Version 94 (modified by oboucher, 9 years ago) (diff) |
General information on CMIP6
Special GMD issue:
CMIP6 foundation paper:
For more general information on CMIP6, see
The CMIP6 data request is documented at
Supercomputing for CMIP6
Mailing list at IPSL: cmip6_dev@… available from
HPC consumption :
Information on new disk spaces:
Deck at IPSL
Deck (entry card for CMIP)
- Person in charge: Olivier Boucher
- Persons performing the runs: IPSL engineers (Arnaud, Sébastien, Sonia, Marie-Alice)
- Models: all configurations used for the MIPs: IPSL-CM6-LR, IPSL-CM6-MR, IPSL-CM6-OA5-VLR
- piControl : 500 years at least
- AMIP : 1979-2014 : 10 members of 35 years
- +1%CO2/y : 140 years
- abrupt4xCO2 : 250 years
Historical (entry card for CMIP6)
- historical : 1850-2014
Individual MIPs at IPSL
AerChemMIP (strat chemistry)
- Persons in charge: Slimane Bekki, Marion Marchand
- Persons performing the runs: + Tatsuo
- Model version: IPSL-CM6-LR-REPROBUS
- Simulations: Hincast: 1960-2010, Future: 1960-2100, Fixed CFCs: 1960-2100, Fixed GHG: 1960-2100
AerChemMIP (trop chemistry)
- Person in charge: Didier Hauglustaine, (+ Anne Cozic )
- model to be used: IPSL-CM6-CHT VLR AP 96x95x39 (all chemistry NMHC_AER)
- Simulations :
- piControl (500 years)
- TIER 1
- 1.1.1 transient historical (165 years)
- 1.1.1 transient historical 1850 NTCF emissions (165 years)
- 2.1.1 Reference SSP3-7 (40 years)
- 2.1.2 Perturbation SSP3-7 (40 years)
- SSP3-7 no change in biogenic (165 years)
- TIER2:
- 1.1.3 transient historical perturbation 1850 biogenics (165 years)
- 2.1.1 SSP1-2.6 impact of land use (40 years)
- TIER 1
- piControl (500 years)
AerChemMIP (aerosols)
- Persons in charge: Yves Balkanski, CDD Crescendo, Olivier Boucher, (+ Anne Cozic)
- Create aerosols forcing : Simulation LMDZORINCA 144x142x79 NP - historical and 1 scenario (Yves)
- model : IPSLCM6CHT 144x142x79 NP (only Aerosols) (24h/year - 377 procs)
- simulations
- Tier 1 Experiments
- 1.Future policy effects on NTCFs and their climate impacts (328 years)
- 2.1. Transient coupled ocean climate impacts
- 2.2. ERFs, as 2.1 but specified transient SST simulations
- 3. Historical forcing from reactive WMGHGs
- 3.3 Perturbation: 1850 WMGHG concentrations, 2014 aerosols (not NOx) emissions. (30 years)
- 3.4 Perturbation: 1850 WMGHG concentrations, 2014 BC emissions. (30 years)
- Tier 2 and 3 Experiments
- Address combinations of NTCFs to identify nonlinearities
- Separate aerosols: coupled ocean and ERF (30 years)
- Timeslice ERFs for aerosol, BC (30 years)
- Quantifying the ERFs of changes in natural emissions
- Timeslice ERFs: dust, seasalt, DMS, fires, (4*30 years)
- Address combinations of NTCFs to identify nonlinearities
- piControl
- Tier 1 Experiments
- Person in charge: Patricia Cadule (Laurent Bopp as a back up)
- Persons performing the runs: Patricia Cadule, Laurent Bopp, Philippe Peylin
- Model to be used:
- concentration driven runs: IPSL-CM6.1-LR (and potentially IPSL-CM6.1-MR for a small number of runs 1pctCO2bgc only)
- emission-driven runs: IPSL-CM6.1-LR (with 3D activation of CO2 transport in the atmosphere)
- Runs to be performed:
- concentration-driven runs (1pctCO2bgc, 1pctCO2rad, historicalbgc, ssp5-85bgc, ssp5-85extbgc) --> Laurent Bopp (Total : 140+140+155+85+200 = 720 years)
- emission-driven runs (esmPIcontrol, esmHistorical, esmsst5-85) --> Patricia Cadule (Total = 200+ + 155 + 85 = 440 years)
- Nitrogen-deposition runs (1pctCO2couN, 1pctCO2bgcN) --> Philippe Peylin (Total : 140 + 140 = 280 years)
- Unofficial MIP
- Person in charge: TBC
- See
- Person in charge: Sandrine Bony
- Persons in charge of runs: Ionela M. (avec Abderahmanne A. et Laurent F.)
- Model: IPSL-CM6-LR (et aussi éventuellement 6.2 et 5A)
- Tier1 (total 174 model years) + part of Tier 2 (max 1030 model years) per model
- Person in charge: Juliette Mignot (+ Didier Swingedouw et Eric Guyliardi)
- Person doing the runs: Juliette Mignot, Didier Swingedouw
- Model: IPSL-CM6-VLR
- Number of years: TBC
- Person in charge: Didier Swingedouw (didier.swingedouw@…)
- See: for a full description of the experimental design.
- Model: IPSL-CM6-LR
- Simulations: using IPSL model, it is planned to perform the three experiments (stressFAF, heatFAF, waterFAF) from Tier1 for a total of 210 years of simulations (280 years if control has to be rerun). The main difficulty is to have 3D tendencies in the ocean as diagnostics outputs of the simulations. NEMO will be hopefully equipped with a key to allow such a requirement.
- Person in charge : Olivier Boucher
- See for more details on GeoMIP6
- See for experiment design and description
- Model : IPSL-CM6-LR
- Simulations: G1ext, G6solar, G7cirrus representing 300 years of simulations + fixed-SST counterparts, possibly G6sulfur with strat aerosol bin model
- GeoMIP at IPSL?
- Person in charge: Laurent Li
- See and for a presentation
- Modèle: IPSL-CM6-LR
- La premiere simulation est une simulation AMIP etendue sur la periode 1870/2013.
- La deuxieme simulation utilisera le modele couple, mais une partie de la SST n'est pas libre, parce qu'elle sera relaxee vers les valeurs observees sur la periode 1870/2013. Les zones de relaxation sont AMO (Atlantique du Nord) et IPO (Pacifique tropical).
- La troisieme simulation consiste a tester l'orographie, avec les effets mecaniques et thermodynamiques separes.
- Le nombre total d'annees est de l'ordre de 500 ans (3/5 en mode couple, le reste avec atmosphere seule).
- Unofficial MIP
- Person in charge: Frédéric Hourdin
- Person in charge: Thomas Dubos
- Person in charge: Martin Vancoppenolle
- Model: any IPSL model contributing to CMIP6
- No additional specific run
- Need to make sure all relevant diagnostics are in the standard runs
- Person in charge: Frédérique Cheruy
- Persons doing the runs: Agnès Ducharne (runs forcés ORCHIDEE), Frédérique + Josefine (runs couplés)
- Runs historique + scenario + ?? (~few 100 years)
- Person in charge : Nathalie de Noblet
- Person performing the runs: Devaraju Narayanappa
- Model version: IPSL-CM6-LR
- Simulations: TBC depending on help
- Person in charge : Julie Deshayes
- Persons performing the runs : Julie Deshayes, Juliette Mignot, Christian Ethé, Laurent Bopp, CDD
- OMIP tier A avec eORCA1 resolution : eORCA1 (1deg) runs : 1 run de 310 yr, responsables : Julie et Juliette
- OMIP tier B avec eORCA1 resolution : eORCA1 (1deg) runs : 2 runs de 310 yr (cf 2 types de concentration CO2 atmosphérique), responsables : Julie, Juliette, Laurent et Christian (le/la responsable sera identifié ultérieurement)
- OMIP tier A avec eORCA025 resolution : eORCA025 (1/4 deg) runs : 1 run de 310 yr, responsable : CDD CRESCENDO qui va être embauché au LSCE
- OMIP tier B avec eORCA025 resolution : eORCA025 (1/4 deg) runs : 2 runs de 310 yr (cf 2 types de concentration CO2 atmosphérique), responsable : CDD CRESCENDO qui va être embauché au LSCE
- Calendrier: les runs OMIP eORCA1 ne seront lancés qu’une fois la configuration couplée avec eORCA1 figée et donc spinup pour la bio réalisé >> pas avant 2017 a priori les runs OMIP eORCA025 ne seront lancés qu’une fois la configuration forcée eORCA025 figée, a priori à la fin du contrat de Gildas Mainsant (CDD Labex IPSL physiquement au LGGE, fin de contrat decembre 2016 je crois)
- Persons in charge: Masa Kageyama, Pascale Braconnot
- Persons doing the runs: Pascale (Holocene + LIG 127kyr), Myriam Khodri (Last millenium), ?? + Masa (Pliocene), Jean-Yves Peterschmitt
- Tier1 + Tier2 ??
- Model: IPSL-CM6-LR (Tier 1) + IPSL-CM5??-VLR (Tier 2)
- see for more details
- Person in charge: Jean-Louis Dufresne
- Person in charge: Jean-Louis Dufresne
- ScenarioMIP at IPSL?
- Person in charge : Marion Marchand, Slimane Bekki
- Runs distributed over the other MIPs
- Person in charge: Myriam Khodri
- Persons responsible for the runs: Myriam Khodri et Nicolas Lebas
- Model: IPSL-CM6-LR (LMDZ144x140x79, NEMO-ORCA1)
- VolMIP: 140 simulations for a total of 1067 years
- Past1000: a single 1150 years (850-2000)
Forcing datasets
Greenhouse gases
- Person in charge : Olivier Boucher
- See for more information
- Data and scripts on ciclad: /home/oboucher/CMIP6/GHG
Chemistry and aerosols
- Persons in charge : Yves Balkanski, Olivier Boucher, Anne Cozic (aerosols)
- See for more information
Solar forcing
- Person in charge: Marion Marchand, Rong-Ming Hu, Olivier Boucher
- See for more information
- The solar forcing preliminary files are on ciclad /home/oboucher/CMIP6/SOLAR.
- The time period of data file is from 1 January 1850 to 31 December 2299. We reprocessed the daily spectral solar forcing data into the data files with 2 and 6 wavebands. You can use the data files with 2 wavebands for current LMDZ model and 6 wavebands for LMDZv5.4 onwards. We also added the variables of solar irradiance anomaly and fraction for the model inputs in a particular waveband.
Stratospheric ozone
- Person in charge: Marion Marchand, Slimane Bekki
- See for more information
Volcanic aerosol
- Persons in charge: Myriam Khodri, Nicoas Lebas, Olivier Boucher
- See for more information
- See on ciclad: /home/oboucher/CMIP6/VOLC for preliminary data
Land use
- Persons in charge: Philippe Peylin, Nathalie de Noblet
- See for more information
Attachments (1)
- C4MIP+.png (95.5 KB) - added by cpipsl 7 years ago.
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