Custom Query (126 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 126)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#31 fixed inheritance seen by get_attr ymipsl smasson

It would be very convenient if get_attr could see teh attributes that are defined trough inheritance...
Another possibility would be to be able to get the id of its parent...

#32 fixed format of interval_operation and interval_write ymipsl smasson

It is a small detail but the format of interval_operation and interval_write are not very nice:

sst:interval_operation = "6.95322e-310y 6.95326e-310mo 4.94066e-324d 2.18879e-314h 6.93518e-310mi 3600s" ;
sst:interval_write = "6.95322e-310y 6.95326e-310mo 4.94066e-324d 2.18879e-314h 6.93518e-310mi 7200s" ;

Would it be possible to remove rounding errors?

#33 fixed bugfix in attribute_array_impl.hpp? ymipsl smasson

Should the following bugfix be commited?

-bash-4.1$ svn diff
Index: src/attribute_array_impl.hpp
--- src/attribute_array_impl.hpp        (revision 446)
+++ src/attribute_array_impl.hpp        (working copy)
@@ -75,8 +75,12 @@
     template <typename T_numtype, int N_rank>
     void CAttributeArray<T_numtype,N_rank>::setInheritedValue(const CAttributeArray& attr)
-      if (this->isEmpty() && attr.hasInheritedValue()) inheritedValue=attr ;
-     } 
+      if (this->isEmpty() && attr.hasInheritedValue()) 
+      {
+        inheritedValue.resize(attr.shape()) ;
+        inheritedValue=attr ;
+      }
+    } 
     template <typename T_numtype, int N_rank>
     CArray<T_numtype,N_rank> CAttributeArray<T_numtype,N_rank>::getInheritedValue(void) const

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