Custom Query (10 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#172 Segmentation violation with trunk on ARCHER2 (AMD/Cray compilers). Bug in xios_set_domain_attr? new jderouillat defect major XIOS
#182 XIOS3: xios_server.exe tries to call MPI routine before MPI initialisation new jderouillat defect major XIOS
#184 Bounds added in the rectilinear case of the generic_testcase crash interpolations new ymipsl defect major XIOS
#186 New bounds rectilinear domain crash domain expand new ymipsl defect major XIOS
#190 XIOS3-trunk with NEMO - Hangs at writing step (legacy) or 'Wrong window flavor' error (one-sided) new ymipsl defect major XIOS
#167 create new interface to get current context id new ymipsl enhancement minor XIOS
#168 Non consistent cf_role attribute defintion when output in UGRID conventuion new ymipsl defect minor XIOS
#183 XIOS3: Errors in generic_testcase/context_oce.xml that cause runtime failures new ymipsl defect minor XIOS
#195 XIOS process exit failure (hang) new ymipsl defect minor XIOS
#197 gunzip within make_xios new mhedley enhancement minor XIOS
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