Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 116)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#123 wontfix Parser just holds on syntax error ymipsl ssenesi

When reading an xml construct such as

<field field_ref="albs" default_value="1.e+20"/>/>

which shows a syntax error near to the end of line, Xios parser just holds

If the xml file is quite long, you may spend some tens of minutes searching for the error (assuming you suspect it is a syntax error, and you are not beginning your search elsewhere ....)

#124 fixed %start_date% is wrong when split_freq="1ts" ymipsl ssenesi

I know this may seem odd, but I tried it anyway : outputting some diags with freq_op="1ts" and split_freq="1ts" In that case, you only get the 'year' part of %start_date%

#146 fixed Need function xios_copy_domain ymipsl ssenesi

A use case for some Surface Models is to have one Xios domain per tile (e.g. for Land, Sea, Town, Lakes ...) which share a single spatial grid but use each a different compression index (data_i_index) For initializing such domains, the cleanest way would be to derive all these domains from a single one, using a 'copy_domain' function

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.