Version 72 (modified by mafoipsl, 15 years ago) (diff) |
Welcome to IGCMG Wiki page
- Official site for IGCMG with model documentation :
- Intranet site for IGCMG :
- News : all news of IGCMG group
- Documentation : all documentation about IPSL Earth System model
- Modipsl for beginner : ModipslBeginner
- IPSL working pages : wiki Intranet IPSL
The CPLIPSL group
- Direct access to CplIpsl page to have more information about the status of the IPSL global climate model.
IPSL site
Official site for IGCMG |
Usefull IPSL sites
Climate model components
Direct access to sources (components and tools)
LMDZ | LMDZ4 sources |
NEMO (private access) | NEMO sources |
ORCHIDEE (private access) | Orchidee sources |
INCA (private access) | INCA sources |
OASIS | OASIS 3 sources |
IOIPSL | IOIPSL sources |
CONFIG | parameters files for configurations |
modipsl | modipsl tree and tools |
mod.def | mod.def with configurations detailed |
libIGCM | libIGCM library |
FCM | FCM tool |
ioserver | ioserver sources |
atlas | atlas sources |
fast | fast sources |
DODS servers
IGCMG projects
MC2 and data distribution | MC2 |
Escrime | site Escrime |
French research agency (ANR) projects
CICLE | HPC project to increase performances of climate model |
INLOES | HPC project with Japanese cooperation on Earth Simulator |
The Earth Simulator usage for IPSL people (private access) |
Euopeans projects
- ENES :
- Is-ENES : Description of work - (pdf)
- Combine
- 4 pictures animation with precipitations and temperatures for SRES A2 scenario with IPSL and CNRM models for XXIst century simulations - june 2006 :
- other animations for XXIst century with IPSL model :
- other animations :