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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#27 fixed compilation of XIOS with --use_oasis option aclsce aclsce

When you compile XIOS with the "--use_oasis", it is needed to have netcdf fortran interface library at the linking step. So far there is : NETCDF_LIB="-lnetcdf" in arch*.path configuration files of XIOS. "-lnetcdff" is missing to compile with "--use_oasis" option because oasis library needs it.

Proposition : add a NETCDF_LIB="-lnetcdff -lnetcdf" in make_xios file only if "$use_oasis" == "true" ?.

#28 fixed compilation XIOS Oasis path aclsce aclsce

So far, the path of Oasis library is by default : OASIS_INCDIR="-I$WORKDIR/NEMO_COUPLE/prism/X64/build/lib/psmile.MPI1" OASIS_LIBDIR="-L$WORKDIR/NEMO_COUPLE/prism/X64/lib" in arch*path configuration files.

It is not very generic, in particular if we want to include XIOS compilation in IPSL coupled model compilation. We would like to have a relative path instead of absolute path.

Proposition : Replace the actual path by : OASIS_INCDIR="-I$PWD/../../prism/X64/build/lib/psmile.MPI1" OASIS_LIBDIR="-L$PWD/../../prism/X64/lib"

Thanks !

#29 fixed Need more explicit error message ymipsl omamce

Error message

=> Error [CDomain::checkAttributes(void)] : In file
line 267 -> the mask has not the same size than the local domain

An information on the local domain size and the mask size would be appreciated.

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