Custom Query (33 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Component Priority
#126 Indexed output 2D with 3D fields new ymipsl enhancement XIOS major
#128 Use of a label (character string) associated to a station/mooring new ymipsl enhancement XIOS major
#129 Use of weighted averaged reduction new ymipsl enhancement XIOS major
#132 Spatial reductions across ranks broken new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#133 Xios gregorian calendar actually is proleptic gregorian new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#135 Need a registry dump tool new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#136 Intel compiler optimization causing floating invalid in average.cpp function new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#139 Interpolation + detect missing value new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#140 munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer in XIOS2.5 new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#143 XIOS2.5, Mojave and GCC8.2 new yushan defect XIOS major
#148 domain/axis decomposition conflit in multiple_file mode new yushan defect XIOS major
#149 Numerical error of axis zoom along X direction new yushan defect XIOS major
#150 problem in CDomainAlgorithmGenerateRectilinear::computeDistributionGridDestination new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#152 2nd order interpolation seems to be not reproductive new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#153 interpolation from curvilinear grid to gaussian grid looks not very good new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#161 Type mismatch in src/test/generic_testcase.f90 new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#172 Segmentation violation with trunk on ARCHER2 (AMD/Cray compilers). Bug in xios_set_domain_attr? new jderouillat defect XIOS major
#173 XIOS, fcm and perl new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#174 Compiling XIOS with gcc11 on MacOSX new ymipsl enhancement XIOS major
#176 XIOS don't compile on Irene SKL new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#179 Compilation fails : gcc11 on Mac OS X new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#181 label axis are not written new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#182 XIOS3: xios_server.exe tries to call MPI routine before MPI initialisation new jderouillat defect XIOS major
#184 Bounds added in the rectilinear case of the generic_testcase crash interpolations new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#186 New bounds rectilinear domain crash domain expand new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#187 Compilation fails with clang on Mac OS X in attribute_map.cpp new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#189 Hangs when attempting to use pools and services with XIOS3 generic_testcase new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#190 XIOS3-trunk with NEMO - Hangs at writing step (legacy) or 'Wrong window flavor' error (one-sided) new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#191 Request for information on netcdf4 chunking controls new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#192 Possible evidence of memory leaks (XIOS3) new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#193 check if attribut "indexed-output" work as expected in 3.0 release new ymipsl defect XIOS major
#194 xios test suite results file new mhedley enhancement XIOS major
#196 XIOS3 not recognising matching dimensions new ymipsl defect XIOS major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.