
Version 48 (modified by mafoipsl, 13 years ago) (diff)


IPSL simulations not included in CMIP5 data base

More simulations done at IPSL related to CMIP5 but not directly included in CMIP5 protocol.

Back to IPSL CMIP5 Centennal experiments : IPSLCMIP5/Centennal

Related to Table 3 : Baseline simulations for model evaluation and for understanding historical and paleoclimates.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status Data IPSL format data CMOR format Infos Remark To do Bad variables
piControl pmagic piControl 3.1 core piControl2pm01 Running ftp and Dods same as piControl2 but pmagic=-0.01 300 years done mrso KO (facteur 48)
historical pmagic historical 7.3 tiers2 v5.histpm01.1 Running start year 1980 from piControl2pm01, aerosol v5 mrso KO (facteur 48)
historical pmagic historical 7.3 tiers2 v5.histpm01.2 Running start year 2000 from piControl2pm01, aerosol v5 mrso KO (facteur 48)
historical v5 aerosols historical Misc 7.3 tier2 v5.historical1 Finished ftp and Dods same as v3.historical1, but with v5 aerosols mrso KO (facteur 48)
historical v5 aerosols historical Misc 7.3 tier2 v5.historical2 Finished ftp and Dods same as v3.historical2, but with v5 aerosols mrso KO (facteur 48)
historical (1850-2005) historical 3.2-E tier1 v3.historical30 A lancer sur titane mrso KO (facteur 48)
historical (1850-2005) historical 3.2-E tier1 v3.historivalV52 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods TSC OK demarrage piControl2 1974-12-31 sur vargas Répertoires Analyse/TS_XX à rapatrier sur CCRT ou à cmoriser sur IDRIS mrso KO (facteur 48)

Related to Table 4 : Future climate projections with models forced by RCP concentrations.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status Data IPSL format data CMOR format Infos Remark Bad variables
RCP 2.6 (2006-2100) rcp26 IPSLv3.rcp26.!NoOz1 Ended IPSL ftp TSC OK RCP 2.6 following v3.historicalNoOz1 ATM TS_HF are missing for the last years because 210011 and 210012 histhf are missing mrso KO (facteur 48)
RCP 8.5 (2006-2100) rcp85 IPSLv3.rcp85.!NoOz1 Running IPSL ftp TSC OK RCP 8.5 following v3.historicalNoOz1 mrso KO (facteur 48)
RCP 4.5 with No Anthropogenic aerosols Misc/rcp45NoAA v3.rcp45NoAA1 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods TSC OK RCP 4.5 following historicalNoAA More ... Nat, Ant, GHG, SA, Oz, LU, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC mrso KO (facteur 48)
RCP 4.5 with No Anthropogenic aerosols Misc/rcp45NoAA v3.rcp45NoAA2 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods TSC OK RCP 4.5 following historicalNoAA More ... Nat, Ant, GHG, SA, Oz, LU, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC mrso KO (facteur 48)

Related to Table 5 : Additional simulations with fully coupled carbon/climate models only.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status Data IPSL format data CMOR format Infos Remark To do Bad variables
ESM fixed Climate 3 esmFixClim3 IPSL v3.esmFixClim31 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods TSC Ongoing idem esmFixClim2 but RCP 8.5 mrso KO (facteur 48)
ESM feedback 3 esmFdbk3 IPSL v3.esmFdbk31 Ended IPSL ftp and Dods TSC OK idem esmFdbk2 but RCP 8.5 mrso KO (facteur 48)

Related to Table 6 : Diagnostic experiments for understanding the long-term simulations.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status Data IPSL format data CMOR format Infos Remark To do Bad variables
abrupt 4XCO2 abrupt4xCO2 6.3 core abrupt4xCO22C Ended IPSL ftp and Dods Not in CMIP5 design : pending More ... 150 ans, without CO2 augmentation known by Carbon cycle (Orchidee and Pisces) mrso KO (facteur 48)

Related to Table 7 : Simulations for climate change detection and attribution studies.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status Data IPSL format data CMOR format Infos Remark To do Bad variables
abrupt 10XBC pi10xBC 7.3 tier 2 pi10XBC Running IPSL ftp and Dods Not in CMIP5 design Abrupt 10xBC present equivalent 2XCO2 mrso KO (facteur 48)

SRES : Simulations using AR4 SRES scenarios for SO4

In these simulations only the SO4 changes. All other aersols, ozone and landuse is kept at the level for year 2000.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status Data IPSL format data CMOR format Infos Remark To do Bad variables
sres a1b sresa1b sresa1b.1 Running IPSL ftp and Dods SRES A1B mrso KO (facteur 48)
sres a2 sresa2 sresa2.1 Running IPSL ftp and Dods SRES A2 mrso KO (facteur 48)
sres b1 sresb1 sresb1.1 Running IPSL ftp and Dods SRES B1 mrso KO (facteur 48)
sres e1 srese1 srese1.1 To be set up Ensemble E1 mrso KO (facteur 48)

Simulations with known problem

1) Les premières simulations réalisées ont une petite erreur dans le champs d'ozone, mais qui ne doit pas gêner la plupart des analyses climatiques classiques
2) Les simulations v2 ont une légère erreur dans un champs d'aérosols, avec un discontinuité entre 2000 et 2010, mais qui ne doit pas gêner la plupart des analyses climatiques classiques

Table 3 : Baseline simulations for model evaluation and for understanding historical and paleoclimates.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status Data IPSL format data CMOR format Config files Infos Remark Problem
historical historical 3.2 core v2.historical1 Ended (2005) Dods TSC OK v2.historical1 More ... start year 1850 of piControl2, ozone v2 pb aerosol (saut 2005/2006)
historical historical 3.2 E tier 1 v2.historical2 Ended (2005) Dods TSC OK v2.historical2 More ... start year 1860 of piControl2, ozone v2 pb aerosol
historical historical 3.2 E tier 1 historical2 Ended (2005) Dods TSC OK historical2 More ... start year 1850 of piControl2 pb ozone
historical historical 3.2 E tier 1 historical3 Stand by (1950) Dods - historical3 More ... start year 1860 of piControl2 pb ozone
historical historical 3.2 E tier 1 historical4 Ended (2005) Dods TSC OK historical4 More ... start year 1870 of piControl2 pb ozone
historical historical 3.2 E tier 1 historical5 Stand by (1900) Dods - More ... start year 1880 of piControl2 pb ozone
AMIP amip 3.3 core amip1 Ended (2005) Dods TSC OK More ... pb ozone
AMIP amip 3.3 E tier 1 amip2 Ended (2005) Dods TSC OK More ... pb ozone
AMIP amip 3.3 E tier 1 amip3 Ended (2005) Dods TSC OK More ... pb ozone
AMIP amip 3.3 E tier 1 amip4 Ended (2005) Dods TSC OK More ... pb ozone
AMIP amip 3.3 E tier 1 amip5 Ended (2005) Dods TSC OK More ... pb ozone

Table 4 : Future climate projections with models forced by RCP concentrations.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status Data IPSL format data CMOR format Config files Infos Remark Problem
rcp4.5 rcp45 4.1corev2.rcp45.1StandBy (2095) Dods TSC OK v2.rcp45.1 More ... Start year 2005 of v2.historical1 pb saut aerosol (2006)
rcp8.5 rcp85 4.2corev2.rcp85.1StandBy (2095) Dods TSC OK v2.rcp85.1 More ... Start year 2005 of v2.historical1 pb saut aerosol (2006)

Table 5 : Additional simulations with fully coupled carbon/climate models only.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status Data IPSL format data CMOR format Config files Infos Remark Problem
ESM fixed Climate 2 esmFixClim2 5.4-2 tier 1 v2.esmFixClim21 Running Dods - v2.esmFixClim21 More ... start year 1850 of piControl2 pb saut aerosol
ESM feedback 2 esmFdbk2  5.5-2 tier 2  v2.esmFdbk21 Ended Dods TSC OK v2.esmFdbk21 More ... -

Table 6 : Diagnostic experiments for understanding the long-term simulations.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status Data IPSL format data CMOR format Config files Infos Remark Problem
control SST climatology sstClim 6.2a core sstClim Ended Dods TSC? More ...
CO2 forcing sstClim4xCO2 6.2b core sstClim4xCO2 Ended Dods TSC? More ...
all aerosol forcing sstClimAerosol 6.4a tier 1 sstClimAerosol To be redone - - - - -
sulfate aerosol forcing sstClimSulfate 6.4b tier 1 sstClimSulfate To be redone - - - - -
4xCO2 AMIP amip4xCO2 6.5 tier 1 amip4xCO2 Stand by (1995) Dods - More ...
AMIP plus patterned anomaly amipFuture 6.6 tier 1 amipFuture Stand by (1995) Dods - More ...
aqua planet control aquaControl 6.7a tier 1 aquaControl To be redone Dods - More ...
4xCO2 aqua planet aqua4xCO2 6.7b tier 1 aqua4xCO2 To be redone Dods - More ...
aqua planet plus 4K anomaly aqua4K 6.7c tier 1 aqua4K To be redone Dods - More ...
AMIP plus 4K anomaly amip4K 6.8 tier 1 amip4K Stand by (1995) Dods - More ...

Table 7 : Simulations for climate change detection and attribution studies.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status Data IPSL format data CMOR format Config files Infos Remark Problem
GHG only historicalGHG 7.2 tier 1 historicalGHG2 Ended (2005) Dods TSC OK historicalGHG2 More ... - Pb saut aerosol + CO2 fixe dans pisces (au lieu d'évolution historique)