Custom Query (124 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 124)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#121 fixed mess in time axes ymipsl ssenesi

Using a toy client like test_grid (see former ticket), and

  • defining one field with operation=instant, freq_op=2ts
  • requesting it with output_freq=1ts,
  • running for 4 timesteps with a 600s timestep

I get an output with coordinates="... time_instant" and a time_instant variable which has values : [ 600, 1200, -, -]

This seems odd; I was expecting either :

1- a time_instant variable with values [ 600, 1200, 1800, 24000 ] and fields filled with missing values for instants 600 and 1800 2- or a time_instant variable with values [ 1200, 2400, - , - ]

The same occurs if, instead of setting freq_op=2ts, I send the field only one out of 2 timesteps

What did I miss ?

#55 fixed Memory leak mhnguyen ymipsl

XIOS seems to have some small memory leak at each timestep. Accumulation increase memory consumption for long time simulation and crash the job.

#98 fixed Issue with DHT when the number of indexes is lower than the number of clients mhnguyen rlacroix

This can be reproduced using test_client.exe. The axis has 5 elements but as soon as you use more than 5 servers, the axis size used when computing the indexes will become equal to the number of clients.

The problem lies somewhere in CClientClientDHTInt class or in one of the classes it uses but I'm not familiar with this code so it would be easier if you could have a look at the issue.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.