Custom Query (8 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#161 Type mismatch in src/test/generic_testcase.f90 new ymipsl defect major XIOS
#173 XIOS, fcm and perl new ymipsl defect major XIOS
#174 Compiling XIOS with gcc11 on MacOSX new ymipsl enhancement major XIOS
#176 XIOS don't compile on Irene SKL new ymipsl defect major XIOS
#179 Compilation fails : gcc11 on Mac OS X new ymipsl defect major XIOS
#187 Compilation fails with clang on Mac OS X in attribute_map.cpp new ymipsl defect major XIOS
#180 Compilation fails : gcc12 on Mac OS X new ymipsl defect minor XIOS
#171 FCM and perl new ymipsl defect trivial XIOS
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.