Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 116)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#81 fixed Add more informations in one specific output error message yushan acosce

It will be perfect if we can know the name of the array in addition to the size information in this kind of message

In file '/ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p24cozic/WORK/COUP_ORCH_INCA/20160118/modipsl/modeles/XIOS/inc/grid.hpp', line 166 -> [ Awaiting size of the data = 60, Received data size = 780 ] The array of data has not the good size !


#83 fixed chaining filter doesn't works when reading data from file mhnguyen ymipsl

Field reference are not correctly build when data is coming from a file. <file id="toto" />

<field id="read_field>


<field id="tmp_field" field_ref="read_field"/> <field id="final_field" field_ref="tmp_field" />

Data flow value is not transmitted from tmp_field to final_field.

#84 fixed abort in XIOS cause dead lock with MPI mhnguyen ymipsl

When exception is launch from XIOS, it terminates with abort() call. It may be a mistake with MPI run under some environment since de MPI library doesn't catch the abort and transfer the information to the other MPI processes.

Try to replace abort() in exception.cpp by MPI_Abort

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