/12/2010 : Ajout du paragraphe : simulations avec problème connu
- 22/11/2010 : Exposé sur les simulations et l'accès aux résultats. en pdf et en ppt
- 14/12/2010 : Figure simplifiée des simulations retenues pour la CMORisation. en pdf et en ppt
- 15/11/2010 : Figure synthétique des simulations centennales réalisées avec le couplé IPSLCM5A et IPSLCM5A-MR : en pdf et en odp.
Experiment | Short Name | Exp Nb | Tier | Simu Name | Status | Data access | CMOR data | Config files | Infos | Remark
pre-industrial control | piControl | 3.1 | core | piControl2 | Running | Dods | CMOR files | picontrol2 | More ... | > 700 years
historical | historical | 3.2 | core | v3.historical1 | Ended (2005) | Dods | CMOR files | | More ... | start year 1850 of piControl2, ozone v2, aerosol v3
historical | historical | 3.2 E | tier 1 | v3.historical2 | Ended (2005) | Dods | - | | More ... | start year 1860 of piControl2, ozone v2, aerosol v3
historical | historical | 3.2 E | tier 1 | v3.historical3 | Ended (2005) | Dods | - | | More ... | start year 1870 of piControl2, ozone v2, aerosol v3
historical | historical | 3.2 E | tier 1 | v3.historical4 | Running | Dods | - | | More ... | start year 1985 of piControl2, ozone v2, aerosol v3. Diag aerosols OK
AMIP | amip | 3.3 | core | v3.amip1 | finished | Dods | - | | More ... | ozone v2, aerosol v3
mid-Holocene | midHolocene | 3.4 | tier 1 | CM5H6K02 | running | Dods | - | | More ... | Sart year 1861 of piControl2, with trace gazes, CFC and orbital parameters set to those of 6ka, aerosols as in pi
last glacial minimum | lgm | 3.5 | tier 1 | | | Dods | - | | More ... |
last millenium | past1000 | 3.6 | tier 2 | | | Dods | - | | More ... |
Table 4 : Future climate projections with models forced by RCP concentrations.
Experiment | Short Name | Exp Nb | Tier | Simu Name | Status | Data access | CMOR data | Config files | Infos | Remark
rcp4.5 | rcp45 | 4.1 | core | v3.rcp45.1 | Running | Dods | - | - | More ... | Start year 2005 of v3.historical1
rcp8.5 | rcp85 | 4.2 | core | v3.rcp85.1 | Running | Dods | - | - | More ... | Start year 2005 of v3.historical1
rcp2.6 | rcp26 | 4.3 | tier1 | v3.rcp26.1 | Running | Dods | - | - | More ... | Start year 2005 of v3.historical1
RCP 6 (2006-2100) | rcp60 | 4.4 | tier 1 | | | | | | |
RCP 4.5 (2101-2300) | rcp45 | 4.1-L | tier 1 | | | | | | |
RCP 8.5 (2101-2300) | rcp85 | 4.2-L | tier 2 | | | | | | |
RCP 2.6 (2101-2300) | rcp26 | 4.3-L | tier 2 | | | | | | |
Table 5 : Additional simulations with fully coupled carbon/climate models only.
Experiment | Short Name | Exp Nb | Tier | Simu Name | Status | Data access | CMOR data | Config files | Infos | Remark
ESM pre-industrial control | esmControl | 5.1 | core | | | | | | |
ESM historical | esmHistorical | 5.2 | core | | | | | | |
ESM RCP 8.5 | esmrcp85 | 5.3 | core | | | | | | |
ESM fixed Climate 1 | esmFixClim1 | 5.4-1 | tier 1 | esmFixClim12 | Ended | Dods | TSC ? | esmFixClim12 | More ... | start year 1850 of piControl2
ESM fixed Climate 2 | esmFixClim2 | 5.4-2 | tier 1 | | | | | | |
ESM feedback 1 | esmFdbk1 | 5.5-1 | tier 2 | esmFdbk12 | Ended | Dods | TSC OK Wait CMOR2.5 | esmFdbk12 | More ... | -
ESM feedback 2 | esmFdbk2 | 5.5-2 | tier 2 | v3.esmFdbk21 | Standby (2095) | Dods | - | v2.esmFdbk21 | More ... | -
Table 6 : Diagnostic experiments for understanding the long-term simulations.
Experiment | Short Name | Exp Nb | Tier | Simu Name | Status | Data access | CMOR data | Config files | Infos | Remark
1 percent per year CO2 | 1pctCO2 | 6.1 | core | 1pctCO22 | Ended | Dods | CMOR files | 1pctCO22 | More ... | start year 1850 of piControl2
control SST climatology | sstClim | 6.2a | core | v3.sstClim | running | | | | |
CO2 forcing | sstClim4xCO2 | 6.2b | core | v3.sstClim4xCO2 | running | | | | |
abrupt 4XCO2 | abrupt4xCO2 | 6.3 | core | abrupt4xCO22 | Ended | Dods | CMOR files | abrupt4xCO22 | More ... | 260 ans
abrupt 4XCO2 | abrupt4xCO2 | 6.3-E | tier 1 | abrupt4xCO22r?t3 | Ended | Dods | | | More ... | 11x5 yr
all aerosol forcing | sstClimAerosol | 6.4a | tier 1 | | | | | | |
sulfate aerosol forcing | sstClimSulfate | 6.4b | tier 1 | v3.sstClimSulfate | running | | | | |
4xCO2 AMIP | amip4xCO2 | 6.5 | tier 1 | v3.amip4xCO2 | running | Dods | | | |
AMIP plus patterned anomaly | amipFuture | 6.6 | tier 1 | v3.amipFuture | running | dods | | | | | |
aqua planet control | aquaControl | 6.7a | tier 1 | v3.aquaControl | finished | Dods | | | |
4xCO2 aqua planet | aqua4xCO2 | 6.7b | tier 1 | v3.aqua4xCO2 | finished | Dods | | | |
aqua planet plus 4K anomaly | aqua4K | 6.7c | tier 1 | v3.aqua4K | finished | Dods | | | |
AMIP plus 4K anomaly | amip4K | 6.8 | tier 2 | | | | | | |
Table 7 : Simulations for climate change detection and attribution studies.
Experiment | Short Name | Exp Nb | Tier | Simu Name | Status | Data access | CMOR data | Config files | Infos | Remark
natural only | historicalNat | 7.1 | tier 1 | historicalNat2 | Ended | Dods | CMOR files | historicalNat2 | More ... |
GHG only | historicalGHG | 7.2 | tier 1 | v3.historicalGHG1 | Running | Dods | - | | More ... |
No Land Use | historicalNoLU | 7.3 | tier 2 | v3.historicalNoLU1 | Ended | Dods | - | v2.historicalNoLU1 | More ... | move-and-rename v2.historicalNolU1 puis poursuite 1995-2005 avec aerosols v3
Anthropogenic forcing | historicalAnt | 7.3 | tier 2 | v3.historicalAnt1 | Running | Dods | - | | More ... | avec diag aerosols OK
Anthropogenic aerosols | historicalAA | 7.3 | tier 2 | v3.historicalAA1 | Running | Dods | - | | More ... | avec diag aerosols OK
Simulations with known problem
1) Les premières simulations réalisées ont une petite erreur dans le champs d'ozone, mais qui ne doit pas gêner la plupart des analyses climatiques classiques
2) Les simulations v2 ont une légère erreur dans un champs d'aérosols, avec un discontinuité entre 2000 et 2010, mais qui ne doit pas gêner la plupart des analyses climatiques classiques
Experiment | Short Name | Exp Nb | Tier | Simu Name | Status | Data access | CMOR data | Config files | Infos | Remark | Problem
historical | historical | 3.2 | core | v2.historical1 | Ended (2005) | Dods | CMOR files | | More ... | start year 1850 of piControl2, ozone v2 | pb aerosol (saut 2005/2006)
historical | historical | 3.2 E | tier 1 | v2.historical2 | Ended (2005) | Dods | - | | More ... | start year 1860 of piControl2, ozone v2 | pb aerosol
historical | historical | 3.2 E | tier 1 | v2.historical3 | Running | Dods | - | | More ... | start year 1870 of piControl2, ozone v2 | pb aerosol
historical | historical | 3.2 E | tier 1 | historical2 | Ended (2005) | Dods | TSC OK Wait CMOR2.5 | historical2 | More ... | start year 1850 of piControl2 | pb ozone
historical | historical | 3.2 E | tier 1 | historical3 | Stand by (1950) | Dods | - | historical3 | More ... | start year 1860 of piControl2 | pb ozone
historical | historical | 3.2 E | tier 1 | historical4 | Ended (2005) | Dods | TSC OK Wait CMOR2.5 | historical4 | More ... | start year 1870 of piControl2 | pb ozone
historical | historical | 3.2 E | tier 1 | historical5 | Stand by (1900) | Dods | - | | More ... | start year 1880 of piControl2 | pb ozone
AMIP | amip | 3.3 | core | amip1 | Stand by (1995) | Dods | - | | More ... | | pb ozone
AMIP | amip | 3.3 E | tier 1 | amip2 | Stand by (1995) | Dods | - | | More ... | | pb ozone
AMIP | amip | 3.3 E | tier 1 | amip3 | Stand by (1995) | Dods | - | | More ... | | pb ozone
AMIP | amip | 3.3 E | tier 1 | amip4 | Stand by (1995) | Dods | - | | More ... | | pb ozone
AMIP | amip | 3.3 E | tier 1 | amip5 | Stand by (1995) | Dods | - | | More ... | | pb ozone
Table 4 : Future climate projections with models forced by RCP concentrations.
Experiment | Short Name | Exp Nb | Tier | Simu Name | Status | Data access | CMOR data | Config files | Infos | Remark | Problem
rcp4.5 | rcp45 | 4.1 | core | v2.rcp45.1 | Running | Dods | - | - | More ... | Start year 2005 of v2.historical1 | pb saut aerosol (2006)
rcp8.5 | rcp85 | 4.2 | core | v2.rcp85.1 | StandBy (2095) | Dods | - | - | More ... | Start year 2005 of v2.historical1 |
Table 5 : Additional simulations with fully coupled carbon/climate models only.
Experiment | Short Name | Exp Nb | Tier | Simu Name | Status | Data access | CMOR data | Config files | Infos | Remark | Problem
ESM fixed Climate 2 | esmFixClim2 | 5.4-2 | tier 1 | v2.esmFixClim21 | Running | Dods | - | v2.esmFixClim21 | More ... | start year 1850 of piControl2 | pb saut aerosol
ESM feedback 2 | esmFdbk2 | 5.5-2 | tier 2 | v2.esmFdbk21 | Running | Dods | - | v2.esmFdbk21 | More ... | - |
Table 6 : Diagnostic experiments for understanding the long-term simulations.
Experiment | Short Name | Exp Nb | Tier | Simu Name | Status | Data access | CMOR data | Config files | Infos | Remark | Problem
control SST climatology | sstClim | 6.2a | core | sstClim | Ended | Dods | TSC? | | More ... | |
CO2 forcing | sstClim4xCO2 | 6.2b | core | sstClim4xCO2 | Ended | Dods | TSC? | | More ... | |
abrupt 4XCO2 | abrupt4xCO2 | 6.3 | core | abrupt4xCO22C | Ended | Dods | - | | More ... | | 150 ans, without CO2 augmentation known by Carbon cycle (Orchidee and Pisces)
all aerosol forcing | sstClimAerosol | 6.4a | tier 1 | sstClimAerosol | To be redone | - | - | - | - | - |
sulfate aerosol forcing | sstClimSulfate | 6.4b | tier 1 | sstClimSulfate | To be redone | - | - | - | - | - |
4xCO2 AMIP | amip4xCO2 | 6.5 | tier 1 | amip4xCO2 | Stand by (1995) | Dods | TSC? | | More ... | |
AMIP plus patterned anomaly | amipFuture | 6.6 | tier 1 | amipFuture | Stand by (1995) | Dods | - | | More ... | |
aqua planet control | aquaControl | 6.7a | tier 1 | aquaControl | To be redone | Dods | - | | More ... | |
4xCO2 aqua planet | aqua4xCO2 | 6.7b | tier 1 | aqua4xCO2 | To be redone | Dods | - | | More ... | |
aqua planet plus 4K anomaly | aqua4K | 6.7c | tier 1 | aqua4K | To be redone | Dods | - | | More ... | |
AMIP plus 4K anomaly | amip4K | 6.8 | tier 1 | amip4K | Stand by (1995) | Dods | - | | More ... | |
Table 7 : Simulations for climate change detection and attribution studies.
Experiment | Short Name | Exp Nb | Tier | Simu Name | Status | Data access | CMOR data | Config files | Infos | Remark | Problem
GHG only | historicalGHG | 7.2 | tier 1 | historicalGHG2 | Ended (2005) | Dods | - | historicalGHG2 | More ... | | Pb saut aerosol + CO2 fixe dans pisces (au lieu d'évolution historique)
Voir aussi :
Liste des simulations centennales CMIP5 prévues de l'IPSL : tableau en pdf et en html