Custom Query (124 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 124)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#85 fixed Interpolation does not work ymipsl ssenesi

Doing a simple test of interpolation to a rectilinear domain fails at the stage of close_context. See attached files : s.xml defines one interpolated field and one single output file. When enabling the interpolated field, XIOS crashes with the attached stack trace. In my application, almost all definitions are done using the API. The internal grid is an unstructured one.

#31 fixed inheritance seen by get_attr ymipsl smasson

It would be very convenient if get_attr could see teh attributes that are defined trough inheritance...
Another possibility would be to be able to get the id of its parent...

#200 fixed includes for compilers ymipsl mhedley

for some of our newer platforms then there are includes that are required by the compiler versions in use.

i think i have tested these as being backwards compatible, so i think that they are suitable for adding to trunk for XIOS2 & XIOS3. But, of course, this would need validating as part of any review.

The #includes are similar but not the same for XIOS2 & XIOS3 so i include separate branches for these two trunks, showing the changes we have tested for each

there is further evidence of these changes in our demonstration repository, which is running integration tests with respect to XIOS2 & XIOS3 the changes are apparent and tested within whilst demonstrates that the unpatched code does not build on this platform

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