1 | # ----------------------- FCM extract configuration file ----------------------- |
2 | cfg::type bld |
3 | cfg::version 1.0 |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
7 | # Build information |
8 | # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
9 | |
10 | # Specifying the build directory |
11 | inc bld_dir.cfg |
12 | |
16 | |
17 | bld::infile_ext::cpp C::SOURCE |
18 | bld::infile_ext::conf CPP::INCLUDE |
19 | bld::infile_ext::hpp CPP::INCLUDE |
20 | |
21 | # IMPORTANT: as the build directory may not necessarily coincide with the source directory, |
22 | # each source subfolder should be declared individually |
23 | search_src false |
24 | src::xios $PWD/src |
25 | src::xios::config $PWD/src/config |
26 | src::xios::date $PWD/src/date |
27 | src::xios::filter $PWD/src/filter |
28 | src::xios::functor $PWD/src/functor |
29 | src::xios::interface::c $PWD/src/interface/c |
30 | src::xios::interface::c_attr $PWD/src/interface/c_attr |
31 | src::xios::interface::fortran $PWD/src/interface/fortran |
32 | src::xios::interface::fortran_attr $PWD/src/interface/fortran_attr |
33 | src::xios::io $PWD/src/io |
34 | src::xios::node $PWD/src/node |
35 | src::xios::parse_expr $PWD/src/parse_expr |
36 | src::xios::test $PWD/src/test |
37 | src::xios::transformation $PWD/src/transformation |
38 | src::xios::transformation::Functions $PWD/src/transformation/Functions |
39 | src::xios::type $PWD/src/type |
40 | |
41 | |
42 | #src::date $PWD/extern/boost/src/date_time |
43 | src::blitz $PWD/extern/blitz/src |
44 | src::netcdf $PWD/extern/netcdf4 |
45 | src::remap $PWD/extern/remap/src |
46 | bld::lib xios |
47 | bld::target libxios.a |
48 | #bld::target generate_fortran_interface.exe |
49 | #bld::target test_remap.exe |
50 | bld::target xios_server.exe |
51 | #bld::target test_regular.exe |
52 | #bld::target test_xios2_cmip6.exe |
53 | #bld::target test_new_features.exe test_unstruct_complete.exe |
54 | #bld::target test_remap.exe |
55 | #bld::target test_complete.exe |
56 | #bld::target test_client.exe |
57 | #bld::target test_unstruct_complete.exe |
58 | #bld::target test_unstructured.exe |
59 | bld::exe_dep |
60 | |
61 | bld::tool::cc %CCOMPILER |
62 | bld::tool::fc %FCOMPILER |
63 | bld::tool::fpp %FPP |
64 | bld::tool::cpp %CPP |
65 | bld::tool::cppflags %CBASE_INC -I${PWD}/extern/src_netcdf -I${PWD}/extern/boost/include -I${PWD}/extern/rapidxml/include -I${PWD}/extern/blitz/include |
66 | bld::tool::fppflags %BASE_INC -I${PWD}/extern/boost/include -I${PWD}/extern/rapidxml/include |
67 | bld::tool::ld %LINKER |
68 | bld::tool::ldflags %LD_FLAGS |
69 | bld::tool::cflags %CFLAGS %CBASE_INC -I${PWD}/extern/src_netcdf -I${PWD}/extern/boost/include -I${PWD}/extern/rapidxml/include -I${PWD}/extern/blitz/include |
70 | bld::tool::fflags %FFLAGS %FBASE_INC |
71 | bld::tool::cppkeys %CPP_KEY |
72 | bld::tool::fppkeys %CPP_KEY |
73 | bld::tool::make %MAKE |
74 | |
75 | # Pre-process code before analysing dependencies |
76 | bld::pp false |
77 | bld::pp::xios::interface::fortran true |
78 | bld::pp::xios::interface::fortran_attr true |
79 | bld::excl_dep use::mod_prism_get_comm |
80 | bld::excl_dep use::mod_prism_get_localcomm_proto |
81 | bld::excl_dep use::mod_prism_proto |
82 | bld::excl_dep use::mod_prism |
83 | bld::excl_dep use::netcdf |
84 | bld::excl_dep inc::mpif.h |