36 | | 2 cases for the boundary conditions are predefined : creation using sea-surface temperature(SST) and sea-ice cover(SIC) from climatology AMIP files or from interannual AMIP files. According to the case you want, copy or link the corresponding .cards. For climatology AMIP : |
| 36 | 2 cases for the boundary conditions are predefined : |
| 37 | * using sea-surface temperature(SST) and sea-ice cover(SIC) from climatology AMIP files. This case will create the file limit.nc containg 360 days to be used for running 30days/month. Use cards with suffix _Climat. |
| 38 | * using interannual AMIP files. This case will create the file limit.nc containg 365 days to be used for running with noleap calendar (always 28 days in february). Use cards with suffix _Interannuel. |
| 39 | |
| 40 | According to the case you want, copy or link the corresponding .cards. For climatology AMIP : |