Custom Query (124 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 124)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#79 fixed add new constraint on zoom definition ymipsl arsouze

I would like to be able to define in XIOS a zoom based on a mask. Typically, I would like to be able to compute a mean (and time series) of temperature over the Atlantic basin, based on an Atlantic mask definition provided as an input file. I think this goes beyond the (i,j) or (lon,lat) zooming options available so far.

#80 fixed Problem with intel 2013.0 ymipsl ymipsl

On ADA (IDRIS), XIOS2 will not compile with compiler 2013.0 but all is OK for version 2013.1. Have a look on this...

#81 fixed Add more informations in one specific output error message yushan acosce

It will be perfect if we can know the name of the array in addition to the size information in this kind of message

In file '/ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p24cozic/WORK/COUP_ORCH_INCA/20160118/modipsl/modeles/XIOS/inc/grid.hpp', line 166 -> [ Awaiting size of the data = 60, Received data size = 780 ] The array of data has not the good size !


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