Custom Query (10 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Component Version
#126 Indexed output 2D with 3D fields new ymipsl major XIOS 2.0
#128 Use of a label (character string) associated to a station/mooring new ymipsl major XIOS 2.0
#129 Use of weighted averaged reduction new ymipsl major XIOS 2.0
#174 Compiling XIOS with gcc11 on MacOSX new ymipsl major XIOS 2.5
#194 xios test suite results file new mhedley major XIOS 3.0
#94 Need filter 'time-derivate' or 'tendency' new ymipsl minor XIOS 2.0
#144 Add xios_is_initialized() function new ymipsl minor XIOS 2.0
#145 Add xios_is_context_initialized() function new ymipsl minor XIOS 2.0
#167 create new interface to get current context id new ymipsl minor XIOS trunk
#119 verbous message to discard : Computing intersections ... Computing grads ... Remapping... new ymipsl trivial XIOS 2.0
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.